




XIB file is showing an old version
I am trying to update my AboutView.xib file ( through the xcode interface builder, and the changes that I make are correctly reflected in the wysiwyg, as well as in the file itself. However, I whenever the app is built and installed, it shows an older version of the about page. Things I have tried to resolve this are (not listed in order): Product > Clean Build Folder Uninstall and reinstall the app Restart the phone Restart xcode Restart the computer Test a build created through xcode cloud rm -rv ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/ rm -rf "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)/org.llvm.clang/ModuleCache" Changing something in the xib file (hoping it will recognize a change) The only time the about page has shown something different is when I deleted the xib entirely. The project still built and deployed to the test device, but the about page was completely blank. This tells me I am working with the correct file, and when I look at the xml contents of the file, I can't find any of the old strings that are showing up. What the editor shows: What the app shows:
Xcode 16's clang generates incorrect inlined optimized code
I'm encountering a bug with Xcode 16's clang's code generation. It seems to be generating incorrect optimized code (-O2 setting) when functions are inlined and then optimized. This is a behavior that didn't exist in Xcode 15, and also doesn't happen in open source clang (I tested open source clang 17/18/19 on my M1 Max MacBook Pro). The entire code snippet is slightly too long to post here so I'm including a link to the godbolt compiler explorer instead: . This piece of code attempts to find a sequence of illegal UTF-8 characters and report the index of the character in a string. Not that in godbolt, the program works fine and finishes correctly. When I test it in Xcode 16 though (with -O2), it doesn't, and utf_find_illegal returns 4 instead of 3, which is incorrect. Digging through the disassembly it seems to be doing some complicated optimizations by inlining both utf_ptr2len and utf_ptr2char together but it doesn't perform correctly and jumped to the wrong place when the illegal character was found. I did try to see if there are some undefined behaviors or something which caused the optimizer to go to town with the code. Funnily when I use UBSAN (by compiling the code with -O2 -fsanitize=undefined) the code works just fine and the bug doesn't happen. Wonder if other people have seen similar issues? Code generation bugs seem really dangerous considering that people rely on the compiler to… work. I tried to scrub the code to see if there are anything that could suggest the compiler to behave incorrectly but not having any luck as well. I have also tested Xcode 16.1 beta and it doesn't seem to help. Note: Yes, I know I'm supposed to use the Feedback Assistant but I have never received any responses on it even when filing legit bugs and their statuses are still open, with their bugs unfixed. Pardon me for not trusting it too much.
Issue of viewing MPSGraph compiled for iOS platform
We convert a .onnx file to mpsgraphpackage for iOS deploymentPlatform with command “Mpsgraphtool convert -deploymentPlatform iOS -minimumDeploymentTarget17.0.0 model.onnx -path .” When open output.mpsgraphpackage with Xcode16, there are only “generic” and “ Apple M2(MTLDevice)” options in the “Device” selection list. Cannot find any option for iOS device. How can we view mpsgraph compiled for iOS platform? We use Xcode16 on a MacBook Pro M2 with macOS 15.
SVG Assets for regular size class are not being picked up by iPads
I’m encountering an issue with image assets when using SVGs in my app. I need to provide different images for regular and compact width size classes. Here’s what I’m doing: 1. Added SVG image assets for dark and light modes 2. Preserve Vector Data is checked. 3. Appearances is set to `Any, Dark` 4. Set the width class to `Any & Regular` and the height class to `Any` However, when I run the app on iPads, it picks up the images for the compact size class instead of the regular size class ones. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Production Issue - MetricKit is not generating daily metric payloads as expected since iOS 18
I'm a big fan of MetricKit. I decided to see how my apps are performing with iOS 18 and well, I'm not getting any metric payloads from those devices. Metric payloads received from my test devices adopting iOS 18 has pretty much bottomed out to zero. Is anyone getting MetricKit MXMetricPayloads from iOS 18 devices? FB15461298 - MetricKit: Production issue / regression with iOS 18 - Significant dropout or metric payloads being generated since 18.0 - nearly no reports To demonstrate the issue, I decided to graph the metric payloads my infrastructure receives for all of my apps across all of my devices over the last 16 months starting with WWDC23 timeframe. This data is grouped by count per month. A trend can easily be seen starting in June 2024 where I started to adopt iOS 18 betas. Zooming in since WWDC24, grouped by week, it is much easier to see the decline. Note, the second screenshot shows data collected from Xcode builds, TestFlight, and App Store. The last data point from today was a manual creation from Xcode's Debug window, so at least that triggering mechanism works and I can confirm all of my code to upload off device works as expected. On the bright side, I guess I will ship this 'payload received over time' feature in my MetricKit payload analyzer app with a scrolling window and group by features that make up these screenshots.
