

The UK is supporting efforts to bring all parties back to the negotiating table to achieve an inclusive political solution that delivers a peaceful future for the people of Yemen. Reducing conflict will ease the humanitarian crisis and allow the government and partners to focus on reconstruction and development. FCDO is leading the international community to do more to respond to the Yemen crisis. This includes working with UN agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other donors, to respond to urgent humanitarian needs, including the risk of a renewed cholera outbreak. By providing lifesaving humanitarian support; working with legitimate organisations to deliver basic services; providing an opportunity for the poor to secure paid work; and coordinating with the UN and other donors, UK aid is supporting the most vulnerable, helping to build resilience and doing this as effectively and efficiently as possible. The UK Government will continue to provide direct support to the UN Special Envoy’s team, including to facilitate an effective and inclusive peace process. We are supporting UN Women to bring women’s voices - and those of other under-represented groups - into the political process.

FCDO Profile

Note: Many country summaries were written prior to the creation of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and are being incrementally refreshed.
Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the UK Government's official position.

Top projects in Yemen

People reached with humanitarian assistance (food aid, cash and voucher transfers) through DFID support.


2015 - 2020 Source Information
Children under 5, women (of childbearing age) and adolescent girls reached by DFID through nutrition-related interventions.


2015 - 2020 Source Information
People with sustainable access to clean water and/or sanitation through DFID support.


2015 - 2020 Source Information

Sectors and budgets in Yemen

Help with Sector and Budget Figures
Please note that although budgets are generally split by year, some departments publish budgets that span multiple years. These are represented in the first year of their allocation. Cross-government allocations such as Prosperity Fund and Conflict, Stability and Security Fund are known to duplicate budgets published by other departments, as well as using multi-year budgets.


Sectors groups as a percentage of country budgets according to the Development Assistance Committee's classifications.


Programme budget total by year approved at the Programme level to date.

Current finacial year - 2024/2025 £122M

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