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Availablility check is incorrect on visionOS
With this sample code here: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello world") .hoverEffect(isEnabled: true) } } private extension View { func hoverEffect(isEnabled: Bool) -> some View { if #available(iOS 17.0, *) { // VisionOS 2.0 goes in here? return self .hoverEffect(.automatic, isEnabled: isEnabled) } else { return self } } } You would expect if the destination was visionOS it would go into the else block but it doesn't. That seems incorrect since the condition should be true if the platform is iOS 17.0+. Also, I had this similar code that was distriubted via a xcframework and when that view is used in an app that is using the xcframework while running against visionOS there would be a runtime crash (EXC_BAD_ACCESS). The crash could only be reproduced when using that view from the xcframework and not the local source code. The problem was fixed by adding visionOS 1.0 to that availability check. But this shouldn't have been a crash in the first place. Does anyone have thoughts on this or possibly an explanation? Thank you!
Synchronize 3D object animation inside a volume with SharePlay
I have been experimenting some experiences in which I would like to use SharePlay to allow the app to be used by multiple users. Currently I achieved sharing a volume containing a Reality Composer Pro scene inside of it, the scene contains some entities with an animation. So far I have been able to correctly share the volume and its content, with the animation playing without problems, but once I activate SharePlay different users see different moments of the animation if no animation at all. Is there a way to synchronize animations between all the users, no matter when someone entered the SharePlay session, aside from communicating the animation time once someone joins?
Skysphere flickering w attachment at finial display of scene
There is a flickering and slight dimming occurring specifically on skysphere, at initial load of the scene, when using Attachment. This is observed in the simulator and on the real device. Since we cannot upload a video illustrating the undesirable behaviour, I have to describe how to setup the project for you to observe it. To replicate the issue, follow these steps: Create a new visionOS app using Xcode template, see image. Configure the project to launch directly into an immersive space (set Preferred Default Scene Session Role to Immersive Space Application Session Role in Info.plist), see image. Replace all swift files with those you will find in the attached texts. Add the skysphere image asset Skydome_8k found at this Apple Sample App Presenting an artist’s scene. Launch the app in debug mode via Xcode and onto the AVP device or simulator Continuously open and dismiss the skysphere by pressing on buttons Open Skysphere and Close. Observe the skysphere flicker and dim upon display of the skysphere. The current workaround is commented in file ThreeSixtySkysphereRealityView at lines 65, 70, 71, and 72. Uncomment these lines, and the flickering and dimming do not occur. Are we using attachments wrongly? Is this behavior known and documented? Or, is there really a bug in visionOS? AppModel InitialImmersiveView MainImmersiveView TestSkysphereAttachmentFlickerApp ThreeSixtySkysphereRealityView
Video Memory Leak when Backgrounding
While trying to control the following two scenes in 1 ImmersiveSpace, we found the following memory leak when we background the app while a stereoscopic video is playing. ImmersiveView's two scenes: Scene 1 has 1 toggle button Scene 2 has same toggle button with a 180 degree skysphere playing a stereoscopic video Attached are the files and images of the memory leak as captured in Xcode. To replicate this memory leak, follow these steps: Create a new visionOS app using Xcode template as illustrated below. Configure the project to launch directly into an immersive space (set Preferred Default Scene Session Role to Immersive Space Application Session Role in Info.plist. Replace all swift files with those you will find in the attached texts. In ImmersiveView, replace the stereoscopic video to play with a large 3d 180 degree video of your own bundled in your project. Launch the app in debug mode via Xcode and onto the AVP device or simulator Display the memory use by pressing on keys command+7 and selecting Memory in order to view the live memory graph Press on the first immersive space's button "Open ImmersiveView" Press on the second immersive space's button "Show Immersive Video" Background the app When the app tray appears, foreground the app by selecting it The first immersive space should appear Repeat steps 7, 8, 9, and 10 multiple times Observe the memory use going up, the graph should look similar to the below illustration. In ImmersiveView, upon backgrounding the app, I do: a reset method to clear the video's memory dismiss of the Immersive Space containing the video (even though upon execution, visionOS raises the purple warning "Unable to dismiss an Immersive Space since none is opened". It appears visionOS dismisses any ImmersiveSpace upon backgrounding, which makes sense..) Am I not releasing the memory correctly? Or, is there really a memory leak issue in either SwiftUI's ImmersiveSpace or in AVFoundation's AVPlayer upon background of an app? App file TestVideoLeakOneImmersiveView First ImmersiveSpace file InitialImmersiveView Second ImmersiveSpace File ImmersiveView Skysphere Model File Immersive180VideoViewModel File AppModel
Issue with tracking multiple images using ARKit on VisionOS
We are using the ARKit image tracking feature on visionOS 2.0 with three pre-registered images. The image tracking works, but only one image is actively tracked at a time. When more than one target image is visible to the camera, it has difficulty detecting and tracking the other images. Is this the expected behavior in visionOS, or is there something we need to do to resolve this issue?
