App Submission

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Submit your apps to the App Store using App Store Connect.

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Testflight issue: "Could not install <app_name>. The requested app is not available or doesn't exist."
I get the message as seen in the attached image. I recently enrolled in the Apple Developer program last month. Initially, I was working for a client and everything was working fine locally. Builds were executing fine and running as well in emulators and physical devices. But when I archive the build and distribute it to TestFlight via AppStore Connect, I always get this error message as shown below. There are no warnings or errors in the console or in Xcode. I already took care of everything and all compliance related issues. I am not sure what even is wrong at this time. I resubmitted the builds at-least 8 times but still getting same message. Moreover, as a test run, I submitted a build containing a simple "Hello World" component as well. It's getting the same error. I have wrote to Apple Support as well but haven't heard back from them yet. If anyone knows how to resolve this please please guide me. This is really annoying and frustrating now since testers are not able to test the application.
AppClip Advanced Experience stuck at "received," with inconsistent end results
I filed a more detailed report in FB15052582, but wanted to post a high-level version of this issue here as well. I have recently launched an app, and have had approved multiple subsequent releases of it, however my App Clip Advanced Experience has never left the "received" state, and shows incorrect assets when it does appear. TL;DR: At a minimum, the launch image of the App Clip is out-of-date In general, my App Clip shows up as "unavailable", and I believe has never been set to "published" I believe devices that have had the parent app installed can show the App Clip even after the parent app is uninstalled, and devices that have not may show it as "unavailable" In debugging this, I have done the following: Confirmed that the latest version (v1.0.3, build 747) is well within the size limits as specified in Creating an App Clip with Xcode article. For reference, while my App Clip targets iOS 17 and above, because it is invoked primarily from a QR code, I have kept to the iOS 16 restrictions. The universal build via TestFlight registers at 7.39MB download, 10.5MB installed. Used the diagnostic menu in the Developer settings on iOS, which shows all green checkboxes except for the URL length. I do not think this applies to my use-case, as the URL length only impacts App Clip Code creation, and not QR code invocations. Verified that the App Clip, when launched from a QR code, is the correct build. Both my app and the associated App Clip expose the build number (as generated at build time by a script in Xcode Cloud), so I know I am seeing the correct version. Repeated the above after clearing the "local experience cache" within iOS. Additionally, the default App Clip experience url as generated by Apple shows "App Clip Unavailable." If I test on my device, even after deleting the App Store released build, and/or the TestFlight build, the App Clip experience usually loads for me, however with the first image I uploaded to the default App Clip experience in the first release. On other devices, sometimes the App Clip is not available at all. One thing that I wonder is if I inadvertently created this issue for myself by setting up an App Clip Advanced Experience before even submitting my first build for review. I created it while prototyping the app, and only recently had the first and subsequent builds approved and released. Additionally, I have used the "copy metadata from previous build" option for each release, except that I have replaced the default experience image. The status of the App Clip Advanced Experience has only ever been in "received," and I am at a loss for next steps. Is there some step that I have missed? -erin
How to Get Featured on the Apple Vision Pro App Store?
Hello everyone, I’ve recently released an app on the Apple Vision Pro App Store, and I believe it could be a strong candidate for featuring. I’ve already filled out the necessary forms for getting featured a few times, but I haven’t heard back, and it’s been over a month. I don’t mean to sound overly confident, but I genuinely think my app has the potential to be featured. If my app isn’t eligible for being featured for some reason, it would be great to know why. Additionally, if it doesn’t get chosen for featuring, is there someone specific I can contact for more information? I’d appreciate any insights or advice on how the featuring process works or how I might be able to improve my chances. Here is the link to my app: Also, I have the featuring artwork ready to go, but I understand I need to get it featured first to upload it. Thanks in advance for your help!
