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SwiftUI iOS18 Bug: 'contextMenu' does not recognize 'scaleEffect' and similar outside of 'ScrollView' parent
The Issue I am building a MessageChannelView, I take most advantage of all ScrollView mechanics by flipping it on it's head with .scaleEffect(y: -1), and then the content inside of it again with .scaleEffect(y: -1), so the content is back to normal. Putting .contextMenu() on any of the elements flipped back to normality will cause an ugly bug on iOS18, but not on iOS17. This is because .contextMenu() on iOS18 does not recognize the .scaleEffect(y: -1) outside of it's ScrollView parent. Minimal Replication 1.) Create any View with SwiftUI similar to this: ScrollViewReader { scrollView in ScrollView { VStack { Text("Test!") .contextMenu { Button(action: {}) { Label("Copy Link", systemImage: "doc.on.doc") } } } .scaleEffect(y: -1) } .scaleEffect(y: -1) } 2.) Run on a physical device with iOS18 More I tested this on three different physical iPhone devices, iOS16, iOS17 and my main device iOS18. The bug only exists on iOS18.
iOS 18 / CarPlay
When is a fix coming? CarPlay is just a black screen whether cable or Bluetooth connected. Even before 18, connecting was troublesome, often taking 3 or 4 attempts. I’m seriously considering buying an android phone just to leave in the car - research indicates there virtually never issues with it and VAG infotainment.
Receiving eventMetadata from AVPlayerItemMetadataOutput stops responding on iOS18 only
Case-ID: 9391388 Our application uses timed Metadata as part of a rating control system. We noticed a problem in production and diagnosis shows that we stop receiving timed Metadata on iOS18 only Our live streams are primed with metadata at least once per second but we are seeing extended gaps in receiving this content, in excess of 10 minutes. We have also observed that this happens more as the player climbs the bitrate ladder, and doesn't happen if we cap to a low resolution i.e. a preferredMaximumResolution of 768x432. Furthermore, if we throttle network conditions after we stop receiving metadata the we start receiving them again. Following is a simple example that demonstrates the above behaviour, unfortunately I cannot share the live stream endpoint which is primed with metadata publicly, but can provide privately to Apple to reproduce the problem. import UIKit import AVKit class ViewController: UIViewController, AVPlayerItemMetadataOutputPushDelegate { var player: AVPlayer? var itemMetadataOutput: AVPlayerItemMetadataOutput? override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { guard let url = URL(string: "endpoint redacted") else { return } let player = AVPlayer(url: url) let controller = AVPlayerViewController() controller.player = player self.player = player present(controller, animated: true) { let currentItem = player.currentItem let itemMetadataOutput = AVPlayerItemMetadataOutput(identifiers: nil) self.itemMetadataOutput = itemMetadataOutput self.itemMetadataOutput?.setDelegate(self, queue: .main) currentItem?.add(itemMetadataOutput) } } public func metadataOutput(_ output: AVPlayerItemMetadataOutput, didOutputTimedMetadataGroups groups: [AVTimedMetadataGroup], from track: AVPlayerItemTrack?) { print("received metadata \(Date())") } }
Button icon in List to match style?
I am trying to figure out how to set a button's label icon to match the button style when inside a list. These four buttons display differently depending on context – if put inside a List or a VStack: Button(role: .destructive) {} label: { Label("Test", systemImage: "figure") }.buttonStyle(.automatic) Button(role: .destructive) {} label: { Label("Test", systemImage: "figure") }.buttonStyle(.bordered) Button {} label: { Label("Test", systemImage: "figure") }.buttonStyle(.borderedProminent) Button(role: .destructive) {} label: { Label("Test", systemImage: "figure") }.buttonStyle(.borderedProminent) Inside a List, which looks weird in my opinion. For reference, this is what they look like inside a VStack, which is what I'd expect: I am not sure if this is intentional or a bug. If there are any workaround which do not explicitly set a specific color, like .foreground(.red), please let me know.
