Apple Intelligence

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Apple Intelligence is the personal intelligence system that puts powerful generative models right at the core of your iPhone, iPad, and Mac and powers incredible new features to help users communicate, work, and express themselves.

Posts under Apple Intelligence tag

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allowedWritingToolsResultOptions has no effect in iOS 18.1 Writing Tools
The UITextView.allowedWritingToolsResultOptions has no effect to how "Writing Tools" feature works. When it is set to empty, it still offer all options in the Writing Tools popup dialog. The result is that it is not possible to limit output results to eg. only plain text, or disable tables in output. let textView = UITextView() textView.isEditable = true textView.writingToolsBehavior = .complete textView.allowedWritingToolsResultOptions = [] resulting Writing Tools has all options available. I Tested with TextKit1 and TextKit 2 setup. tested on iPadOS 18.1 beta (22B5069a) Report: FB15429824
iOS & iPad OS Beta 4, 5 Major Vulnerabilities !
Device name: iPhone 15 Pro Max Purchase date: January this year Usage: The following problems never occurred before upgrading to iOS18.1 beta4 and 5 Current system version: iOS 18.1 beta 5 (22B5054e) Current status: System stuck, unable to operate, abnormal heating, battery capacity reduced by 1% after upgrading to beta5 Detailed description: My phone has been in normal use since purchase, and I have never downloaded or installed cracking tools or files from unknown sources. I concluded that the problem was caused by upgrading the beta version of the ios system. During a period of time when using ios18 beta 4, the phone suddenly became inoperable, the screen failed intermittently, and the failure time became longer and longer. Specifically, the app cannot be operated, and there is no response to sliding up and down, left and right, clicking, touching, and long pressing (almost all APPs, not an exception). In recent days, I found that this phenomenon of the phone seems to be related to charging. Every time it is fully charged, it will not be able to operate when the device is turned on. The iPad and iPhone have the same reaction. During the period when the device is unresponsive, iCloud cannot be synchronized normally, the phone heats up, the software crashes, white dots appear on the edge of the screen (just like a bad pixel on the screen), the video cannot be loaded, and a series of problems. Supplement: Which version can solve these problems? How to return to the official version without flashing? Can I receive version push normally by turning off the beta test switch? Feeling: Since I did not make a full backup of the lower version, I hope that iOS18.1beta5 will solve the problem. Unfortunately, it is still not solved in beta5, and the problem is getting worse. My phone is now a brick and cannot be used normally. This accident is the first time I have encountered such a serious problem since I used Apple devices. I am very disappointed. I hope Apple engineers can fix it as soon as possible.
Regression: Heavy Delay of Push Notifications on iOS 18.1 beta (10s and more)
My app one sec uses push notifications to guide the user back to the app from a Screen Time Shield (screenshot attached). On iOS 18.1, notifications are delivered with a delay of 10+ seconds, even though they are classified as time sensitive: notificationContent.interruptionLevel = .timeSensitive notificationContent.relevanceScore = 1.0 The notification trigger is nil, which according to the documentation should show the notification banner immediately: var notificationTrigger: UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger? = nil "The condition that causes the system to deliver the notification. Specify nil to deliver the notification right away." In the sysdiagnose I have noticed that activity related to Apple Intelligence Priority classification delays the notification by 10 seconds ("UserNotificationsCore.IntelligenceActor"): [create, [id=43C0-B333, time=2024-09-27 06:03:26, bundle=***], Time elapsed=10.373 sec]: Timeout of 10.0 reached. Cancelling work. [create, [id=43C0-B333, time=2024-09-27 06:03:26, bundle=***], Time elapsed=10.377 sec]: Calling out to completion with failure(UserNotificationsCore.StepFailure.timedOut(exceeded: 10.0 seconds, summaryStatus: Optional(UserNotificationsServices.NotificationSummaryStatus.inferenceTimedOut), priorityStatus: Optional(UserNotificationsServices.NotificationPriorityStatus.inferenceTimedOut))) from 'scheduleTimeoutToPerform(after:for:)' [create, [id=43C0-B333, time=2024-09-27 06:03:26, bundle=***], Time elapsed=10.378 sec]: Step: UserNotificationsCore.IntelligenceActor, index: 0 exceeded 10.0 seconds This seems like a bug to me, time sensitive notifications should be exempted from being analyzed for priority, especially if that comes at the cost of delaying notifications by 10 seconds. Tracked in Radar: FB15255061
