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Create an app record

Add watchOS app information


You can use watchOS 6 SDK to create apps for Apple Watch. These can be either iOS apps with a watchOS app or watchOS-only apps.

To prepare watchOS apps for distribution on the App Store, simply add an iOS app to App Store Connect, then add additional information specific to your app.

Make sure your description includes the app’s functionality on Apple Watch. You also need to provide screenshots for Apple Watch and an app icon. Your screenshots and icon will be reviewed by App Review after you submit your new app version.

Learn how to prepare watchOS metadata for app submission.

Learn more about uploading your app icon.

Required role: Account Holder, Admin, App Manager, or Marketing. View role permissions.

Add watchOS app information

  1. From Apps, click the add button (+) on the top left.

  2. From the pop-up menu, choose New App.

  3. In the New App dialog, select iOS on the top left, then enter the app information.

  4. Click Create, and select Apple Watch tab under “Previews and Screenshots”.

  5. Drag Apple Watch screenshots for Apple Watch to the well.

    View Screenshot specifications. Follow the Human Interface Guidelines when creating your app icon.

  6. Note: iOS screenshots are also required for apps with an iOS component, but not required for watch-only apps.