SwiftUI LongPressGesture does not work as expected in Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242) and iOS 18
When I copy and paste example code in apple developer documentation, LongPressGesture does not work as expected in Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242) and iOS 18. It seems updating(_:body:) method does not work when used with LongPressGesture. When I make a breakpoint in updating(_:body:) method and long press the blue circle on the screen of simulator(or device), it is expected to be caught in breakpoint or it is expected that color of circle turns from blue to red to green. However, it is not caught in breakpoint and never turns to red. Question of Stackoverflow is about same issue and I can not use onLongPressGesture method to implement required feature of my app. I submitted bug report via Feedback Assistant and my report's ID is FB15127375 and FB15173175. Please tell me if there is any investigation about this issue. Development environment: Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242), macOS 14.5 Run-time configuration: iOS 18.0
Xcode Canvas preview connected to iPhone error
"Can not preview in this file" Xcode 16.0 iPhone 14 Pro , iOS 18.0 When I choose to start Preview on my iPhone, the canvas screen keeps showing loading circle animation. The iPhone enters the Xcode Previews App but only displays the default screen (Xcode icon& 'Preview from Xcode') I uploaded the some of diagnostics files previews_diagnostics_summary.txt remote_injection.json
"Build failed" with developement team already signed
Hello everyone! I’m new to this forum and have never designed an app before. I’ve used Unity and Xcode. When I launch the build in Xcode, it always replies “Build Failed.” I’ll explain the problem and attach some screenshots. The app I’m trying to launch comes from the Unity platform (version 2022.3.46f1) + Vuforia for augmented reality. Everything works well on this platform (I’ve already checked it); I export the project into a specially created folder after clicking on “Build”; I open the project in Xcode version 16.0 (I downloaded this application a few days ago); I connect my iPhone and my Apple ID by going to “Xcode” > “Settings” and linking my account; to connect my iPhone, I go to “Window” > “Devices and Simulators” and link everything; then I go to “Targets” > “Unity iPhone” and check in the “General” and “Signing and Capabilities” sections to ensure everything is correct; I then change the development team name to my account “MARCO ARICO” (previously activated on Apple Developer with an already paid annual subscription) and check that the “Bundle Identifier” is the same as the one I entered in Unity under “Player” > “Other Settings.” At this point, I send the Build, and after a few moments, it says “Build Failed” with this error: “/Users/albertodanielemanzo/Desktop/Unity/App_7/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj Signing for 'Unity-iPhone' requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor.” I would like to add that the Mac I’m using belongs to a friend who specifically lent it to me to launch this app, and all the steps I took are based on in-depth research from YouTube tutorials and official Unity and Xcode forums. The computer I’m using is a MacBook Air with macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, which belongs to my friend who lent it to me. All subscriptions are under my name. My username is the same as the development team name (Development Team); the subscription I have with Apple is individual, as are my downloaded certificates for app development. I have already addressed the issue with Apple Developer support, and they advised me to write on this forum.
iOS 18 beta 5 Bugs
I am experiencing a bug on my iPhone 13 after updating to iOS 18 beta 5. This bug causes my phone to unexpectedly show a black screen with a "loading" indicator, and then it returns to the lock screen. I have to unlock it for the phone to return to normal. This issue occurs repeatedly. I am not entirely sure what is happening with my device. I believe it is also experiencing overheating issues. Although the battery seems to be optimized, the phone is getting hot and still has the same bug mentioned above after the iOS 18 beta 5 update. Please help me, I would like to so much resolve this issue.
