Azure VM Runtime Team

Azure VM Runtime Team

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How to determine if your Runcommand script failed
Jun 16, 2023

How to determine if your Runcommand script failed

Joseph Calev
Joseph Calev

Today, we're going to cover what can be a maddening issue in just determining whether your script failed. Let's start with a very simple operation. Open a Powershell window and run the following: This shouldn't be rocket science here. It's very clear that "this is an error" is, in fact, an error. So, with this universal fact determined, let's run it on an Azure VM. And now let's see the result. Note that you need to pass in -expand "instanceView" to see the actual error. Without this, you'll receive the following. This leads one to believe everything worked, when it didnt't. So, the first lesson...

Long running RunCommands
Mar 10, 2023

Long running RunCommands

Joseph Calev
Joseph Calev

Recently, there's been a bit of confusion involving long running RunCommands. For reference, the default wait time for RunCommand has been 90 minutes - the same as all other extensions. But what if you have a script that takes longer? Well, we've added a timeoutInSeconds parameter just for that purpose! The only slight problem is this won't work. If your script runs for more than 90 minutes, you'll see an error like this. Huh? As long as it's within the boundary of your timeout, shouldn't it work? The problem lies with how RunCommand executes. There are two modes - synchronous and asynchronous...

RunCommand vs Custom Script Extension vs VM Applications
Feb 17, 2023

RunCommand vs Custom Script Extension vs VM Applications

Joseph Calev
Joseph Calev

I'm sure that many of you would swear that Microsoft loves to confuse you. Currently, there are not three but four ways to run code on your machine. Now, I know what you're saying. "I just want to run this thing on my machine! Which do I choose?" Well, here I hope to clear that up. First, all of the above work on both Windows and Linux. They also work on both Virtual Machines and Virtual Machine Scale Sets. However, their behavior for the latter differs. Let's start out with the simplifying the problem: there is rarely a reason to use Custom Script Extension. Personally, I don't have...

Managing VM Applications with Azure Policies
Feb 10, 2023

Managing VM Applications with Azure Policies

Joseph Calev
Joseph Calev

For those unacquainted with the feature, VM Applications allow you to manage applications across virtual machines and virtual machine scale sets. What exactly is an "application"? In truth, it's whatever you want. Typically, it's something that runs for a long period of time on the box, such as a service. However, the definition is really up to you. One big ask we received from our customers was the ability to manage applications via policies. This can be used for the following effects. Both are possible using a DeployIfNotExists Azure policy. In this post, I'll cover how to accomplish this and po...