

Ghana is a stable democracy that has benefited from a long period of political stability and sustained economic growth. Growth has slowed somewhat recently and there are risks in the short term, particularly around macroeconomic instability. Tackling income and regional inequality, delivering support and services to the most vulnerable, and ensuring shared growth will play a vital role in supporting fur ther poverty reduction.

Top priorities

  • robust, inclusive and transformational economic growth that will result in more and better jobs, and increase incomes for Ghanaians
  • ensuring no one is left behind, FCDO is supporting poverty reduction and growth in the north of Ghana, and helping to improve the lives of women and girls, particularly through improved health and increasing their education and economic opportunities
  • moving towards a sustainable self-financed exit from poverty, including through competent, transparent and accountable governance and improved capacity to deliver services

Further resources

FCDO Operational Plan for Ghana
Ghana page on GOV.UK website

Note: Many country summaries were written prior to the creation of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and are being incrementally refreshed.
Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the UK Government's official position.

Top projects in Ghana

Children supported to gain a decent education.


2015 - 2020 Source Information
Women and girls using modern methods of family planning through DFID support.


2015 - 2020 Source Information

Sectors and budgets in Ghana

Help with Sector and Budget Figures
Please note that although budgets are generally split by year, some departments publish budgets that span multiple years. These are represented in the first year of their allocation. Cross-government allocations such as Prosperity Fund and Conflict, Stability and Security Fund are known to duplicate budgets published by other departments, as well as using multi-year budgets.


Sectors groups as a percentage of country budgets according to the Development Assistance Committee's classifications.


Programme budget total by year approved at the Programme level to date.

Current finacial year - 2024/2025 £11.8M

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