Custom Progressive mode --> Unity/Polyspatial not working
I'm setting: .immersionStyle(selection: .constant(.progressive(0.1...1.0, initialAmount: 0.1)), in: .progressive(0.1...1.0, initialAmount: 0.1)) In UnityVisionOSSettings.swift before build out in Xcode. I'm having an issue where this only works on occasion. Seems random. I'll either get no immersion level available (crown dial is greyed out and no changes can be made) or it will only allow 0.5 - 1.0 immersion (dial will go below 0.5 but springs back to 0.5 when released). With no changes to my setup or how I'm setting immersionStyle I've been able to get this to work as I would expect. Wondering if there is some bug that would be causing this to fail. I've tested a simple NativeSDK progressive immersion style with same code for custom setting and it works everytime, so it's something related to Unity. Here is the entire UnityVisionOSSettings that, from as far as I can tell, are controlling this: `// GENERATED BY BUILD import Foundation import SwiftUI import PolySpatialRealityKit import UnityFramework let unityStartInBatchMode = false extension UnityPolySpatialApp { func initialWindowName() -> String { return "Unbounded" } func getAllAvailableWindows() -> [String] { return ["Bounded-0.500x0.500x0.500", "Unbounded"] } func getAvailableWindowsForMatch() -> [simd_float3] { return [] } func displayProviderParameters() -> DisplayProviderParameters { return .init( framebufferWidth: 1830, framebufferHeight: 1600, leftEyePose: .init(position: .init(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0), rotation: .init(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1)), rightEyePose: .init(position: .init(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0), rotation: .init(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1)), leftProjectionHalfAngles: .init(left: -1, right: 1, top: 1, bottom: -1), rightProjectionHalfAngles: .init(left: -1, right: 1, top: 1, bottom: -1) ) } @SceneBuilder var mainScenePart0: some Scene { ImmersiveSpace(id: "Unbounded", for: UUID.self) { uuid in PolySpatialContentViewWrapper(minSize: .init(1.000, 1.000, 1.000), maxSize: .init(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)) .environment(\.pslWindow, PolySpatialWindow(uuid.wrappedValue, "Unbounded", .init(1.000, 1.000, 1.000))) .onImmersionChange() { oldContext, newContext in PolySpatialWindowManagerAccess.onImmersionChange(oldContext.amount, newContext.amount) } KeyboardTextField().frame(width: 0, height: 0).modifier(LifeCycleHandlerModifier()) } defaultValue: { UUID() } .upperLimbVisibility(.automatic) .immersionStyle(selection: .constant(.progressive(0.1...1.0, initialAmount: 0.1)), in: .progressive(0.1...1.0, initialAmount: 0.1)) WindowGroup(id: "Bounded-0.500x0.500x0.500", for: UUID.self) { uuid in PolySpatialContentViewWrapper(minSize: .init(0.100, 0.100, 0.100), maxSize: .init(0.500, 0.500, 0.500)) .environment(\.pslWindow, PolySpatialWindow(uuid.wrappedValue, "Bounded-0.500x0.500x0.500", .init(0.500, 0.500, 0.500))) KeyboardTextField().frame(width: 0, height: 0).modifier(LifeCycleHandlerModifier()) } defaultValue: { UUID() } .windowStyle(.volumetric).defaultSize(width: 0.500, height: 0.500, depth: 0.500, in: .meters).windowResizability(.contentSize) .upperLimbVisibility(.automatic) .volumeWorldAlignment(.gravityAligned) } @SceneBuilder var mainScene: some Scene { mainScenePart0 } struct LifeCycleHandlerModifier: ViewModifier { func body(content: Content) -> some View { content .onOpenURL(perform: { url in UnityLibrary.instance?.setAbsoluteUrl(url.absoluteString) }) } } }`
Capturing External Object Images via Vision Pro Passthrough Camera with Enterprise APIs
We are currently working with the Enterprise APIs for visionOS 2 and have successfully obtained the necessary entitlements for passthrough camera access. Our goal is to capture images of external real-world objects using the passthrough camera of the Vision Pro, not just take screenshots or screen captures. Our specific use case involves: 1. Accessing the raw passthrough camera feed. 2. Capturing high-resolution images of objects in the real world through the camera. 3. Processing and saving these images for further analysis within our custom enterprise app. We would greatly appreciate any guidance, tutorials, or sample code that could help us achieve this functionality. If there are specific APIs or best practices for handling real-world image capture via passthrough cameras with the Enterprise APIs, please let us know.
Asset flickering when switching ImmersiveSpaces
There is a flickering occurring on 3D assets when switching immersive spaces, which is not the nicest user experience. The flickering does occur either when loading the scenes directly from the RealityKitContent package, or from memory (pre-loaded assets). Since we cannot upload a video illustrating the undesirable behaviour, I have to describe how to setup the project for you to observe it. To replicate the issue, follow these steps: Create a new visionOS app using Xcode template, see image. Configure the project to launch directly into an immersive space (set Preferred Default Scene Session Role to Immersive Space Application Session Role in Info.plist), see image. Replace all swift files with those you will find in the attached texts. In the RealityKitContent package, create a scene named YellowSpheres as illustrated below. In the RealityKitContent package, create a scene named RedSpheres as illustrated below. Launch the app in debug mode via Xcode and onto the AVP device or simulator Continuously switch immersive spaces by pressing on buttons Show RedSpheres and Show YellowSpheres. Observe the 3d assets flicker upon opening of the immersive spaces. AppModel RedSpheresImmersiveView YellowSpheresImmersiveView TestFlickeringBetweenImmersiveSpacesApp
Anyone has any issues with voice control and high quality visuals in the Vision Pro
We are working on an app for the vision pro which has high polygons count and lots of high resolution textures. Everything looks smooth and in general very well, The issue is the moment we turn on voice control even if it is not being used the visuals at the center start to stutter left to right. Has anyone seen this ?, it must be a bug, any workaround ? Thanks, Guillermo
How is the HandTracking in Happy Beam avoiding data racing?
