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Manage app information

Set an app age rating

An age rating is a required app information property used by the parental controls. App Store Connect provides a list of content descriptions and you identify how frequently each content type appears in your app. Your selections are converted into an app age rating, as well as additional region-specific age ratings.

Some regions have more specific rating guidelines than others. When you describe your app’s content, App Store Connect notes these details and the region-specific age rating to help you understand the impact of including certain types of content in your app.

Learn how to manage app age ratings with the App Store Connect API.

Required role: Account Holder, Admin, App Manager, or Marketing. View role permissions.

Set an app age rating

  1. From Apps, select your app. The page opens with the Distribution tab selected.

  2. In the sidebar, click App Information, under General.

  3. Below Age Rating, click Set Age Rating Across All Platforms.

  4. Select level of frequency for each content description, and click Next.

  5. Select whether or not your app contains unrestricted web access or instances of gambling, and click Next.

  6. View your age rating result and click Done.

To edit the age rating, click App Information in the sidebar, then click Edit next to the age rating.

If your app’s age rating is 12+ or lower but you believe its content may not be suitable for users under 17, you can manually select Restrict to 17+ under Advanced. Your app's age rating will display as 17+ on the App Store, but the content descriptions will still reflect your selections in App Store Connect.

If your app’s age rating is 4+ or 9+ and you want your app to display in the Kids category on the App Store, select Made for Kids under Advanced and specify the age range appropriate for your app. You can't change this selection once your app is approved by App Review. The app and all subsequent updates will need to follow the Kids category guidelines.

Note: Apps that have been in the Kids category can’t be made available on visionOS.

View region-specific ratings

  1. From Apps, select your app. The page opens with the Distribution tab selected.

  2. In the sidebar, click App information, under General.

  3. Below Age Rating, click Rating in Other Countries/Regions.

    A dialog appears showing the age rating in other regions, which displays alongside Apple's age rating on your app's product page in these specific regions.