RGB は、赤、緑、青という 3 つの基本要素(またはチャネル)を混ぜ合わせることで表現されるカラーモデルです。各色は、最終的な色を決定する際、赤、緑、青それぞれの強度を示す 3 つの数字のシーケンス (通常は 0.0〜1.0、または 0〜255) で表されます。

There are many ways to describe the RGB components of a color. In CSS they can be represented as a single 24-bit integer in hexadecimal notation (for example, #add8e6 is light blue), or in functional notation as three separate 8-bit integers (for example, rgb(46, 139, 87) is sea green). In OpenGL, WebGL, and GLSL the red-green-blue components are fractions (floating-point numbers between 0.0 and 1.0), although in the actual color buffer they are typically stored as 8-bit integers. Graphically, a color can be represented as a point in a three-dimensional grid or cube, where each dimension (or axis) corresponds to a different channel.

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