I am new to learning about concurrency and I am working on an app that uses the HandTrackingProvider class. In the Happy Beam sample code, there is a HearGestureModel which has a reference to the HandTrackingProvider() and this seems to write to a struct called HandUpdates inside the HeartGestureModel class through the publishHandTrackingUpdates() function. On another thread, there is a function called computeTransformofUserPerformedHeartGesture() which reads the values of the HandUpdates to determine whether the user is making the appropriate gesture. My question is, how is the code handling the constant read and write to the HandUpdates struct?
HDR10 MVHECV can not play on Safari
Hi, just generated a HDR10 MVHEVC file, mediainfo is below: Color range : Limited Color primaries : BT.2020 Transfer characteristics : PQ Matrix coefficients : BT.2020 non-constant Codec configuration box : hvcC+lhvC then generate the segment files with below command: mediafilesegmenter --iso-fragmented -t 4 -f av_1 then upload the segment files and prog_index.m3u8 to web server. just find that can not play the HLS stream on Safari... the url is http://ip/vod/prog_index.m3u8 just checked that if i remove the tag Transfer characteristics : PQ when generating the MVHEVC file. above same mediafilesegmenter command and upload the files to web server. the new version of HLS stream is can play on Safari... Is there any way to play HLS PQ video on Safari. thanks.
Multiview HLS with HDR
I have an HDR10+ encoded video that if loaded as a mov plays back on the Apple Vision Pro but when that video is encoded using the latest (1.23b) Apple HLS tools to generate an fMP4 - the resulting m3u8 cannot be played back in the Apple Vision Pro and I only get back a "Cannot Open" error. To generate the m3u8, I'm just calling mediafilesegmenter (with -iso-fragmented) and then variantplaylistcreator. This completes with no errors but the m3u8 will playback on the Mac using VLC but not on the Apple Vision Pro. The relevant part of the m3u8 is: #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=40022507,BANDWIDTH=48883974,VIDEO-RANGE=PQ,CODECS="ec-3,hvc1.1.60000000.L180.B0",RESOLUTION=4096x4096,FRAME-RATE=24.000,CLOSED-CAPTIONS=NONE,AUDIO="audio1",REQ-VIDEO-LAYOUT="CH-STEREO" {{url}} Has anyone been able to use the HLS tools to generate fMP4s of MV-HEVC videos with HDR10?
App lost audio spatialization from VisionOS 2 Update
Hi, I have a video player app that lost its audio spatialization since the VisionOS 2 update. I am using the VideoPlayerComponent (, to implement my videos as entities, as I want a custom look and controls to my player. In VisionOS 1, there was automatic audio spatialization. Depending where my video entity is, the app automatically enables head tracking audio spatialization. Since VisionOS 2 however, I cannot get my video entities to play Spatial Audio. I've looked into DestinationVideo and even set up AVAudioSessionSpatialExperience but Spatial Audio is still not working. Appreciate any help. Thanks.
PlaneDetectionProvider on VisionOS seems to limit detection to planes less than5 m from world origin.
When using the plane PlaneDetectionProvider in visionOS I seem to have hit a limitation which is that regardless of where the headset is in the space, planes will only be detected that are (as far as I can tell) less that 5m from the world origin. Mapping a room becomes very tricky as a result because you often find some walls are outside the radius, even if you're standing two feet away from a ten foot wall. It just won't see it. I've picked my way through the documentation but I cannot see any way to extend this distance. Am I missing something?
'Segmentation fault: 11' error after upgrading to the latest macOS version
Today I updated my macbook pro to macOS sequoia. with this I also downloaded the latest Xcode and visionOS 2 packages. I had a working project. Which did work with my vision pro which is updated to the latest visionOS 2. But now whenever I try to click on preview in xcode while editing a swift file I am receiving the following error: (lot of lines here) Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/test2-fznbrpphddkqdaddrzamkayoajjm/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ error: Tool terminated by signal 'Segmentation fault: 11' I tried exiting and restarting my mac but the problem is not going away. Can someone help me with this? Thank you!
Keyboard awareness during custom immersive enviroment of an app
Hello I was wondering if the keyboard awareness feature that came with visionOS 2 would also work for the Mac Book keyboard if someone is in an immersive .progressive custom environment such as the "Garden" environment from Construct an immersive environment for visionOS in e.g. an app I'm currently developing, to see one's keyboard. I haven't managed to achieve it so far. Thank you very much in advance!