Reinstall MacOS 14.6.1
Hello everyone. I was eager to install the latest MacOS 15 Beta and try out the new Apple intelligence. Normally, I just wait for the Alpha version. This time I did not. I am having so many errors with the OS and Xcode-Beta. For one, I updated one of my applications; however, I was informed that Apple does not accept .ipa files (or builds) that have been built in Xcode-Beta. Now I am unable to publish new apps to the Apple App Store (or updates). I reset my MacBook Air M3 2014. I downloaded Sonoma (MacOS version 14) from the AppStore, but I was informed it will not work on this Mac. I downloaded version 14.6.1 from the developer section, and my computer does not know how to open .ipsw files. Does anyone know what I should do, or what I can do. I have another MacBook that is like 10 years old, but I really want to use the new OS environment. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Erica Perkins
Request for Guidance on App Approval Process
We recently submitted our app, for approval, but unfortunately, it has not been approved. Our team has worked diligently to incorporate innovative ideas, fresh designs, and unique features that we believe offer significant value to users. We’ve carefully followed the guidelines and ensured that all aspects of the app, including user data safety and security, meet industry standards. Despite our efforts, we’ve encountered difficulties in getting the app approved. We would greatly appreciate your insights into the specific reasons for the denial and any areas that may require further improvement. Any sort of help or guidance will be much appreciated.
Acceptable app updates frequency?
Hi, I'm new to AppStore Connect, can anyone help me understand of how often it's ok to submit new app versions to AppStore Connect in terms of platform guidelines/restrictions? It's clear that's probably most of users prefer less amount of updates. But as my app was just released few days ago I don't have any significant amount of users. As I find more convenient for myself to deliver small improvements not stacked but with frequent updates, can anyone give any advice of would it be acceptable to deliver new updates every 1-2 days for the first month after app release? With the intention to make them more rare after a month or so? Or is there any significant factors to make the updates not that often?
DVTAppStoreConnect.ServiceBackendError error 1 when publishing app
Hi there, I am trying to publish my first app (VisionOS 2.0) via TestFlight for internal testing via XCode 16.0 beta 2. I have tried clicking both 'Distribute App' and 'Validate App', but either way receive the following error: "DVTAppStoreConnect.ServiceBackendError error 1" I am a bit stuck for now, any feedback would be gratefully received! Many thanks
Aug ’24
Account Holder of Apple Developer Enterprise Program Account Unable to Request Access To or See App Store Connect API
We are referring to the following Apple documentation online- specifically the instructions underneath the header "Request access to the App Store Connect API": The first problem is that the Account Holder cannot see the "Integrations" tab in the "Users and Access" view ( However, they are able to reach "Integrations" by direct URL ( Note that they still cannot see an "Integrations" tab in the UI when at this link. At this point, the documentation indicates that the Account Holder should be able to see an "App Store Connect API" option underneath the "Keys" options on the left, but they are only able to see a "Shared Secret" option underneath the "Keys" options on the left. Please assist- this is blocking Production releases for us. Additional info: we use Edge browser on Windows machines to access the web portal- I don't see how this should impact what a website displays though the Developer Account has existed for some years now. At a certain point the Account Owner role was transferred over to the current Account Owner I have confirmed that the Program type is Apple Developer Enterprise Program
Aug ’24
Will Apple reject my app for using SKStoreProductViewController for in-app updates?
