Disconnect all external devices from the laptop & reboot the laptop.
After logging into your macOS user account, connect one external drive directly to the laptop to test if it triggers the problem. If it is Ok, eject the drive & disconnect it. Plug in the next drive...repeat for each external drive. If all external drives are fine when connected individually and with no other devices connected, then those drives are probably fine.
Next connect your hub, but do not connect anything to the hub just yet. If the hub by itself doesn't trigger a problem, then now connect one external drive to the hub to see what happens. If the hub has multiple USB ports, then test that same drive in each of those ports. If everything is Ok, disconnect the drive & start again with the next drive and so on & so on.
Next would be to connect another external device & see if it is Ok. Then with the hub & that other device connected, try once more with each of your drives.
If you connect multiple drives to this hub, then you will want to start small and connect just two of the drives. Keep experimenting with various combinations to see if a certain combination of devices triggers the problem.
You will also want to check your cables as well as well as making sure all cables connect securely.