Payment autorization failed.
Hello everyone, I am a solo developer and wanted to join the Apple Store Developers Club. I registered an Apple account for myself. After that, I tried to pay for membership in the club. At first, my payment was declined, although there was enough money there. Then I tried to do it again, but now I get the error "Your payment authorization failed on card ***. Please verify your information and try again, or try another payment method." I contacted support, support advised me to make a payment through the application, but I do not use Apple devices. Otherwise, through the web, the payment still does not happen. I don’t know what to do with all this, I have been waiting for more than a month.
EASession return nil on iOS18
On iOS 18.x when try to create EASession we get nil, but on iOS 17.x everything works. We have app which use USB cable for connecting external accessories. Scenario is when we have fresh instal, connecting with accessory work fine, EASession is created, streams are opened. When we unplug USB, we close streams, remove any reference to session and accessory, remove accessory delegate. When plug it again, creating EASession is returning nil. Only after restarting iPhone, we can create new EASession with appropriate protocol and accessory. Every next attempt without reseting iPhone is failing. Logs from accessory is following: 00:05:51.811000 : onUSBDeviceFound(pDevice=0xffc818)) iPhone USB device already in the device list w/id=1 -> update status now[21;1H 00:05:51.830000 : setConnectionStatus(status=connected) [devId=1] state updated -> forward[21;1H Capabilities indicate HostMode possibility => role switch is triggered 00:05:52.848000 : updateDIPODeviceConnections() iPhoneUSB w/caps=5 (=CarPlay or HostMode), deviceTag=2 in Device mode -> request role switch[21;1H Role switch seems to be successful 00:05:54.914000 : setSwitching('stable') changed[21;1H 00:05:54.915000 : updateDIPODeviceConnections() iPhoneUSB w/caps=2, id=1, deviceTag=2 and native transport -> request app launch and call connectUSB[21;1H 00:05:54.967000 : ConnectiAP2(05ac:12a8, s/n='00008101000160921E90801E', writeFD='/dev/ffs/ep3', readFD='/dev/ffs/ep4', hostMode){3}[21;1H Native transport should become available but does not (the following line is not present for failed case. Taken from successful case) 00:05:24.983000 : OnDBusPropChanged_NativeTransport(): deviceId=2, started=1, iAP2iOSAppIdentifier=1, sinkEndpoint=3, sourceEndpoint=4, TransactionID=1 EAP Start event not received (trace line from success try) 00:05:25.057000 : EAPSessionStart(ctx=0x74e0b800){2} called[21;1H Is there any braking change on iOS 18 considering EASession? Also what is strange is that it works on fresh instal/restart iPhone, but not working on second attempt?
NSInternalInconsistencyException. Could not load NIB in bundle: NSBundle xxxx (loaded)
NSInternalInconsistencyException. Could not load NIB in bundle: NSBundle xxxx (loaded) with name 'xxxx', Occasionally found problems, but not necessarily, This problem occurs in many NIBs。 Xcode 16, There are many systems that have problems, some of which can be seen in the figure below CoreFoundation ___exceptionPreprocess + 164 5 UIKitCore -[UITableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:] + 156 6 XinChaoBrain tableView (xxxx.swift:442) 7 XinChaoBrain tableView (<compiler-generated>:0) 8 UIKitCore -[UITableView _createPreparedCellForGlobalRow:withIndexPath:willDisplay:] + 1348 11 UIKitCore -[UITableView layoutSubviews] + 148 12 XinChaoBrain XinChaoBrain.***.layoutSubviews() -> () (<compiler-generated>:0) 13 XinChaoBrain layoutSubviews (<compiler-generated>:0) 14 UIKitCore -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:] + 1528 26 UIKitCore _UIApplicationMain + 340 27 XinChaoBrain main (main.m:15) 28 dyld 0x00000001bd8b2000 + 250196 another 0 CoreFoundation ___exceptionPreprocess + 164 1 libobjc.A.dylib _objc_exception_throw + 60 2 CoreFoundation -[NSException initWithCoder:] 3 UIKitCore -[UINib instantiateWithOwner:options:] + 344 4 UIKitCore -[UIViewController loadView] + 396 5 UIKitCore -[UIViewController loadViewIfRequired] + 156 6 UIKitCore -[UINavigationController _updateScrollViewFromViewController:toViewController:] + 124 7 UIKitCore -[UINavigationController _startTransition:fromViewController:toViewController:] + 192 8 UIKitCore -[UINavigationController _startDeferredTransitionIfNeeded:] + 608 9 UIKitCore -[UINavigationController __viewWillLayoutSubviews] + 96 10 UIKitCore -[UILayoutContainerView layoutSubviews] + 172 11 UIKitCore -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:] + 1528 12 QuartzCore CA::Layer::layout_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 504 13 QuartzCore CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 148 14 QuartzCore CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*, double, double*) + 464 15 QuartzCore CA::Transaction::commit() + 648 16 UIKitCore __UIApplicationFlushCATransaction + 84 17 UIKitCore __UIUpdateSequenceRun + 84 18 UIKitCore _schedulerStepScheduledMainSection + 172 19 UIKitCore _runloopSourceCallback + 92
Unable to verify my identity for Apple Developer account enrollment
Initially, I had some issues enrolling in the individual Apple developer program. Then, I contacted support via email, and they finally requested that I verify my identity. I submitted my national ID for verification and then received an email stating that my identity was verified. After that, I tried to enroll in the Apple developer program, but the issue persisted even after they instructed me to proceed. Subsequently, I received an email stating that my identity was not verified. Here is the exact wording from the email: "We can’t verify your identity with the Apple Developer app or provide further assistance with the Apple Account for Apple developer programs." After that, I tried to reach support several times, but there has been no response from them.
