DEV Community: Chip Warden The latest articles on DEV Community by Chip Warden (@lgw4).,height=90,fit=cover,gravity=auto,format=auto/ DEV Community: Chip Warden en Getting pyenv (and friends) working on macOS Big Sur Chip Warden Tue, 24 Nov 2020 22:59:22 +0000 <h1> TL;DR </h1> <ol> <li>Prefix <code>SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1</code> to any <code>pyenv</code>, <code>pipx</code>, or <code>pip</code> command you run.</li> <li>You can make this easier with shell aliases.</li> </ol> <h2> <code>pyenv</code>, <code>pipx</code>, and <code>pip</code> on macOS Big Sur </h2> <p>If you have upgraded to macOS Big Sur, you may have discovered that <code>pyenv</code>, <code>pipx</code>, and even <code>pip</code> may throw unexpected errors. Prefixing <code>SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1</code> to any of these commands fixes the problem (by having macOS return <code>10.16</code> as the OS version instead of <code>11.0</code>). Hopefully this will not be necessary in the future.</p> <p>You can make this automatic by adding some shell aliases.<br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code><span class="nb">alias </span><span class="nv">pip</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">'SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 pip'</span> <span class="nb">alias </span><span class="nv">pip3</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">'SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 pip3'</span> <span class="nb">alias </span>pip3.7<span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">'SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 pip3.7'</span> <span class="nb">alias </span>pip3.8<span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">'SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 pip3.8'</span> <span class="nb">alias </span>pip3.9<span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">'SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 pip3.9'</span> <span class="nb">alias </span><span class="nv">pipx</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">'SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 pipx'</span> <span class="nb">alias </span><span class="nv">pyenv</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">'SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 pyenv'</span> </code></pre> </div> <h2> References </h2> <ul> <li>Jeremy R. H. Sequoia. <a href="">Twitter, 2020/07/20</a>. Finding this solved my problems with these Python tools.</li> <li>Chip Warden. <a href="">My Dotfiles</a>. My dotfile repository contains and example of how I make this work with Bash shell.</li> </ul> python macos bash How I Python on macOS in 2020 Chip Warden Thu, 22 Oct 2020 01:23:52 +0000 <h1> TL;DR </h1> <ol> <li>Use <a href="">Homebrew</a> for Python dependencies.</li> <li>Use <a href=""><code>pyenv</code></a> for installing Python versions.</li> <li>Use <a href=""><code>virtualenvwrapper</code></a> to create and manage Python virtual environments.</li> <li>Use <a href=""><code>pipx</code></a> for Python command line tools.</li> <li>Use <a href="">Black</a> for Python code formatting.</li> </ol> <h2> Use <a href="">Homebrew</a> for Python dependencies </h2> <p>Most developers using macOS are probably already using Homebrew for installing tools and libraries not included with the default system. If you are not, you can find instructions for installing Homebrew <a href="">here</a>. Once you have Homebrew installed, you will need o make sure to have a few dependencies installed that are required for building CPython.<br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code>brew <span class="nb">install </span>openssl@1.1 readline </code></pre> </div> <h2> Use <a href=""><code>pyenv</code></a> for installing Python versions </h2> <p>Apple does not track upstream Python releases very closely, so you should install your own Python versions so you can stay up to date. I recommend using <a href=""><code>pyenv</code></a> for installing Python versions. If you wish, you can install <code>pyenv</code> using Homebrew.<br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code>brew <span class="nb">install </span>pyenv </code></pre> </div> <p>I don't do this, though. I like to track the most recent changes to <code>pyenv</code>, so I use the <a href=""><code>pyenv-installer</code></a> to install <code>pyenv</code>. Whichever method you use, make sure to follow the installation instructions for your shell and run <code>pyenv doctor</code> to make sure everything is working well.</p> <h3> Install some Python versions and set the global Python versions </h3> <p>I install the most recent Python 3.7 (to support the iTerm shell integration utilities), Python 3.8 (which I make the default global <code>python3</code>), and Python 3.9.