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Manage app pricing

Schedule price changes

If you’ve accepted the Paid Apps Agreement and submitted your app for review, you can schedule price changes for your app. Price changes can have definite start and end dates, or they can be permanent with no end. For example, you can set a promotional price for a month, then return to the regular price.



Global Price Change

You change the price of your app in your base country or region in App Store Connect. Apple provides comparable prices for all other countries or regions, and may adjust some prices on your behalf in the future to account for changes in taxes and foreign exchange rates. Pricing in your base country or region won't be affected.

Temporary Price Change

You select the start and end dates for a temporary price change in certain countries or regions. During this time, Apple won’t adjust your prices in these countries or regions.

Custom Price Change

You manually manage prices for some or all countries or regions. Apple won't adjust prices on your behalf in these countries or regions.

Required role: Account Holder, Admin, or App Manager. View role permissions.

Schedule a global price change

  1. From Apps, select your app. The page opens with the Distribution tab selected.

  2. In the sidebar under Monetization, click Pricing and Availability.

  3. Next to Price Schedule, click the add button (+).

  4. Select Global Price Change, then click Next.

    In the “Create Price Change” dialog, there are three options: “Global Price Change,” “Temporary Price Change,” and “Custom Price Change.” At the bottom of the dialog, the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  5. Select an effective date. Effective dates can be scheduled from today up to the end of the next calendar year.

  6. Select a price for the base country or region. Apple uses this base to provide comparable prices on the other 174 storefronts. As taxes and foreign exchange rates change, prices on the other storefronts will be automatically updated by Apple periodically.

    In the “Schedule Price Change” dialog, there are a field for the “Effective Date” section and a pull-down menu for the “Price” section. The pull down menu under the “Price” section is open, listing a few price points. At the bottom of the dialog, the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  7. Review the prices for each country or region, then click Confirm.

Schedule a temporary price change

  1. From Apps, select your app. The page opens with the Distribution tab selected.

  2. In the sidebar under Monetization, click Pricing and Availability.

  3. Next to Price Schedule, click the add button (+).

  4. Select Temporary Price Change, then click Next.

    In the “Create Price Change” dialog, there are three options: “Global Price Change,” “Temporary Price Change,” and “Custom Price Change.” At the bottom of the dialog, the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  5. Select start and end dates, then click Next. Start dates can be scheduled from today up to the end of the next calendar year. The longest length for a temporary price change is one year.

    In the “Choose Dates” dialog, there are fields to enter a start date and an end date. At the bottom of the dialog, the “Back” button is on the left, and the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  6. Select the App Store countries or regions where you would like the price change to go into effect, then click Next.

    In the “Choose Country or Region” dialog, there are options to select countries and regions. At the bottom of the dialog, the “Back” button is on the left, and the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  7. Select a country or region and a price, then click Next. Apple will use this to provide comparable prices across the selected countries or regions.

    In the “Calculate Prices” dialog, there are pull-down menu for the “Country or Region” section and the “Price” section. The pull down menu under the “Price” section is open, listing a few price points. At the bottom of the dialog, the “Back” button is on the left, and the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  8. Review the prices for each country or region. Make any necessary changes, then click Next.

    If your temporary price change includes your base country or region, note that Apple won’t make any automatic adjustments to your app’s pricing in all 175 countries or regions during the start and end dates you’ve selected. If you’d like to add more storefronts, click Back or Cancel. Otherwise, click Next.

    In the “Country or Region Prices” dialog, comparable prices for all other countries or regions are listed. Each prices are editable. At the bottom of the dialog, the “Back” button is on the left, and the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  9. Review your temporary price changes, then click Confirm.

Schedule a custom price change (manually manage prices in specific countries or regions)

  1. From Apps, select your app. The page opens with the Distribution tab selected.

  2. In the sidebar under Monetization, click Pricing and Availability.

  3. Next to Price Schedule, click the add button (+).

  4. Select Custom Price Change, then click Next.

    In the “Create Price Change” dialog, there are three options: “Global Price Change,” “Temporary Price Change,” and “Custom Price Change.” At the bottom of the dialog, the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  5. Select an effective date. Effective dates can be scheduled from today up to the end of the next calendar year.

  6. Choose the first option, “Manually manage prices in specific countries or regions”.

    In the “Schedule Price Change” dialog, there’s a section for “Effective Date” with a field to enter a date, and a “Price Management” section offering two options: “Manually manage prices in specific countries or regions” and “Manually manage in all countries or regions.” At the bottom of the dialog, the “Back” button is on the left, and the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  7. Select the countries or regions where you’d like to manually manage prices and click Next. You won’t be able to choose your base country or region.