"Build Failed" su Xcode con Developement Team già inserito
Buongiorno a tutti! Sono nuovo su questo Forum e non ho mai progettato una app prima d'ora. Ho usato Unity e Xcode. Su Xcode lancio la build, ma mi replica sempre "Build Failed". Adesso spiego il problema e allego degli screen. L'app che sto cercando di lanciare viene dalla piattaforma Unity (versione 2022.3.46f1)+Vuforia per realtà aumentata. Su questa piattaforma funziona tutto (ho già avuto modo di ricontrollare); esporto il progetto nella cartella appositamente creata dopo aver cliccato su "Build"; apro il progetto su Xcode versione 16.0 (questa applicazione l'ho scaricata qualche giorno fa); collego il mio iPhone e il mio ID Apple andando su "Xcode" > "Settings" e collego il mio account; per collegare il mio iPhone vado su "Window" > "Devices and Simulators" e collego il tutto; dopodichè vado su "Targets" > "Unity iPhone" e controllo nelle sezioni "General" e "Signing and Capabilities" che tutto vada bene; modifico quindi il nome del team di sviluppo e metto il mio account "MARCO ARICO" (preventivamente attivato su Apple Developer con abbonamento annuale già pagato) e controllo che il "Bundle Identifier" sia lo stesso che ho inserito su Unity nella sezione "Player" > "Other Settings"; a questo punto mando la Build e mi dice dopo pochi istanti "Build Failed" con questo errore: "/Users/albertodanielemanzo/Desktop/Unity/App_7/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj Signing for "Unity-iPhone" requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor." Mi permetto di aggiungere che il Mac che sto usando è di un mio amico che me l'ha appositamente prestato per lanciare questa app e che tutti i passaggi che ho fatto sono frutto di approfondimento su tutorial YouTube e forum ufficiali di Unity e Xcode. Il pc che sto usando è un MacBook Air con macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 di un mio amico che me lo ha prestato. Tutti gli abbonamenti li ho fatti a nome mio. Il mio nome utente è lo stesso nome del team di sviluppo (Developement Team); l'abbonamento che ho stretto con Apple è di tipo individuale come sono miei i certificati scaricati per lo sviluppo dell'app. Ho già affrontato il problema con l'assistenza telefonica di Apple Developer e mi hanno consigliato di scrivere su questo Forum.
Hi all, Firebase statistics show that some crashes seem to occur suddenly. Can you give me some suggestions? Users also meet the following requirements: iOS18 and above RTL language From the stack frame, the crash occurred in the transition animation project, but I did not reproduce this stack frame A very small number of users can experience it twice The crashed page is relatively complex, and it is a mixture of auto-layout and frame I retrieved some other articles, but they don’t seem to be the same problem Thank you for reading, looking forward to your reply ;) CoreAutoLayout: _engineVar_rawRemove
faulty Transparent Video in iPhone browsers
I need to play a Video with transparent background on our website. It works perfectly on Windows, Mac & Android (in all browsers). On iPhone however, no matter what Browser, The transparent parts of the video act almost like an "overlay", making everything behind it a lot brighter. This effect gets worse, the higher I set the iPhone screen brightness. This is of course not the behavior I'm looking for. The Video Element has two listed sources. One .WEBM (VP8 with alpha channel) and one .MP4 (HEVC with alpha channel). I am sure, that something is wrong with the MP4 file, but I don't understand why it works in Safari on Mac, but doesn't on iPhone. Shouldn't they both play the same File? Here is my workflow: masking the subject in DaVinci Resolve exporting as QuickTime - Apple ProRes 444 - "Export Alpha" using Shutter Encoder (v15.7) to convert the file to H.265 (.mp4) under "Advanced Features": Hardware acceleration to "OSX VideoToolbox" & check "Enable alpha channel" also converting the first file to VP8 (.webm) with "Enable alpha channel" then adding the Videos to the website like this: <video height="450px" autoplay loop muted playsinline disablepictureinpicture> <source src=" of the mp4)" type='video/mp4; codecs="hvc1"'> <source src=" of the webm)" type="video/webm"> </video> Here is how it looks on Safari (Mac) This is what it looks like in any browser on iPhone I have re-exported, re-converted and re-implemented it multiple times and I just can't get it to work on iPhone. Does anyone have an idea, what the cause could be, or what I can do differently?
