Add the "Save to Drive" button

The "Save to Drive" button allows users to save files to Drive from your website. For example, suppose your web site lists several instruction manuals (PDFs) that users can download. The "Save to Drive" button can be placed alongside each manual allowing users to save manuals to their My Drive.

When the user clicks the button, the file is downloaded from the data source and uploaded to Google Drive as data is received. Because the download is made in the context of the user's browser, this process allows the user to authenticate the action to save files using their established browser session.

Supported browsers

The "Save to Drive" button supports these browsers.

Add the "Save to Drive" button to a page

To create an instance of the "Save to Drive" button, add the following script to your web page:

<script  src="" async defer></script>
<div class="g-savetodrive"
   data- src=""
   data-filename="My Statement.pdf"
   data-sitename="My Company Name">


  • class is a required parameter that must be set to g-savetodrive if you are using a standard HTML tag.

  • data-src is a required parameter containing the URL of the file to be saved.

    • URLs can be absolute or relative.
    • The data-src URL can be served from the same domain, subdomain, and protocol as the domain where the button is hosted. You must use matching protocols between the page and the data source.
    • Data URIs and file:// URLs are not supported.
    • Due to the browser's same origin policy, this URL must be served from the same domain as the page upon which it is placed, or be accessible using Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). If the button and resource are on different domains, refer to Handle buttons and resources on different domains.(#domain).
    • To serve the file when the same page is served by both http and https, specify the resource without a protocol such as data-src="//", which uses the appropriate protocol based on how the hosting page was accessed.
  • data-filename is a required parameter containing the name used for the save file.

  • data-sitename is a required parameter containing the name of the web site providing the file.

You may place these attributes on any HTML element. However, the most commonly used elements are div, span, or button. Each of these elements displays slightly differently while the page is loading because the browser renders the element before the "Save to Drive" JavaScript re-renders the element.

This script must be loaded using the HTTPS protocol and can be included from any point on the page without restriction. You can also load the script asynchronously for improved performance.

Use multiple buttons on a page

You can place multiple "Save to Drive" buttons on the same page. For example, you might have a button at the top and at the bottom of a long page.

If the data-src and data-filename parameters are the same for multiple buttons, saving from one button causes all similar buttons to display the same progress information. If multiple different buttons are clicked, they save sequentially.

Handle buttons and resources on different domains

If your "Save to Drive" button is on a separate page from the data source, the request to save the file must use Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to access the resource. CORS is a mechanism allowing a web application at one domain to access resources from a server at a different domain.

For example, if a "Save to Drive" button is placed on a page at, and the data source is specified as data-src="", the button will fail to access the PDF unless the browser can use CORS to access the resource.

The data-src URL can be served from another domain but the responses from the HTTP server needs to support HTTP OPTION requests and include the following special HTTP headers:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Range
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Cache-Control, Content-Encoding, Content-Range

Access-Control-Allow-Origin can have the value * to allow CORS from any domain or can alternatively specify the domains that have access to the resource via CORS, like If you don't have a server to host your content, consider using Google App Engine.

For more information, refer to your server documentation on how to enable CORS from the origin serving your "Save to Drive" button. For more information on enabling your server for CORS, refer to I want to add CORS support to my server.

JavaScript API

The "Save to Drive" button JavaScript defines two button-rendering functions under the gapi.savetodrive namespace. If you disable automatic rendering you must call one of these functions by setting parsetags to explicit.

Method Description
Renders the specified container as a "Save to Drive" button widget.
The container to render as the "Save to Drive" button. Specify either the ID of the container (string) or the DOM element itself.
An object containing "Save to Drive" tag attributes as key=value pairs, without the data- prefixes. For example, {"src": "//", "filename": "My Statement.pdf", "sitename": "My Company Name"}.
Renders all "Save to Drive" tags and classes in the specified container. This function should be used only if parsetags is set to explicit, which you might do for performance reasons.
The container containing the "Save to Drive" button tags to render. Specify either the ID of the container (string) or the DOM element itself. If the opt_container parameter is omitted, all "Save to Drive" tags on the page are rendered.

Example "Save to Drive" JavaScript with explicit load

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Save to Drive Demo: Explicit Load</title>
        <link rel="canonical" href="">
        <script src="" async defer>
          {parsetags: 'explicit'}
        <div id="container">
          <div class="g-savetodrive"
             data-filename="My Statement.pdf"
             data-sitename="My Company Name">
        <script type="text/javascript">

Example "Save to Drive" JavaScript with explicit render

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Save to Drive Demo: Explicit Render</title>
        <link rel="canonical" href="">
          window.___gcfg = {
            parsetags: 'explicit'
        <script src="" async defer></script>
        <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="render-link">Render the Save to Drive button</a>
        <div id="savetodrive-div"></div>
          function renderSaveToDrive() {
            gapi.savetodrive.render('savetodrive-div', {
              src: '//',
              filename: 'My Statement.pdf',
              sitename: 'My Company Name'
          document.getElementById('render-link').addEventListener('click', renderSaveToDrive);

Localize the "Save to Drive" button

If your web page supports a specific language, set the window.___gcfg.lang variable to that language. If not set, the user's Google Drive language is used.

For available language code values, see the list of supported language codes.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Save to Drive Demo: Async Load with Language</title>
        <link rel="canonical" href="">
        <div class="g-savetodrive"
             data-filename="My Statement.pdf"
             data-sitename="My Company Name">

        <script type="text/javascript">
          window.___gcfg = {
            lang: 'en-US'
        <script src = '' async defer></script>



If you get an XHR error when downloading your data-src URL, verify that the resource actually exists, and that you do not have a CORS issue.

If large files are truncated to 2MB, it is likely that your server is not exposing Content-Range, likely a CORS issue.