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Capability and entitlement updates

Game Center for iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS

Starting with Xcode 14, when you enable Game Center for iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS apps, the Game Center entitlement is automatically added to your provisioning profile and entitlements plist file, so it can be signed into your app. If you’ve enabled Game Center in a previous version of Xcode, your app may not include the Game Center entitlement. Please note new app and app update submissions to the App Store with the Game Center capability enabled require the Game Center entitlement.

Follow the steps below to confirm or include the entitlement in your app.

If you’re automatically signing your app with Xcode, and haven’t enabled the Game Center capability, enabling Game Center automatically adds the entitlement to the entitlement plist. If it already appears as enabled in Xcode, and the com.apple.developer.game-center entitlement isn’t in the entitlements plist, remove and re-enable the Game Center capability.

If you’re manually signing your app, make sure the capability is enabled in Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, generate a new profile, and add the com.apple.developer.game-center entitlement directly to your entitlements plist.

Learn more about diagnosing issues with entitlements to verify the entitlement is included in your app. If your app isn’t taking advantage of Game Center, you should remove the capability in Xcode and App Store Connect.