Showing results for August 2007 - Developer Support

Aug 27, 2007

Reflections on having multiple versions of NetCF on your device

Andrew Arnott
Andrew Arnott

The .NET Compact Framework has had several releases: V1 + 3 service packs, V2 + 2 service packs, V3.5 (to date just betas).  Which of these are installed on your device?  Can you have multiple versions installed simultaneously?  Which version will run your NetCF app if multiple versions are installed?  This post addresses all th...

andarnoMobile devicesNetCF
Aug 20, 2007

The WCF subset supported by NetCF

Andrew Arnott
Andrew Arnott

[Updated: 21Nov07 to clarify that custom headers are supported, but not in NetCFSvcUtil proxy generation] [Updated: 27Aug07 to correct Gzip sample, and clarify on transports & extensibility] [Updated: 23Aug07 to add SecurityAlgorithmSuite enumerable]Many people have been asking about what subset of .NET 3.0's Windows Communication Foundati...

andarnoMobile devicesNetCF
Aug 2, 2007

Gmail interface clone in 4 hours using WPF

Andrew Arnott
Andrew Arnott

I used Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 to try WPF for very nearly the first time.  I discuss how I managed to clone an interface I admire in four hours over on my JMPInline blog.