    In the “Choose Country or Region” dialog, there are options to select countries and regions. At the bottom of the dialog, the “Back” button is on the left, and the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  8. Select a country or region and a price, then click Next. Apple will use this to provide comparable prices across the other storefronts you selected.

    In the “Calculate Prices” dialog, there are pull-down menu for the “Country or Region” section and the “Price” section. The pull down menu under the “Price” section is open, listing a few price points. At the bottom of the dialog, the “Back” button is on the left, and the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  9. Review the prices for each country or region. Make any necessary changes, then click Next.

    In the “Country or Region Prices” dialog, Japan is listed with current and new price column. The new price is editable. At the bottom of the dialog, the “Back” button is on the left, and the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  10. Review your upcoming changes, then click Confirm.

Once the change goes into effect, Apple will no longer update your app’s pricing to account for changes in taxes or foreign exchange rates in the countries or regions you selected.

In the “Confirm Feb 17, 2023 Change” dialog,  Japan is listed with current and new price column. At the bottom of the dialog, the “Back” button is on the left, and the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.

Schedule a custom price change (manually manage prices in all 175 countries or regions)

If you schedule a Custom Price Change that includes your base country or region in App Store Connect, Apple will no longer automatically update prices in any of the 175 App Store countries or regions.

  1. From Apps, select your app. The page opens with the Distribution tab selected.

  2. In the sidebar under Monetization, click Pricing and Availability.

  3. Next to Price Schedule, click the add button (+).

  4. Select Custom Price Change, then click Next.

    In the “Create Price Change” dialog, there are three options: “Global Price Change,” “Temporary Price Change,” and “Custom Price Change.” At the bottom of the dialog, the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  5. Select an effective date. Effective dates can be scheduled up to the end of the next calendar year.

  6. Choose the second option, “Manually manage prices in all countries or regions”. Then, click Next.

    In the “Schedule Price Change” dialog, there is a section for “Effective Date” with a field to enter a date, and a “Price Management” section offering two options: “Manually manage prices in specific countries or regions” and “Manually manage in all countries or regions.” At the bottom of the dialog, the “Back” button is on the left, and the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.)
  7. Select a price for the base country or region. This price must be selected for you to manually manage prices in all 175 countries or regions, and you can keep the price as is or update it.

  8. If you want to change prices in other countries or regions, select their prices. Countries or regions you don’t change will keep their existing prices.

    In the “Country or Region Prices” dialog, there is a table that lists countries or regions, their current price with editable price pull-down menu next to it, and difference between the current and new price. At the bottom of the dialog, the “Back” button is on the left, and the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  9. Review the current prices for any countries or regions you didn’t select a price for, then click Next.

    In the “Future Price Adjustments” dialog, prices after selected date for all countries or regions are listed. At the bottom of the dialog, the “Back” button is on the left, and the “Cancel” and “Next” buttons are on the right.
  10. Review all of your upcoming changes and click Confirm.

Once the change goes into effect, Apple won’t update pricing to account for changes in taxes or foreign exchange rates. If you do want Apple to automatically adjust prices for you, you need to create a global price change. Ensure you have read and understand the impact of Apple’s pricing capabilities.

View or edit upcoming price changes

You may view or make changes to your upcoming price changes in App Store Connect at any time.

  1. From Apps, select your app. The page opens with the Distribution tab selected.

  2. In the sidebar under Monetization, click Pricing and Availability.

  3. Under Price Schedule, view your upcoming changes and their start and end dates.

    The price schedule indicates whether Apple may make adjustments to pricing in certain countries or regions due to changes in taxes or foreign exchange rates. Countries or regions where pricing won’t be adjusted displays Manually Adjusted. When Apple automatically adjusts prices, you can locate the upcoming scheduled price details in the Price Schedule. Upcoming Apple reprices are marked Foreign Exchange or Tax Rate Adjustment.

    On the “Pricing and Availability” page, under the “Upcoming Changes” section, the effective dates, the number of impacted countries or regions, and the adjusted method are listed.
  4. You can delete scheduled price changes by hovering over the red delete button (-). In certain cases, such as upcoming tax or foreign exchange rate adjustments, or when a manually adjusted price is starting or reverting, you may not be able to remove an upcoming price change. Click the date of the price change for details.

    On the “Pricing and Availability” page, under the “Upcoming Changes” section, two upcoming changes are listed. The delete button (minus sign) is located at the right side of the second item.