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Test a beta version

View tester feedback

Feedback submitted by testers running TestFlight 2.3 or later appears in App Store Connect. This includes screenshots, comments related to crashes, and general comments. This is also available in TestFlight for Mac and Apple Vision Pro.

App Clip experience feedback can be submitted by testers running iOS 14 or iPadOS 14 or later.

Testers running TestFlight 2.2.1 or earlier on iOS 12.4 or earlier can send feedback to the email address you specify in the Feedback Email field in Test Information.

Note: If a tester was invited with an invitation email, their email address displays in the detailed feedback view. If a tester was invited with a public link, they display as anonymous, unless they entered their email address when submitting feedback. The email address only displays for that particular piece of feedback. Learn more about the detailed feedback view.

Required role: Account Holder, Admin, App Manager, Developer, or Marketing. View role permissions.

View feedback

  1. From Apps, select your app.

  2. Click the TestFlight tab.

  3. In the sidebar below Feedback, click Screenshots. Screenshots and comments submitted by testers appear.

  4. Click Add Filter to filter your view by platform, app version, build group, build, OS version, or device.

  5. Click the feedback to view the full screenshot and written comments from testers. Tester, app, and device information is also available in the detailed feedback view. Learn more about tester feedback.

    Note: Click Open in Xcode from the detailed feedback view to view screenshot feedback in Xcode.

  6. In the top-right, click the download icon to download the feedback as a .zip file. This file includes the screenshot and associated comments.

View crash feedback

  1. From Apps, select your app.

  2. Click the TestFlight tab.

  3. In the sidebar, below Feedback, click Crashes. The table on the right shows when feedback was submitted and other crash details.

  4. Click Add Filter to filter your view by platform, app version, build group, build, OS version, or device.

  5. Click the feedback to read written comments from testers. Tester, app, and device information is also available in the detailed feedback view. Learn more about tester feedback.

    Note: Click Open in Xcode next to the feedback to view crash reports in Xcode

  6. In the top-right, click the download icon to download the feedback as a .zip file. This file includes the crash report and associated comments.


    • Crash reports are available for download for 120 days.

    • If an app becomes unresponsive due to a crash, a crash report will not be included in the .zip file.

Delete feedback

  1. From Apps, select your app.

  2. Click the TestFlight tab.

  3. In the sidebar, below Feedback, click Crashes or Screenshots.

  4. Then, click on the feedback you want to delete.

  5. From the detailed feedback view, click Delete.

  6. In the dialog that appears, click Delete Feedback.

You can also delete the tester that submitted the feedback by clicking Delete Tester & Feedback. The tester will be removed from TestFlight. Removed testers may be re-invited to test your app.

Disable Feedback

You can disable the ability for tester groups to take a screenshot and submit feedback from your beta app and provide additional details about a crash. If you decide you want to receive feedback directly from your beta app and feedback related to a crash again, you can re-enable it. All testers will still be able to send email feedback from the TestFlight app.

  1. From Apps, select your app.

  2. Click the TestFlight tab.

  3. In the sidebar, below Testers & Groups, select a tester group.

  4. Under Tester Feedback, click Disable.

  5. In the dialog that appears, select Disable.

  6. To enable feedback, click Enable below Tester Feedback. In the dialog that appears, select Enable.

Why is one of my testers unable to submit feedback through my beta app even though they are part of a group that feedback is enabled for?

If a tester is a part of multiple groups, and one of the groups has feedback disabled, they will only be able to submit email feedback from the TestFlight app.