Observability has always been a key factor in software development - not so much on the mainframe. However, the rise of the internet as the go-to platform for modern commerce has caused ...
Mainframe developers have an easier time testing with the Wazi Virtual Testing Platform Working with test data is tricky. If you’re a developer working in a distributed environment, things are difficult enough ...
Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) is a fundamental tenet of modern computer programming. Just about every CS student is taught that duplicating code in an application is an accident waiting to happen. The ...
Current events have revealed that there are two worlds in the employment landscape. One is digital, the other analog. For the most part, those in IT—the digital workers—have been unaffected by the ...
An unintended consequence of COVID-19 is that the practice of social distancing might remain long after the threat posed by the virus subsides. It seems as if COVID-19 (aka the Coronavirus) has ...
The integrated development environment (IDE) is an indispensable tool for software developers. Before it came along, coding was a laborious, detail ladened undertaking. We’ve become accustomed to the syntax checking and code ...
Unit testing is like exercise: Companies know it’s good for you and you should do it, but given their druthers, they’d rather avoid the effort and just get to the benefit. I ...
One of the biggest problems in modern distributed computing is data management. These days data are spread out all over the place. As a result, getting the data you need, exactly when ...
Dependence on technology makes us more independent overall, but it also makes us more isolated. So, what happens if things come to the point where we depend on machines more than we ...