UI automation with iphone mirroring
My use case is to run UI automation on ios device in lab. To do that I have a iOS device connected to Mac. and My goal is to Run periodic UI automation on device Control iOS device via Mac To control the device, I enabled iphone mirroring (support added in MacOS 15 and ios 18.0 onwards) but for this device has to be locked. When I keep the iOS device locked, the APP UI contents are not available to Xcode. How to solve this? If I disable the mirroring, Xcode is able to read App content, but I can't control the device via Mac.
Errors with XCode C++ Standard Libraries
So I was searching for answer to this question but nothing really came up. I am building a C++ static library for iOS and I use <vector> from standard library. However when I try to build I get error from within SDK iOS 17.5 char_trait.h as follows: /Applications/ No member named '__constexpr_wmemcmp' in namespace 'std'; did you mean '__constexpr_memchr'? and in constexpr_c_functions.h as follows: /Applications/ Static assertion failed due to requirement 'sizeof(const wchar_t) == 1': Calling memchr on non-trivially equality comparable types is unsafe. I've set my c/c++ standards to C17 and C++17 in the build settings. I have no idea what these weird errors are. Could really use some help.
Issue with WebSocket Secure (wss) connection on iOS (works on Node.js, fails on iOS app)
Hello everyone, I’m developing an iOS application that uses WebSocket Secure (wss) to connect to a backend server, which is working correctly. The server is hosted on and accepts connections over https and wss. Context: • I can connect to the backend without issues using HTTPS from both the app and a web browser. • Using Node.js and the Socket.IO client, the WebSocket connection to the server works correctly over wss://. • The server is configured with a valid SSL certificate (the HTTPS connection is verified and works in a browser). • The problem occurs when I try to connect from the iOS client (using Socket.IO in Swift) to the server through wss:// The connection consistently fails on iOS. The Issue: Even though the URL is correctly configured, and I can connect via Node.js, when I attempt to connect from the iOS app, I get connection-related errors. The most common error is: Error while connecting to the socket: Tried emitting when not connected • The server URL is correct (wss:// • The JWT token is being sent correctly in the headers. • There are no visible SSL certificate issues since the HTTPS connection works fine. • I’ve tried enabling and disabling App Transport Security (ATS) in the Info.plist. • From Node.js, the same connection code works fine, indicating that the WebSocket server is active and operational. Current iOS Configuration: let manager = SocketManager(socketURL: url, config: [ .log(true), .compress, .reconnects(true), .forceWebsockets(true), .extraHeaders(["Authorization": "Bearer (token)"]) ]) What I’ve tried so far: 1. I’ve tested the connection on different networks, including Wi-Fi and mobile data. 2. I’ve checked the iOS device restrictions and disabled potential network limitations. 3. I’ve enabled detailed logs in Crashlytics, but I can’t find any relevant information indicating why the connection is failing. 4. The same URL with wss:// works on Node.js, so it’s not an issue with the WebSocket server. Question: What could be preventing the iOS app from establishing a successful connection to the WebSocket server over wss://? Is there anything else I should configure in the app or server to allow iOS to handle secure WebSocket connections? I would appreciate any help or suggestions to resolve this issue. Thank you in advance.
"Unable to Install" Message
Getting this in the message: Upgrade's application-identifier entitlement string (…) does not match installed application's application-identifier string (…); rejecting upgrade. … Upgrade's application-identifier entitlement string … does not match installed application's application-identifier string …; rejecting upgrade. … The Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData folder contains three children folders for the Xcode Project. Could the three Xcode Project children folders be deleted, then Run the Project. Then generating a single new Project Folder? No other Xcode Project has more than one child folder. I'm also having a problem Adding an Image in this New Post. Could this be related to my Developer Account settings?