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Appstore Icon
Invalid large app icon. The large app icon in the asset catalog in App can’t be transparent or contain an alpha channel. For details, visit: (ID: 66c7fa15-3081-433a-9f12-8b003fefedd3 I builded with sketch. I have a background, which is transparent the circles aren't fill. What I doing wrong.
Initiating group facetime WatchOS
Is there are URL scheme available to WatchOS that will start a group call? The facetime-group prefix prompts the user to start on iOS, but is unsupported on watchOS. Additionally, on WatchOS, the user can manually select contacts to add to an existing facetime audio call. URL scheme example that worked on iOS: facetime-group://?remoteMembers=+12345678901;+23456789012&isVideoEnabled=1 Console warning when attempting on WatchOS: -[SPApplicationDelegate extensionConnection:openSystemURL:]:2418: URL with scheme "facetime-group" not supported.
Can't downgrade MacBook with external ssd
I struggle because im using a beta version of macOS, making me unable to export my Xcode build to App Store Connect. so I wanted to downgrade my silicon MacBook to Sonoma, in order to install the latest not beta version of Xcode. but I really struggle: I want to use an empty external ssd disk but when following the doc I face the following issue: if I perfectly follow this when I try to boot in recovery by selecting the Sonoma installer, my external disk is gray showing the error "This volume is not formatted as APFS". sorry for low quality then if I try to fix this, by going to Disk Utility, finding my external disk and format it to APFS (instead of Mac OS Extended (Journaled) like in the doc), when I try to run the command of the doc I get: leandrotolaini@Leandros-MacBook-Pro ~ % sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/Untitled Password: Ready to start. To continue we need to erase the volume at /Volumes/Untitled. If you wish to continue type (Y) then press return: y APFS disks may not be used as bootable install media. An error occurred erasing the disk. this occurs when I change format to APFS here I don't know what to do...
Apps cannot be on multiple screens in iOS 18
Since using the iOS 18 beta in July I am unable to add apps to multiple screens at a time. For example, I have a screen for my work focus and I cannot add the calculator app to this screen while it is on another screen. If I try to add it to a screen it is removed from the other screen. Has anyone else noticed this? Is this expected to be fixed in iOS 18 or could it be a retrogressive feature?
PLEASE READ - Easy App Ideas
As a beginner to Swift and SwiftUI, I would like to make a collaborative list on the Dev Forum of simple apps for beginners to develop which they could actually use. If you see this post, please reply with any easy app idea you can think of. Thank youuuuu :DDDD
分类文件中 #import "NSDate+Utilities.h" 中有个方法是@property (readonly) NSInteger weekday; 调用此属性崩溃
自定义分类文件中】 #import "NSDate+Utilities.h" 文件中中有个方法是@property (readonly) NSInteger weekday; 调用此属性崩溃,我必须把属性名改成@property (readonly) NSInteger nweekday; 才不会崩溃,在iOS18以前没有出现这个问题,今天iOS18上会出现此问题,找不出原因,麻烦给解释一下。
Writing ndef messages to a NXP 215 tag with known password
I am using the CoreNFC framework in iOS 14 above to read and write to a NXP 215 NFC tag. I have no problems reading the tag and getting the data out from it, but I have a problem when trying to write to it when password protection is enabled in the tag. as you can see the class NFCTagManager. I use the NFCTagReaderSession to read the tag. Then I use a switch statement on the tag to get the type of it, where I get .miFare. After connect the session to the tag. I am trying "authenticateAndWrite" according to the manual of NTAG21X . I try to unlock it using the tag.sendMiFareCommand with the a UInt8 array starting with the “0x1B” auth command byte followed by the 4 bytes password. Then I check the response data and compare it to the PACK which is programmed into the tag, which matches. Then I call the mifareTag.queryNDEFStatus function to make sure, that the tag is having the status .readWrite. Finally I call the mifareTag.writeNDEF function with an NDEF Message which is an exact copy of the one already on the tag. From this call I got the error: “Stack Error” . If I follow the approach above with a similar tag when i using NXP TagWriter app clear the password, the write is successful using the same code.(My guess is that after clearing the tag's password, the card's password will not actually be cleared, but the write restrictions on certain sectors will be lifted.) Questions: What are the correct approach in your opinion to unlocking a tag with a password using the CoreNFC framework. Is there a function in CoreNFC to unlock a password protected tag, or is sendMiFareCommand the right way to do it? Why do I get a "Stack Error" when I verify the password and prepare to write the NDEF data? class NFCTagManager: NSObject, NFCTagReaderSessionDelegate { var readerSession: NFCTagReaderSession? var writeData: WriteData? var ndefMessage: NFCNDEFMessage? func writeTag(writeData: WriteData) { guard NFCNDEFReaderSession.readingAvailable else { NSLog("NFC is not available.") return } self.writeData = writeData readerSession = NFCTagReaderSession(pollingOption: .iso14443, delegate: self) readerSession?.alertMessage = "Hold your iPhone near a writable NFC tag to update.".localizeString() readerSession?.begin() } func writeNDEF(mifareTag: NFCMiFareTag) { mifareTag.queryNDEFStatus { (status, capacity, error) inif status == .readWrite { mifareTag.writeNDEF(self.ndefMessage!) { (error: Error?) inif let error = error { let msg = String(format: NSLocalizedString("Failed to write NDEF", comment: "写入NDEF失败"), error.localizedDescription) self.readerSession?.invalidate(errorMessage: msg) } else { self.readerSession?.alertMessage = "Update success!".localizeString() self.readerSession?.invalidate() } } } else if status == .readOnly{ //error } else { //error } } } func authenticateAndWrite(mifareTag: NFCMiFareTag) { let password: [UInt8] = [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF] // Replace