autonomous vehicles - Tagged - DevOps.comWhere the world meets DevOpsTue, 26 Jul 2022 16:51:03 +0000en-US
1 vehicles - Tagged - DevOps.com3232144979424VW CEO Fired for Dev Fails | Fiber Shortage Hits | Google Fires Blake Lemoine, 26 Jul 2022 16:51:03 +0000 this week’s The Long View: Herbert Diess is out at VW because software is hard (yo), fiber optic cable is hard to find, and the guy who said LaMDA was sentient is dumped by Google.]]> Cars May Become an Integral Part of Our Lives Soon, 21 May 2020 06:30:04 +0000 you live in the downtown areas of Pittsburgh, Palo Alto, Miami or other AV hot spots, you’ve probably been missing the Ford Fusion Hybrids with the bulky lidar sensors in your neighborhoods. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many job cuts as well as work from home orders from the government, and this has […]]]> Objectives in the Age of Automation, 06 Mar 2020 08:00:02 +0000 I was 17 years old, back in 1971, I sold orange juice near a busy street corner in New York City. My job was to stand out in front of a fruit stand and dispense quarts of OJ from a machine. It was pretty simple: keep the hopper on the top of the machine […]]]> 10 Emerging Technologies Enterprises Should Know, 04 Jul 2016 06:00:04 +0000 momentum behind the adoption of new technologies underway is no less than astounding. Those enterprises that not only adopt, but learn to master, emerging technologies will be the clear winners in the years ahead as they learn their customers’ needs better, rapidly develop new and successful products and services, optimize their use of business […]]]>