Can Writing Tools be accessed In UITableView contextMenu?
I’m currently developing an app that features a main view with a UITableView. When users select a row, they are navigated to a detail view that contains a UITextField. This UITextField already supports Writing Tools. My question is: When a user long-presses a UITableView cell, is it possible to add a Writing Tools option to the Context Menu, allowing users to interact with the Writing Tools more conveniently?like Summary detail text
Can't disable Writing Tools for SwiftUI TextField
I'm trying to disable Writing Tools for a specific TextField using .writingToolsBehavior(.disabled), but when running the app on my iPhone 16 Pro with Apple Intelligence enabled, I can still use Writing Tools on the text box. I also see no difference with .writingToolsBehavior(.limited). Is there something I'm doing wrong or is this a bug? Sample code below: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State var text = "" var body: some View { VStack { TextField("Enter Text", text: $text) .writingToolsBehavior(.disabled) } .padding() } } #Preview { ContentView() }
Unable to Disable/Hide Writing Tools in iOS 18
Hi everyone, I’m working on an app that uses WKWebView. Due to security concerns, our customers want the app to disable copy-paste functionality and similar options (such as Lookup and Share, allowing users to extract text from the app or save it as a file. I was able to disable copy-paste and remove UIMenu options like Lookup and Share. Everything worked fine until the iOS 18.1 beta, which introduced a new menu called Writing Tools (Apple Intelligence) that has its own copy and share buttons I've tried several ways to remove it Remove all UIMenu items using canPerformAction, and it works for all menus but Writing Tools, which still remains override func canPerformAction(_ action: Selector, withSender sender: Any?) -> Bool { return false } Remove it from UIMenuBuilder override func buildMenu(with builder: UIMenuBuilder) { builder.remove(menu: .lookup) builder.remove(menu: .share) } But unfortunately, UIMenuBuilder does not have an identifier for Writing Tools, and it seems like there are no API changes from Xcode 15 to Xcode 16 ( It seems like the only way to disable it through MDM configuration (key: allowWritingTools), but we don't use MDM Environment iOS Version: iOS 18.1 beta4 Device: iPhone 15 Pro App platform: iOS Xcode version: 16.0 MacOS: 15.0 Thank you
Disable Inappropriate Content Warnings in Writing Tools
I’ve noticed that the writing tools frequently display content warnings for certain topics, often more than seems necessary, and I would love to see a way to disable them in my app. Specifically, I have encountered many situations where mentioning LGBTQ topics triggers a content warning and temporarily blocks the user, while similar mentions of heterosexual topics do not. For example: Triggers Content Warning: “I’ve been listening to this song on repeat yesterday and today haha. It’s really nice that it’s about being homosexual ~u~” “I’ve been listening to this song on repeat yesterday and today haha. It’s really nice that it’s about being *** ~u~” Does Not Trigger Content Warning: “I’ve been listening to this song on repeat yesterday and today haha. It’s really nice that it’s about being heterosexual ~u~” “I’ve been listening to this song on repeat yesterday and today haha. It’s really nice that it’s about being straight ~u~” This inconsistency not only introduces unnecessary friction when discussing diverse topics but may also inadvertently suggest that LGBTQ topics are inappropriate or immoral. Such an implication could be harmful to many users, especially young adults, by reinforcing negative perceptions of LGBTQ issues. I believe it’s important for the AI writing tools to handle all topics equitably to promote inclusivity and diversity. And would love to be able to disable these warnings in my app. here’s a video showcasing the example prompts above:
Using AssistantEntity with existing AppEntities for iOS17
Hi, I have an existing app with AppEntities defined, that works on iOS16 and iOS17. The AppEntities also have EntityPropertyQuery defined, so they work as 'find intents'. I want to use the new @AssistantEntity on iOS18, while supporting the previous versions. What's the best way to do this? For e.g. I have a 'person' AppEntity: @available(iOS 16.0, macOS 13.0, watchOS 9.0, tvOS 16.0, *) struct CJLogAppEntity: AppEntity { static var defaultQuery = CJLogAppEntityQuery() .... } struct CJLogAppEntityQuery: EntityPropertyQuery { ... } How do I adopt this with @AssistantEntity(schema: .journal.entry) for iOS18, while maintaining compatibility with iOS16 and 17?
Sep ’24