I'm currently working on an iOS app where I want to provide users with an in-app update feature. For this, I'm considering using SKStoreProductViewController to present the App Store page of my app, allowing users to update it directly. However, I'm concerned about whether Apple might reject my app during the review process for using this method. Is using SKStoreProductViewController for in-app updates acceptable according to Apple's guidelines, or is there a better approach to handle in-app updates?" This is the code below func openAppStore() { let storeViewController = SKStoreProductViewController() storeViewController.delegate = self let appStoreURL = URL(string: "")! let parameters = [SKStoreProductParameterITunesItemIdentifier: "333903271"] storeViewController.loadProduct(withParameters: parameters) { _, error in if error != nil { } else { self.viewController?.present(storeViewController, animated: true) } } }
Aug ’24
Non-public or deprecated APIs from Unreal 5.2
Hello My game keeps getting rejected from App store connect because: Your app uses or references the following non-public or deprecated APIs: Contents/UE/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Apple/MetalShaderConverter/Mac/libmetalirconverter.dylib Symbols: • __dyld_get_image_uuid So I tested uploading a default Unreal template and still get the same message. Any ideas how to solve this? Feels like the dyld_get_image_uuids are build in Unreal so there is nothing I can do in Unreal? In Terminal the Unreal default project looks like this: find /Users/XXXX/Desktop/MCSPlain/Binaries/Mac/ -type f -perm +111 -exec otool -Iv {} + 2>/dev/null | grep __dyld_get_image_uuid 0x000000000136079e 325004 __dyld_get_image_uuid 0x000000000167c4c0 325004 __dyld_get_image_uuid 0x00000000012c62a0 374767 __dyld_get_image_uuid 0x00000000015e8468 374767 __dyld_get_image_uuid Any help really appreciated. I have struggled with this for two months. XCode 14 and Unreal 5.0-5.2. All the best, Ramili
Aug ’24
Rejection because subscriptions unavailable at time of review
This is the first subscription submission for this existing/distributed app. This is the rejection message: Specifically, your app did not load any subscription offers at launch and no further content could be accessed. The app works correctly in simulator, on device and TestFlight. I am using a sync'd StoreKit configuration file. The app has no functionality at all without the subscription being available to the app. It seems the app is being tested independently of the subscription upon first launch. Or said differently, the app is being tested without a subscription being available because the subscription has not been approved and available at the time the app is first launched for testing. It seems the reviewers aren't making the subscription available at the time of launching the app for testing as is the case in XCode, on device and within TestFlight - the subscription is always available in those environs. Is my analysis correct, close, a mile off or ...? Thanks for your help and insight.
Aug ’24
App Removal - Appeal Hasn't Receive Any Update
Our application is a new app for multifinance in Indonesia and we got remove on 4th. It was stated we have violated 3.2(f) and 5.6.2 Has submit appeal separately on 5th, 12th and 23rd to clarify on the issue and we haven't received any updates yet Kind of anxious here cause it was also mentioned that within 30 days our account will be terminated. Any suggestion on this issue how should we do next step?
Jul ’24
App preapproval?
I have designed a unique dating app in Figma and recently read that they aren't accepting apps in this category unless they are different. From my understanding, it's not possible to submit an app unless it is fully developed. I truly believe my app is different and have already received social validation in real life. Is there any way to send a video showcasing all the screen designs and what appears to be a functioning app to see if it can get preapproval? In order to not keep making a pointless investment of time and money. Thanks.
Jul ’24
Converting Mac App from Paid to Freemium (Price Change)
I currently have a paid app in the Mac App Store and am about to release a freemium version - free with three auto-renewing subscriptions. Is there a way to set things up in App Store Connect such that this next release of my app becomes free at the point when it goes live? I need to synchronise the changeover. I've read posts suggesting you just set the price to zero, but that doesn't synchronise the change (as far as I can tell). Thanks in advance. UPDATE: I see you can schedule a price change. Is the answer to not auto-release the app when it's approved, and to then coordinate its release date with the scheduled price change?
Aug ’24
Radio streaming app - 5.2 Intellectual Property
Hi, I've built a radio streaming app for my radio station. I'm using VosCast streaming services to host my radio station online. The reviewer has asked me to comply with guideline 5.2 so I submitted my VosCast invoice and a copy of my business registration for the radio station. The reviewer then said I still have to provide authorisation to comply with 5.2.1: "However, to be in compliance with guideline 5.2.1, it would still be appropriate to submit documentation demonstrating this authorization." I'm not sure what other document I should submit. Looking for some advise on this. Thanks so much! Here is a screenshot of my app:
Jul ’24