with the correct passwordlet pack: [UInt8] = [0x00, 0x00] // Replace with the correct PACK // Prepare the password commandlet passwordCommand: [UInt8] = [0x1B] + password // Authenticate with the tag mifareTag.sendMiFareCommand(commandPacket: Data(passwordCommand)) { (response: Data, error: Error?) inif let error = error { let msg = String(format: NSLocalizedString("Authentication failed", comment: "身份验证失败失败"), error.localizedDescription) self.readerSession?.invalidate(errorMessage: msg) return } // Check the PACK response to verify correct authentication if response.count == 2 && Array(response) == pack { // Successfully authenticated, now write NDEF self.writeNDEF(mifareTag: mifareTag) } else { //error } } } func tagReaderSessionDidBecomeActive(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession) { //Prepare data ndefMessage = NFCNDEFMessage(records: [urlPayload!]) os_log("MessageSize=%d", ndefMessage!.length) } func tagReaderSession(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession, didInvalidateWithError error: Error) { NSLog("didInvalidateWithError : \(error.localizedDescription)") } func tagReaderSession(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession, didDetect tags: [NFCTag]) { if tags.count > 1 { session.alertMessage = "More than 1 tags found. Please present only 1 tag.".localizeString() session.restartPolling() return } guard let tag = tags.first else { //error return } session.connect(to: tag) { (error: Error?) inif let error = error { let msg = String(format: NSLocalizedString("Connection failed", comment: "连接失败"), error.localizedDescription) session.invalidate(errorMessage: msg) return } //switch to mifareTagif case let .miFare(mifareTag) = tag { self.authenticateAndWrite(mifareTag: mifareTag) } else { //error } } } }
Pgadmin 4 Problem
Facing This error while installing Postgres 16.4 The application cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10669 "(null)" UserInfo={_LSLine=4129, _LSFunction=_LSOpenStuffCallLocal}
How do I actually USE ""?
I invested in Norton Utilities a while ago. For me, it was a mistake. I finally managed to find "Remove", for which the ReadMe file describes about 20 different ways to use the file to dump Norton apps, but doesn't indicate how to actually make that happen. I realize that I'm asking this on an Apple forum rather than a Norton forum, but can anyone help? I'm on an M1 Mini running Sequoia Beta.
Is there a Spotlight volume size limit?
I am asking here after finding no information on this anywhere. There doesn't appear to be any documentation on this. I am having trouble with an 18TB volume over a simple SMB network. One iMac; one Mac Mini with attached storage, ethernet 10g. I have a 6TB volume that has no issues over the same network. Settings are all the same as far as I know. Both hard drives have a VolumeConfiguration.plist /Volumes/Media_1/.Spotlight-V100/VolumeConfiguration.plist /Volumes/Media_2/.Spotlight-V100/VolumeConfiguration.plist Media_1 is the 18TB HDD Media_2 is the 6TB HDD I ran diff on both volumes' VolumeConfiguration.plist and what jumped out was the different string in "PolicyProcess": diff /Users/john/Documents/media_2plist.txt /Users/john/Documents/media_1plist.txt |colordiff | $(brew --prefix git)/share/git-core/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight 3c3 < 16D4F012-5E09-4D3B-ACD4-6768C0DA2048 = Dict { --- > 502C691E-AEE5-4729-B540-722F1C681B19 = Dict { 5,6c5,6 < PolicyProcess = mdutil < PolicyDate = Thu Jul 25 10:07:47 CST 2024 --- > PolicyProcess = STORE_ADD > PolicyDate = Tue Aug 27 19:30:08 CST 2024 Why is Spotlight choosing PolicyProcess = STORE_ADD for the 18TB HDD and PolicyProcess = mdutil for the 6TB HDD ? What is the difference between them and can I choose which PolicyProcess Spotlight uses? I can't find much from the network on the 18TB drive even after it has been re-indexed multiple times. Oddly it seems that while it is being indexed I get better results than once it has completed indexing. Thanks for any insights.
5d & BBEdit Crashing Overnight
For some reason I am seeing and/or BBEdit crash overnight. There are no reports in the Console. I set up a cron job for every 15 minutes to measure memory pressure and to see if BBEdit was open. Last night it was showing System-wide memory free percentage: 74% when the app closed. I have no cron jobs that close BBEdit. Either one of these apps close overnight on a regular basis, but it's not every night. I don't know how to troubleshoot this. Anybody have any ideas? Cheers
GAmebling online
Gambling apps use real money bets, somehow they get past apple censorship. I hope the management will handle this
Casino app appears on appstore
Gambling apps use real money bets, somehow they get past apple censorship. I hope the management will handle this
There was an error processing your request. Please try again later
Hello everyone, on August 31st, all the apps in my personal developer account were suddenly expired and deleted, I have not received any response from Apple. My apps are in compliance with Apple's policies. I then uploaded a new version and sent it to the review team, but I received the following error "There was an error processing your request. Please try again later." I have contacted Apple via Email and Phone but no one cares about my problem. Has anyone had the same situation as me, I am really worried.
Creating and IDE for html css and JavaScript
Hello, I am creating an app to let users coding html css and JavaScript. i did import WebKiit and SuiftUI, but has somany errors in the code to implement my logic so users can switch between html css and Javascript. i did create the program and working perfectly and created an app using Built in Apple the lunch Automator programs works perfect , and wants it to build an app on. Xcode for macOS . comes with so many errors in and red the documentation still have so many bugs . import SwiftUI import Webkit struct ContentView: View { @State private var webView: WKEebview = WKWebview() …. main bugs : webView.evaluateJavaScript …. xcode didnt recognize the instance . looking for recommendations. Thanks again