DEV Community: Jeff The latest articles on DEV Community by Jeff (@spydirwebb).,height=90,fit=cover,gravity=auto,format=auto/ DEV Community: Jeff en 24 Days of Javascriptmas Jeff Thu, 24 Dec 2020 18:16:22 +0000 <p>Hello All,<br> This post is mainly for posting my solutions to Scrimba's 24 days of Javascriptmas in order to get the certification, but I guess I can tell you a little about how we got here and why I enjoyed this. <br> So 2020. Whew. Its almost over. What a wild and crazy ride its been. Please stay where you're at and don't follow us into 2021.<br> I started 2020 unemployed. I was/am again a clinical research coordinator who dabbled in code to help with the job. Learned excel, VBA and python to help keep track of and analyze data. Before that I learned HTML, CSS, and javascript through <a href="">Freecodecamp</a>. I did okay, but I really liked the javascript (I am not artistically minded).<br> So boom! unemployed and 2 kids at home all of the time. I apply at jobs forever, with no luck. Going nowhere, watching kid shows all day, screaming baby in my ear, I'm going crazy. But at night, when everyone is asleep, I pull out the laptop and start coding again. Learning React. <br> My mind starts exploding. Suddenly it all starts making more sense, the universe unfolding in my minds eye. I'm thinking about code all day: how to solve problems I ran into last night, how to better do algorithms, new websites/apps I want to do. I'm finally progressing again. Finally, unemployment and covid quarantine don't seem so bad anymore. <br> Once the basic concepts are out of the way, I get into harder territory of object oriented programming. I switch to learning java with the help of <a href="">Codecademy</a> and learn through there. I stay on java for a few months because I really want to learn how to develop android apps. Luckily the first job that I got paid okay and didn't require much of me, so for a few hours a week I got to follow along with youtube videos to build a Java portfolio.<br> That job closed down, I got a new one (thank God), but I didn't have as much time to code. I was switching specialties to oncology and holy crap did I have a lot to learn. It was overwhelming. Then freeCodeCamp published an article about the <a href="">24 days of Javascript</a>. It sounded interesting and I loved every second of it. Let me tell you, <a href="">scrimba</a> is a game changer for people that like to follow along and code at the same time. It's fantastic. I was really hoping to win a free year.<br> Anyways, I loved it, it gave me the daily confidence boost in the morning that I needed, and most days I didn't find them as hard as leetcode. Here are my solutions:<br> 1: <a href="">Candies</a><br> 2: <a href="">Deposit Profit</a><br> 3: <a href="">Chunky Monkey</a><br> 4: <a href="">Century From Year</a><br> 5: <a href="">Reverse a String</a><br> 6: <a href="">Sort By Length</a><br> 7: <a href="">Count Vowel Consonant</a><br> 8: <a href="">Rolling Dice</a><br> --These DOM manipulating challenges took me forever. Learning React made me forget all of the basics. Good refresher--<br> 9: <a href="">Sum odd Fibonacci Numbers</a><br> 10: <a href="">Adjacent Elements Product</a><br> 11: <a href="">Avoid Obstacles</a><br> --I'll admit, I had to look this one up. I solved it myself, but the instructions were not very clear--<br> 12: <a href="">Valid Time</a><br> 13: <a href="">Extract Each Kth</a><br> 14: <a href="">Maximal Adjacent Difference</a><br> 15: <a href="">Javascript Carousel</a><br> 16: <a href="">Insert Dashes</a><br> 17: <a href="">Different symbols Naive</a><br> 18: <a href="">Array Previous Less</a><br> --This was another not quite clear instructions. Once I figured it out though it went pretty easy.--<br> 19: <a href="">Alphabet Subsequence</a><br> 20: <a href="">Domain Type</a><br> 21: <a href="">Sum of 2</a><br> --I think this actually is a leetcode problem--<br> 22: <a href="">Extract Matrix Column</a><br> 23: <a href="">Social Media Post</a><br> --I REALLY wanted to solve this one differently. Have it somehow count the characters in the textarea so Delete's and cuts would reflect in the remaining characters, but I couldn't figure it out. Keyboard input only I guess--<br> 24: <a href="">Test Your Agility</a></p> <p>So have a happy #Javascriptmas, I'm kinda sad that it's over.<br> Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.</p> javascript javascriptmas scrimba