DEV Community: Dhinesh The latest articles on DEV Community by Dhinesh (@dinirockz93).,height=90,fit=cover,gravity=auto,format=auto/ DEV Community: Dhinesh en The Laptop Paradox Dhinesh Sat, 27 Mar 2021 12:17:49 +0000 <p><strong>Disclaimer:</strong> </p> <ol> <li>This post is targeted to the audience who are fresh grads/students/Rookie Devs.</li> <li>The configuration shared here is modest, It's not the best.</li> </ol> <p>Ever wondered what is the better laptop for programming/Education, Ok is there a set of metrics for choosing a laptop!? How do we know one is superior to others!?</p> <p>Let's say we have a budget of 1000USD</p> <p>Moderate/Typical laptop requirements:<br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight plaintext"><code>RAM: 8GB MEMORY: 512 GB HDD GRAPHICS: AMD Radeon Pro 5500M with 4GB of GDDR6 memory/NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 CPU Cores: 6 Display: Retina Battery life: 6-8 hours </code></pre> </div> <p>All the above requirements should fit in 80 % of your budget i.e. 800 USD, Sometimes we might need a higher-end graphics card or more CPU cores or more RAM, These are niche cases like where there might be a requirement to work on Intense video editing or running parallel ML models or running android studios. Depending on use cases we have to make a tradeoff.</p> <p>If you have some vision issues like me, you would like to consider buying a monitor, keyboard and mouse. Then the budget for the laptop should be trimmed to 70 % and these peripherals should be given 15 % of your budgets.</p> <p>The next one is the important part, with the leftover budget, you might need to buy some software or course to enhance your productivity. For example, If you're a programmer, to understand certain concepts(beginner/intermediate/advanced) you might need to purchase a course or tool or attend conferences. If you're well versed in a certain topic, you may consider doing a certification, If you're a pro you can help open source.</p> <p><strong>Final Thoughts:</strong><br> If you're considering buying a laptop for an education/learning/programming purpose, have these above-discussed thoughts in mind, At the end of the day your laptop will never say I won't run the program, you just need to make it work that's why we have the God <strong>The Internet</strong></p> programming discuss Getting started with AKS Dhinesh Mon, 15 Mar 2021 11:47:54 +0000 <p>My love story with Konfhub contest (#azuredevstories)</p> <p>Disclaimer: I am not professionally anywhere near to azure expert, I am just another developer with questions and queries.</p> <p>I recently stumbled upon a tweet from <a href="">KonfHub</a>, Featuring azuredev challenge. On exploring, it's a technical blogging contest cum learning program where all the participants have to complete any one of the MS Learn tracks and share a blog with their azure experience.</p> <p><strong>Kubernetes, Who?</strong></p> <p>Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. It has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools are widely available.</p> <p><strong>Kubernetes, Why?</strong></p> <p>Containers are an excellent way to bundle and run your applications. In a production environment, you need to manage the containers that run the applications and ensure no downtime.</p> <blockquote> <p>Kubernetes will be the next big thing, oops It's already a one...</p> </blockquote> <p><strong>Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)</strong></p> <p>In 2020 <a href="">kubeCon</a>, I entangled myself to Azure Kubernetes service, the stepping stone to start my exploration journey in AKS.</p> <p>AKS is a fully-managed service that allows you to run Kubernetes in Azure without managing your Kubernetes clusters. Azure contains all the complex parts of running Kubernetes, and you can focus on your containers. Basic features include:<br> Pay only for the nodes (VMs)</p> <p><em>✍Features of AKS</em></p> <p>🌟 Azure Kubernetes Service tutorial will inform you of the simplicity of deploying managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure using AKS. <br> 🌟 Microsoft Azure can deal with essential maintenance and health monitoring tasks because it is a hosted Kubernetes service.<br> 🌟 Common Azure Kubernetes Service documentation can shed light on the improvements in access, security, and monitoring.<br> 🌟 AKS helps in integration with Azure Active Directory and using Kubernetes role-based access controls. Also, you could monitor the status of your cluster and resources.<br> 🌟 Azure Kubernetes Service tutorial also includes elaborations on the feature of clusters and nodes in AKS.<br> 🌟 AKS nodes run on Azure Virtual Machines, and AKS supports Kubernetes clusters running multiple node pools.<br> 🌟 Azure Kubernetes Service documentation will also include virtual networks and ingress. You can deploy an AKS cluster into an existing virtual network.<br> 🌟 The pods can communicate with other pods in the cluster and other nodes in the virtual network.</p> <p><em>My Journey with AKS</em></p> <p>I started a demo application <a href="">GitHub</a> from Microsoft to test out the features and smoothness of AKS; needless to stay. I was pretty impressed. </p> <p>This <a href="">place</a> will help you to get started on the Kubernetes and AKS, even if you have a piece of simple knowledge on the cloud computing concepts.</p> <p><strong>Final words</strong><br> With this technical blogging contest by KonfHub, I firmly believe every software Engineer will engulf the practice of reading the documentation/blogs/articles/references, which helps explore the professional way of dealing with errors. Thank you, KonfHub, for this exquisite experience. </p> <p>References:</p> <p><a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a></p> azure kubernetes Configuring screenshots in Mac Dhinesh Fri, 05 Mar 2021 16:55:16 +0000 <p>Hola Everyone,</p> <p>I have been a Mac user for the past 5 years, wanted to share tricks in customising the screenshots in Mac.</p> <p><strong>NOTE</strong></p> <p>All these changes requires restart, If you want the change to reflect immediately, you can run this command<br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code><span class="nv">$ </span>killall SystemUIServer </code></pre> </div> <h4> 1. Disable Screenshot Drop Shadows </h4> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code><span class="nv">$ </span>defaults write disable-shadow <span class="nt">-bool</span> TRUE </code></pre> </div> <p><em>To reset the changes</em><br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code><span class="nv">$ </span>defaults write disable-shadow <span class="nt">-bool</span> FALSE </code></pre> </div> <h5> 2. Change Screenshot File Format </h5> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code><span class="nv">$ </span>defaults write <span class="nb">type </span>PDF </code></pre> </div> <p><em>To reset the changes</em><br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code><span class="nv">$ </span>defaults write <span class="nb">type </span>png </code></pre> </div> <h5> 3. Change the default folder </h5> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code><span class="nv">$ </span>defaults write location &lt;DIR&gt; </code></pre> </div> <p><em>To reset the changes</em><br> </p> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code><span class="nv">$ </span>defaults write location ~/Desktop </code></pre> </div> <h5> 4. Change the screenshot file name </h5> <div class="highlight js-code-highlight"> <pre class="highlight shell"><code><span class="nv">$ </span>defaults write name &lt;FILENAME&gt; </code></pre> </div> <p>Do add any comments if I am missing something</p> productivity macbook screenshot