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jQuery Gantt editor

Coordination page about the addition of https://github.com/robicch/jQueryGantt/ to Tiki19 as PluginGanttChart

Bugs & Wishes

Open or Pending

Items found: 7

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What we want


  • What is the plan to deal with sub-tasks? Item link? Relations field?
    simplest setup (and maybe good enough):
    • project = category.
    • task: tracker item
    • child task (from hierarchical point of view in Gantt Chart): another item of the same tracker, with: relations field.
    • parent task: as before, but info in another relation field "Parent task".

    item link could be for linked items in the timesheet, if needed. Invoiceable items, etc.

A former hack-like implementation that was never committed to trunk svn, and thus, became obsolete quickly, but maybe some ideas can be taken from there?

And PluginTrackerCalendar

The commercial version has been always a step forward the open source one, so after two and half years the gap becomes unbridgeable and I needed time and funds to ferry the open source component to the new world 😊

Thanks to WikiSuite, that funded the alignment, the new version has finally seen the light.

Developer documentation:

Alias names of this page:
Gantt | Gantt Chart | GanttChart | Plugin Gantt Chart | Plugin GanttChart | PluginGanttChart