July 14th, 2021

Windows Terminal Preview 1.10 Release

Kayla Cinnamon
Senior Product Manager

It’s Windows Terminal release day! This release introduces Windows Terminal Preview to version 1.10 and Windows Terminal will be updated to version 1.9 soon. Windows Terminal will include all of the features listed in the 1.9 blog post except for the default terminal setting and the ability to edit actions using the settings UI. We are keeping these features inside Windows Terminal Preview in order to identify and fix remaining bugs. Now let’s jump into what’s new with version 1.10!

Command palette button in dropdown

We noticed that the Feedback button inside the dropdown menu was hardly used and we figured this was highly valuable real estate. We decided to change this button to a command palette button to make the command palette more discoverable (because who doesn’t love the command palette? 😉). Clicking this button will launch the command palette just as if you typed Ctrl+Shift+P.

Image Command Palette Button

Quake mode in system tray

When the quake mode window is dismissed, it will now remain inside your system tray. This gives you the option to open your quake window from the tray in addition to typing Win+`. Additionally, after launching the quake window, you no longer need the parent terminal instance running in your taskbar in order to open the quake window again. You can close the taskbar instance of terminal and still have access to your quake window because it’s running inside the tray.

Image terminal system tray

Bold text

Windows Terminal now displays bold text in the text renderer (Thanks @skyline75489!). We will be adding a setting in the future that lets you configure this functionality.

Image terminal bold

Settings UI updates

We continually work to improve the settings UI experience. Here are our latest updates:

User defaults

In the version 1.8 release, we removed base layer from the settings UI. Base layer is the equivalent to the "defaults" section of your settings.json file, which applies settings to all of your profiles. We removed this page because the functionality introduced an architectural conflict with the JSON fragment extensions.

We are currently working on designing a new UI solution and we’ve received some feedback that a page for "defaults" is highly requested in the settings UI. The first step to our solution is adding it back into the settings UI under the name “Defaults”. This new naming matches the syntax used in the settings.json file. The next step in our solution is to design an extensions page to help you manage your JSON fragment extensions. Progress on this new page can be tracked in this issue. Please feel free to give us feedback in the issue as development continues.

Image terminal defaults

Add new actions

Windows Terminal comes with a ton of different actions at your disposal. Most of them include keyboard shortcuts by default and now we’re giving you the ability to add your own keyboard shortcuts without removing existing ones using the settings UI.

Image terminal actions UI

Miscellaneous improvements

🛠 You can now explicitly set your language preference for the terminal. This setting can be found on the Appearance page of the settings UI.

🛠 The percentage sign is now added to all opacity slider values (Thanks @chingucoding!).

🛠 You can now close tabs by index (Thanks @ianjoneill!).

🛠 Font settings can now be represented as an object in your settings.json file.

Bug fixes

🐛 There should be many fewer crashes (hopefully none 😁) when opening the settings UI.

🐛 Closing tabs should no longer crash in the terminal.

🐛 You can now open a new tab using the command line without the terminal dismissing.

🐛 Default terminal in version 1.10 is much more reliable in 22000.65. Default terminal in 1.10 is not compatible with 22000.51 and 1.9 is not compatible with 22000.65.

🐛 Performance and reliability improvements.

Top contributors

We love being open source and we love recognizing those who have made an impact for each release. Check out our top contributors for this release below!

Contributors who opened the most non-duplicate issues

🏆 alabuzhev

🏆 skyline75489

🏆 joca-bt

🏆 chargen

Contributors who created the most merged pull requests

🏆 skyline75489

🏆 gabrielconl

🏆 chingucoding

🏆 kovdu

🏆 ianjoneill

🏆 alabuzhev

Contributors who provided the most comments on pull requests

🏆 skyline75489

🏆 KalleOlaviNiemitalo

🏆 chingucoding


If you want to learn more about the features in Windows Terminal, feel free to check out our docs site. If you have any questions or feedback, you can reach out to Kayla (@cinnamon_msft) on Twitter. If you find any bugs or would like to request new features, you can file an issue on GitHub. We hope you like the latest updates to Windows Terminal and Windows Terminal Preview!

Image signatures


Kayla Cinnamon
Senior Product Manager

Product Manager for Dev Home, Microsoft PowerToys, and Windows Developer Experiences, formerly Windows Terminal and Cascadia Code.


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  • Vincent Arter Jr

    Love the Quake Mode now not needing the desktop full app running, but it still seems to need Terminal loaded at startup, then you have to Quake Mode, then exit the desktop full app. Is there a way around this? Like start the Terminal Preview IN Quake Mode / SysTray only mode? I’d love that, but haven’t figured it out yet.

  • Kavyansh Jain

    Hey! I am facing a problem when I was using the terminal my mouse click is not working but I come to know it is working in the right side but not on the full windows
    I am unable to fix it plesase help

  • mike santiago

    What exactly is the purpose of terminal in windows?

  • Rao Mohsin

    Hi Kayla,

    what is your role in development of windows terminal???


  • Kyle Preuss

    I’m still hopeful that one day background transparency will be supported so that I can read text in other windows behind the console like I can with regular old PS and CMD.

  • Max Mustermueller

    Is there a way to set CMD to be the first and default tab instead of powershell? This is what annoys me the most.

    • KM

      Open Windows Terminal
      Hit CTRL+Comma

      Now, depending on which version you have you will either see a tabbed interface, or the settings.json will open.

      For the tabbed interface, it is a matter of setting the ‘Default profile’ to your desired profile.

      If the settings.json opens, go and find the guid that is associated with the commandline cmd.exe, copy that and paste that in the defaultProfile.

      • Max Mustermueller

        Thank you so much, it worked!