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Pierre Bouillon
Pierre Bouillon

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MinGW pronunciation

This week, we started talking about C++ in my school.
I did write a few lines in C++ before but it was all on my own and I never had to speak about it with someone unless it was by written exchanges.

The problem is that between students, teachers and internet, there are a lot of different pronunciations for mingw (as [gif] and [jif] I suppose).

If there is any C++ dev who read this post, what is the "correct" way to pronounce it?

Top comments (6)

eljayadobe profile image

MinGW stands for "minimalist GNU for Windows".

I've pronounced it "min gee double-you" or "min gee wub" (since I often call the letter 'w' /wub/, but that's just me and my little idiosyncrasy).

Steve Wilhite, the creator of GIF, calls it /jif/.

val_baca profile image
Valentin Baca

I like "wub". Every other letter has a monosyllabic name except w's "double-u".

If nothing else, it makes saying "" really fun to say, instead of the mouthful that it is now.

eljayadobe profile image

Looks like the angle-brackets ate your "a href="""

I'd say it this way...

angle ay aytch ref equals quote aytch tee tee pee colon slash slash wub wub wub dot quote close-angle

Hmm, that makes me curious as to spellings of the letters.

OED uses: a bee cee dee e ef jee aitch i jay kay el om en o pee cue ar ess tee u vee double-u ex wy zee

SAM uses: ey biy siy diy iy ehf jiy eych ay jey key ehl ehm ehn ow piy kyuw aor ehs tiy yuw viy dahblyuw ehks way ziy

Wiki Alphabet uses: ay bee cee dee ee eff gee aitch aye jay kay ell em en oh pee queue ar ess tee you vee doubleyou ex wye zee

Eljay (me!) uses: ay bee see dee ee ef jee aytch iy jay kay el em en oh pee kyoo ar es tee yoo vee wub eks wiy zee

(Using my "wub". Tee-hee. :-)

tophatsteve profile image
Steve Bentley

I always thought it was ming w.

parthpower profile image
Parth Parikh

I say min-gee-w but idk how correct it is. It's subjective, just like gif.

moysoft profile image
Mohammad Yusuf

I say Ming-wee like Yngwie Malmsteen