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Apple Practices Concerning Published Apps and Their Updates
I would like to warn other developers about shocking Apple practices of not allowing to update already published games. I have two published games on App Store and Apple does not allow me to update my games to fix simple bugs or just to replace the game icons. The updates are classified as SPAM despite the successful publication of the original games. I cannot comprehend what benefit would Apple have from dealing with upset users and developers who download suboptimal apps and who are not allowed to update already published apps to fix issues and improve users' experience. Do you think that such practices are fair? Your thoughts are welcome.
entitlement 'beta-reports-active' failed in provisioning profile
Ich versuche meine App in den App Store hochzuladen, erhalte aber im Auslieferungsprotokoll den folgenden Fehler: "Error Domain=ContentDelivery Code=90163 "Asset validation failed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. The entitlements in your app bundle signature do not match the ones that are contained in the provisioning profile. The bundle contains a key that is not included in the provisioning profile: 'beta-reports-active' ..." Ich habe ordnungsgemäß ein Zertifikat erstellt und je ein Bereitstellungsprofil für "Ad Hoc" bzw. "Testfly" und für "AppStore". Beiden Bereitstellungsprofilen habe ich das erstellte Verteilungszertifikat zugeordnet. Während die "Ad Hoc" Version problemlos in das Apple Portal hochgeladen werden kann, bekomme ich den oben genannten Fehler, wenn ich die "App Store" Version hochladen möchte. Wie kann ich das Bereitstellugsprofil für "AppStore" so ändern, dass ich die App hochladen kann?
Default Review Sorting
Hi, I am wondering why on the app store the default sorting on review section is "sort by Most Helpful" rather than the latest review? On this particular concern also would like to know the algorithm behind the most helpful? Since we saw that the most helpful review was comment from 5 years ago in which we have fixed so much things and the related reviews seems irrelevant.
How to Publish App as Public in the App Store for Business Use
I’m currently trying to distribute my app on the App Store, but I received the following response during the review process: "We found in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is intended for apps with a public audience, we recommend reviewing the other distribution options available to you through your Apple Developer Program Account." My app is primarily for business use, but it's designed to be accessible to multiple companies who register with us, rather than being limited to just one specific organization. It doesn't contain any features for the general public at the moment, but I do want it to be available publicly on the App Store for any business that registers. Can anyone guide me on why my app was flagged during the review process and how I can adjust my submission to ensure it can be published as a public app in the App Store? Thanks in advance!
How to Publish App as Public in the App Store for Business Use
I’m currently trying to distribute my app on the App Store, but I received the following response during the review process: "We found in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is intended for apps with a public audience, we recommend reviewing the other distribution options available to you through your Apple Developer Program Account." My app is primarily for business use, but it's designed to be accessible to multiple companies who register with us, rather than being limited to just one specific organization. It doesn't contain any features for the general public at the moment, but I do want it to be available publicly on the App Store for any business that registers. Can anyone guide me on why my app was flagged during the review process and how I can adjust my submission to ensure it can be published as a public app in the App Store? Thanks in advance!
App Store localization fallbacks
How does the App Store handle localized content fallbacks in the store listing, in app products, and game center content? For example, if a user's language is set to Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT, and I don't supply a translation for pt-PT but I do for pt-BR (Brazil), will it show the user the pt-BR translation or as a developer, do I need to provide both translations (i.e. all language variations/regions)? Another example, if I provide translations for en-US and en-GB and the user's language is Australian English (en-AU), will it show en-US or en-GB on the store or in Game Center? I would expect it to use en-GB.
Not getting crash logs for TestFlight builds
Hello, We haven't been getting crash logs for internal TestFlight builds. I've tried intentionally causing a crash by calling fatalError() directly. The TestFlight feedback dialog appears and crash logs appear on the iPhone device itself, but they never appear in App Store Connect or Xcode Organizer. The builds are all created by an Xcode cloud workflow and the Share analytics with App Developers setting is on. I filed a radar ticket at FB15453505, but I wonder if others might have run into the same thing. Has anyone else had this issue and figured out how to resolve it?
