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Support / App Store Connect / Create product page optimization tests / Configure test treatments

Create product page optimization tests

Configure test treatments

By default, test treatments are copies of your app’s original App Store product page. You can edit the app icon, screenshots, and previews of each treatment. If you choose not to edit one of these items, the metadata from your original product page will display for that item.

Before testing, all of the metadata in your test treatments must be approved. You can submit this metadata without submitting a new version of your app. However, any app icons you want to use must be included in the app binary for the version of your app currently on the App Store, and that app must use an SDK that supports alternate icons in asset catalogs.

If you’re simply changing the order of screenshots or previews that are already on the App Store, or only modifying the app icon, your metadata is already approved and you don’t need to resubmit.

Note: Product page optimization tests aren't available for custom product pages or for product pages on the App Store for Apple Watch or iMessage.

Required role: Account Holder, Admin, App Manager, or Marketing. View role permissions.

  1. From Apps, select your app.

  2. In the left sidebar, click Product page optimization.

  3. The default treatment names are Treatment A, Treatment B, and Treatment C. Treatment names are only visible to you in App Store Connect and help you identify treatments in App Analytics. Next to the treatment name you want to edit, click Edit Name.

  4. Enter a treatment name, then click OK.

  5. Click the App Icon tab, which displays if your app binary includes more than one icon. Any app icons you want to use must be included in the app binary for the version currently on the App Store, and that app must use an SDK that supports alternate icons in asset catalogs. Icons must also be sized to 1024x1024 pixels.

  6. Click Change under under the icon of the treatment you want to change.

  7. Choose an icon from the menu that appears. This menu shows all app icons included in your app’s binary. If an app is downloaded from a product page with a test treatment, the test treatment app icon displays throughout the download process and on the user’s device.

  8. Click the device tabs and add screenshots and previews. If you choose not to edit screenshots or previews for a certain device size, the treatment will use the ones on your original product page for that device size. For details on specifications, visit Screenshot specifications and App preview specifications.