
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The Payment Request API's PaymentRequest interface the primary access point into the API, and lets web content and apps accept payments from the end user on behalf of the operator of the site or the publisher of the app.


PaymentRequest() Secure context

Создаёт новый PaymentRequest объект.

Свойства Только для чтения Secure context

Уникальный идентификатор для конкретного запроса PaymentRequest, который можно задать через Если ничего не задано, по умолчанию используется UUID.

PaymentRequest.shippingAddress Только для чтения Secure context

If requested via payment options, returns the shipping address chosen by the user for the purposes of calculating shipping. This property is only populated if the constructor is called with the requestShipping flag set to true. Additionally, in some browsers, the parts of the address will be redacted for privacy until the user indicates they are ready to complete the transaction (i.e., they hit "Pay").

PaymentRequest.shippingOption Только для чтения Secure context

Возвращает идентификатор выбранного варианта доставки. Это свойство заполняется только в том случае, если конструктор вызывается с флагом requestShipping, установленным в значение true.

PaymentRequest.shippingType Только для чтения Secure context

Returns the type of shipping used to fulfill the transaction. This will be one of shipping, delivery, pickup, or null if a value was not provided in the constructor.


PaymentRequest.canMakePayment() Secure context

Indicates whether the PaymentRequest object can make a payment before calling show(). Secure context

Causes the user agent to begin the user interaction for the payment request.

PaymentRequest.abort() Secure context

Causes the user agent to end the payment request and to remove any user interface that might be shown.


merchantvalidation Secure context

With some payment handlers (e.g., Apple Pay), this event handler is called to handle the merchantvalidation event, which is dispatched when the user agent requires that the merchant validate that the merchant or vendor requesting payment is legitimate. Also available using the onmerchantvalidation event handler property.

paymentmethodchange Secure context

With some payment handlers (e.g., Apple Pay), dispatched whenever the user changes payment instrument, like switching from a credit card to a debit card. Also available using the onpaymentmethodchange event handler property.

shippingaddresschange Secure context

Срабатывает каждый раз, когда пользователь меняет вариант доставки. Также доступно с использованием HTML атрибута onshippingaddresschange.

shippingoptionchange Secure context

Срабатывает каждый раз, когда пользователь меняет вариант доставки. Также доступно с использованием HTML атрибута onshippingoptionchange.


Payment Request API
# paymentrequest-interface

Совместимость с браузерами

BCD tables only load in the browser