Unable to obtain APNS token in xCode Swift after iOS 18 Upgrade
After upgrading to iOS 18, in my app development using xCode 16.0 (16A242d) and Swift, I am totally unable to obtain an APNS token from my own device using didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken The delegate simply won’t fire. I was able to do so repeatedly in the same app a week earlier, using iOS 17xx. That part of the code has not changed. I just now restored my phone and installed a clean version of iOS 18, but the issue has not changed. Have tried using WiFi and also cellular networks. It is a no-go.
IOS 18
I bought a new iphone while transferring from old phone it asks for update to IOS 18 before transferring data and it took more than 10 hours to update the new IOS and nothing happened what should i do to open the iphone
Xcode 16 unable to use iOS 16.2 - 17.5 Simulators
When testing on Xcode Cloud I am unable to use any simulators between iOS 16.2 and 17.5. I'm glad that there are options for <= 16.1, but given how small those userbases must be at this point it feels rather odd. Similarly, iOS 18 is still very new so it also has a disproportionately small number of users on it. Does not seem to matter if explicitly selecting Xcode/macOS versions. Am I configuring something incorrectly? Picked something wrong on a dropdown, checked the wrong box when setting up the workflow? Xcode 15.4 allows building to iOS 17.5, but not iOS 18. 🙃
Returned from Unity games causes my app to slow and it works normal after siri or locking unlocking phone
Dear Developers, Am facing this issue on my production app. Tried everything. Removed almost everything and tested the app. Even then this issue happens. The unity games, am talking about are the slow and sluggish types, which feel like 30 fps and after returning from them, my app sounds slow and feels a little bit sluggish. As soon as i lock/unlock the device , it becomes perfectly fine. Even i was debugging with xcode, i had the issue, then i rebuild the app in xcode and opening it on device, the same issue. As soon as i locked the device or opened siri with lockbutton or moved to a native app, and came back, app is completely fine. Craziest issue, i have ever seen. Though killing the app and opening it again on iphone also works. Only anxiety is that maybe my users when returning from other slow 3rd party games which are my competitors might slow down the experience. I have tried almost everything in my app, removed all functions and just ran sounds. Retried with different ways of playing sounds. Nothing works. Dont know it is a frame rate issue, because i replaced all my animations causing framerate not to cross 60fps even then didnt work. Device on which am testing is Iphone 14 pro max.
Challenges with Remotely Controlling iPhone Camera from Mac: Need Guidance
Hello everyone, I am working on an iOS app that involves capturing images automatically, and I would like to control the start/stop of the capture process remotely from a Mac app. I explored the iPhone Mirroring feature, which allows some remote control but has the limitation of only functioning when the iPhone is locked, and it doesn’t permit access to the iPhone’s camera from the Mac. Ideally, I am looking for a solution that would allow me to: Remotely control the camera capture process on the iOS app from the Mac app. Ensure the iPhone’s camera remains fully operational and controllable from the Mac during the capture process. I have considered using options like Handoff for communication between the apps but faced some issues while communicating between the iOS and mac app. I would like to know if there is a more optimal solution within Apple’s ecosystem, or if there are APIs I might have overlooked. Any advice or guidance on how to achieve this functionality would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Application Got Crash in IOS 18 device
Can anyone help me to resolve this issue? I have two collectionviews in a tableview and each time you try to scroll the collecctionview after clicking a cell, it crashes with the following error: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Expected dequeued view to be returned to the collection view in preparation for display. When the collection view's data source is asked to provide a view for a given index path, ensure that a single view is dequeued and returned to the collection view. Avoid dequeuing views without a request from the collection view. For retrieving an existing view in the collection view, use -[UICollectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:] or -[UICollectionView supplementaryViewForElementKind:atIndexPath:]
Issue with Dual SIM Management on iPhone 13: Calls Not Using Default SIM Line
Dual SIM management on the iPhone is not very efficient. I am using an iPhone 13, and I have to frequently change the SIM line because sometimes I recharge one SIM, and other times I recharge the second SIM. I have selected the default SIM line in the settings, which means calls should always go through the default set SIM line. However, this is not happening. I have to manually go to the contact of the person and change the SIM line before making a call. Could you provide a feature where, when calling any person, the call always goes through the selected default SIM line?