Guideline 5.4 - Legal - VPN Apps

我们的app从1.0版本一直在正常上架与更新,2.12版本添加相应的内购项目,更新了app展示图,在审核的过程中出现这个问题,一直没有解决,发了好多个邮件也一直没有回应,首先我们app没有收集用户数据,不知道如何获取用户同意,也不知道该如何向用户明确如何使用这些信息,我们开启vpn通道,只是为了加速网络,不知道如何解决这个问题,apple审核方面也没用给出明确解决方法,Guideline 5.4 - Legal - VPN Apps

We noticed that the app does not obtain the user's consent before collecting user data.

We noticed that the app does not sufficiently explain how the app or VPN service is using data collected from users.

Next Steps

To view and store information about users and the data they consume, you must make it clear to the user what data is being collected and how it will be used. Additionally, you must obtain the user's consent before the data is uploaded to your server. Mentioning this information in the app's Terms of Service or Privacy Policy is not sufficient.


  • Reply to this message in your preferred language if you need assistance. If you need additional support, use the Contact Us module.

  • Consult with fellow developers and Apple engineers on the Apple Developer Forums.

  • Help improve the review process or identify a need for clarity in our policies by suggesting guideline changes.

  • Request a 30-minute online meeting with an App Review expert to discuss the guidelines and best practices for a smooth review process.

They propose you to "Request a 30-minute online meeting with an App Review expert to discuss the guidelines and best practices for a smooth review process."

Did you do it ?

If you do not collect any data, you should make it clear to the user. But apparently, reviewer has found that the app IS collecting some data. What is exactly the situation ?

Thank you for your post. We recommend that you sign up for a session with App Review during the weekly Meet with Apple Experts event. Sign in with your Developer ID and select "Request a one-on-one App Review consultation". A member of the App Review team will help you with your questions regarding the review process and the App Review Guidelines.

Guideline 5.4 - Legal - VPN Apps