<br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>pyenv install 3.7.9 pyenv install 3.8.6 pyenv install 3.9.0 </code></pre> </div> <p>Next, I like to make Python 3.8 my default global <code>python3</code> (and <code>python3.8</code>) executable, but I also like to have <code>python3.7</code> and <code>python3.9</code> available on my <code>PATH</code>.<br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code>pyenv global 3.8.6 3.7.9 3.9.0 </code></pre> </div> <p>Let's make sure everything looks good by running <code>pyenv versions</code>.<br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code>lgw4 at defiant <span class="k">in</span> ~ ❯ pyenv versions system <span class="k">*</span> 3.7.9 <span class="o">(</span><span class="nb">set </span>by /Users/lgw4/.pyenv/version<span class="o">)</span> <span class="k">*</span> 3.8.6 <span class="o">(</span><span class="nb">set </span>by /Users/lgw4/.pyenv/version<span class="o">)</span> <span class="k">*</span> 3.9.0 <span class="o">(</span><span class="nb">set </span>by /Users/lgw4/.pyenv/version<span class="o">)</span> </code></pre> </div> <p>Looks good. Let's use <code>pyenv which</code> to make sure the versions are correct.<br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code>lgw4 at defiant <span class="k">in</span> ~ ❯ pyenv which python3 /Users/lgw4/.pyenv/versions/3.8.6/bin/python3 lgw4 at defiant <span class="k">in</span> ~ ❯ pyenv which python3.8 /Users/lgw4/.pyenv/versions/3.8.6/bin/python3.8 lgw4 at defiant <span class="k">in</span> ~ ❯ pyenv which python3.9 /Users/lgw4/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/bin/python3.9 lgw4 at defiant <span class="k">in</span> ~ ❯ pyenv which python3.7 /Users/lgw4/.pyenv/versions/3.7.9/bin/python3.7 </code></pre> </div> <p>Just the way I like it.</p> <h2> Use <a href=""><code>virtualenvwrapper</code></a> to create and manage Python virtual environments </h2> <p>You <em>are</em> using virtual environments with Python, right? These days, Python comes with a perfectly fine virtual environment implementation built in, which you can use by running <code>python3 -m venv venv</code>. However, I like to use <a href=""><code>virtualenvwrapper</code></a> to manage my virtual environments for two reasons:</p> <ol> <li>I sometimes forget to add <code>venv</code> to my <code>.gitignore</code> file and might accidentally commit my virtual environment to my Git repository.</li> <li>By using the <code>setvirtualenvproject</code> command, I can get easy directory switching when using the <code>workon</code> command.</li> </ol> <h2> Use <a href=""><code>pipx</code></a> for Python command line tools </h2> <p>If you are like me, you have a few Python command line tools that you always want available, but you don't want to install them in every virtual environment you create. That's where <a href=""><code>pipx</code></a> comes in. Once installed, you have a <code>pipx</code> command which you can use to install your Python command line tools.<br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code>pipx <span class="nb">install </span>black </code></pre> </div> <p>Let's use <code>pipx list</code> to see what happened.<br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code>lgw4 at defiant <span class="k">in</span> ~ ❯ pipx list venvs are <span class="k">in</span> /Users/lgw4/.local/pipx/venvs apps are exposed on your <span class="nv">$PATH</span> at /Users/lgw4/.local/bin package black 20.8b1, Python 3.8.6 - black - black-primer - blackd </code></pre> </div> <p><code>pipx</code> creates a private virtual environment for your command line tool, then makes a symbolic link for the tools in <code>~/.local/bin</code> so they are available on your <code>PATH</code>.<br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code>lgw4 at defiant <span class="k">in</span> ~ ❯ which black /Users/lgw4/.local/bin/black </code></pre> </div> <h2> Use <a href="">Black</a> for Python code formatting </h2> <p>I use <a href="">Black</a> to format all my Python code. Is it a perfect tool that formats everything they way I would manually? No. But it does a good job, is close enough to the PEP8 standard to not bother me, and works fast. It is also a PSF project, so I feel confident that it will be around and maintained for a long time.</p> <h2> References </h2> <ul> <li>Brett Cannon. <a href="">Why you should use <code>python -m pip</code></a>.</li> <li>Jacob Kaplan-Moss. <a href="">My Python Development Environment, 2020 Edition</a> </li> <li>Chip Warden. <a href="">My Dotfiles</a>. These files show how I make all this work in Bash and Fish shells, both on macOS and GNU/Linux.</li> </ul> python macos bash fish