Xcode's default macOS Deployment Target is 11 which causes Testflight submission warning
If a new (iOS) project is created in Xcode then a default set of deployment targets and values gets automatically created and set as follows: If the iPad, Mac, and Apple Vision supported destinations are deleted from the Xcode general section, these deployment targets still remain. If the app is then built using Xcode 16 and uploaded to TestFlight/App Store then the following issue is reported: TMS-90899: Macs with Apple silicon support issue - The app isn‘t compatible with the provided minimum macOS version of 11.0. Why is XCode populating the macOS deployment target with a value that that results in this issue? Why is Xcode even populating all 6 of these targets at all when its for an iOS app and hence 5 of them are redundant? Can the macOS deployment value simply be increased to silence this issue? Or can these that aren't relevant to iOS be deleted (if so how)? TIA
Encryption and Info.plist
"" -> "macOS Builds -> The following builds are available to test." show this message about Encryption: "Missing Compliance Manage". My Mac OS application don't use any encryption. From "Complying with Encryption Export Regulations" ( "Add the ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption key to your app’s Info.plist file with a Boolean value that indicates whether your app uses encryption. Set the value to NO if your app—including any third-party libraries it links against—doesn’t use encryption" But Info.plist no longer in Xcode (Version 15.4). What can I do ?
Request for Clarification on App Review Feedback
I have developed a mobile app for an electronics marketplace where users can buy and sell electronics. I submitted my app for review, and I received the following feedback: Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats The app or its metadata appears to contain potentially misleading content. Specifically, the app includes content that resembles (MyAppName) without the necessary authorization. This is my first app launch, and I would like some clarification on how to address this issue. I’m unsure of the specific content that might resemble myApp and would appreciate guidance on what exactly I need to modify or provide to meet the review guidelines. Could you please clarify the next steps I should take? I would be happy to provide further information if necessary.
Discovery and Engagement API Data missing impressions for specific sources
I've set up the Discovery and Engagement Report via the API to create daily reports. I'm using the Standard report so it includes all of the data and doesn't remove any as per the privacy policy. It's providing impression data for the App Store Search and App Store Browse source types but it's missing impression data for the others (web referrer and app referrer) - this data is available in the dashboard. Also, the impression data that I do have does not align with the dashboard, I thought using the standard report would mean all of the data would get provided. The product page view data is correctly being provided in the data for each of the source types. Any ideas why it's missing?
Question about requirment for my vpn on app store
I am currently developing an app designed to allow iPhone and iPad users to change their IP address to an Iranian IP through a VPN, regardless of their location outside of Iran. This app aims to help Iranians abroad access websites that restrict access to users with foreign IP addresses. Based on Apple's regulations, what specific documentation is required for me, as an individual developer, to submit this app to the App Store? Additionally, is it feasible to publish such an app
Rejected Due to 4.3(a) Design - Spam
Hi, I have a VPN app that was developed using Flutter, and all of the codebase was created on our own. We are not using any code templates or etc. However it constantly gets rejected due to this reason. My suspicion is that I was originally developing this app using another developer account, and we had submitted it to TestFlight before. If I remove this app from my older account, would it still be considered as a "duplication" of existing app?
My macOS game was rejected because it requires login. iOS app approved. It is a multiplayer game and a user has to be identified to play the game
Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage We noticed that your app requires users to register or log in to access features that are not account based. Apps may not require users to enter personal information to function, except when directly relevant to the core functionality of the app or required by law. For example, an e-commerce app should let users browse store offerings and other features that are not account based before being asked to register, or a restaurant app should allow users to explore the menu before placing an order. Registration must then only be required for account-specific features, such as saving items for future reference or placing an order. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise your app to let users freely access your app’s features that are not account based. Resources Watch a video from App Review with tips for doing more for users with less data. See guideline 5.1.1(v) - Account Sign-In to learn more about our requirements for apps with account-based content and features. Support Reply to this message in your preferred language if you need assistance. If you need additional support, use the Contact Us module. Consult with fellow developers and Apple engineers on the Apple Developer Forums. Help improve the review process or identify a need for clarity in our policies by suggesting guideline changes. Request a 30-minute online meeting with an App Review expert to discuss the guidelines and best practices for a smooth review process. My response: Which features are not account-based? You need an account to play the game. The info is stored on the server; it is a multiplayer game with other users. You need an account to know how much gold you have, what level you are, and other things. What should I do?
"Make a version unavailable for download" - what's the impact?
Hi, I see that we can make old versions of our app unavailable for download in App Store Connect. Apart from preventing people from downloading older versions from the store, what's the impact on the users? Are they prompted to install a more recent version if they run something outdated? Anything else? Thanks
App Published Issue
Hi i am trying to published an app which related with phone number verification system, to log in you need give phone number and it will give you a code via SMS. now SMS is for specific country, that's why to review we gave guest user login system. but still apple not published my app due to they are saying We are still unable to successfully access all or part of the app. In order to continue the review, we need to have a way to verify all app features and functionality. Typically this is done by providing a demo account that has access to all features and functionality in the app. But with our guest user anyone can check all the features. now how to solve?