Currently in development - new page using the custom search plugin to show bugs and wishes. The old (slow) search page is here: Search Wishes If you can’t find the item you are looking for, be the first to report it using our Make a wish form, thanks ! Any text: Status: OpenPendingClosed Version: 1.8.x1.9.x10.x11.x11.x Regression12.x12.x Regression13.x13.x Regression14.x14.x Regression15.x15.x Regression16.x16.x Regression17.x17.x Regression18.x18.x Regression19.x19.x Regression2.x20.x20.x Regression21.x21.x Regression22.x23.x24.x25.x26.x27.x28.x29.x (future, currently trunk)3.x4.x5.x6.x7.x8.x9.xRegression from 24.x to 25.xRegression from 25.x to 26.xRegression from 26.x to 27.xRegression from 27.x to 28.xmaster Category: BugConflict of two features (each works well independently)ConsistencyErrorRegressionUpgrade BlockerUsabilityCommunity projectsDeveloper TrainingDocumentation (or Advocacy)Dogfood on a * siteEasy for Newbie DevFeature requestIndexingLegislative ComplianceLess than 30-minutes fixPatchRelease BlockerSupport requestTechnical debt (dependencies, refactor, etc.) Feature: All / UndefinedAccessibilityAccountingAddon Organic GroupsAddonsAdmin Interface (UI)AdministrationAdvanced Rating Language / Mathematical calculation tracker fieldAlertArticleAuto TOCBacklinksBannerBigBlueButton webinarBlogBookmarkBrowser CompatibilityCalendarCategoryCharts and Data VisualizationChatCommentCommunity CurrencyConnectConsole / Command LineContact (address book)Contact usContent templateContributionCookieCopyrightCustom Home Page and Group Home PageDaily reportsDatabase MySQL (InnoDB)Database MySQL (MyISAM)Database independence (Non-Mysql, ADOdb Postgres, Oracle, etc)Date and TimeDebugger ConsoleDeliberationDiagram (Drawings, Diagrams, Flowcharts and more)Directory (of hyperlinks)Docs (WebODF)Draw (SVG-edit)Dynamic ContentDynamic VariableEdit interface (UI)EphemeridesExternal Authentication (LDAP, AD, PAM, CAS, etc)FAQFeatured linksFederation (Communication Center, SisterWiki, etc.)File Gallery (elFinder or standard UI)ForumFriendship network (Community)Gantt ChartGmap (Google Map)GroupGroupmailH5PHTML pageHelp SystemHistory (wiki, tracker item, sheet...)HotwordImage GalleryImport-ExportInfrastructureInline edition for trackersInline wysiwyg editorInstaller (profiles, upgrades and server-related issues)IntegratorInter-User messagesInterTikiInteraction (with the outside World)KanbanKarmaLive supportLogs (system & action)Lost edit protectionMail QueueMail-inMapsMenuMeta TagMind mapping (3.0)Mobile (Mobile Tiki and Voice Tiki)ModsModulesMonitoringMultiTikiMultimediaMust readsMyTikiNamespacesNew feature (not an enhancement to a current one)NewslettersNotepadOS independence (Non-Linux, Windows/IIS, Mac, BSD)Organic GroupsOthersPDFPackagesPerformance / Speed / Load / Compression / CachePermissionPerspectivesPollPrintProfile ManagerQuizRSSRatingRealnameReportRevision ApprovalSchedulerScoreScreencast (Record RTC)Screencast (jCapture)SearchSearch Engine Friendly URLs (SEFURLs)Search engine optimization (SEO) SecuritySemantic links (3.0)ShareShopping cart and paymentShoutboxShow.Tiki.OrgSite IdentitySlideshowSocial NetworkingSpam protection (Anti-bot CAPTCHA)SpellcheckSpreadsheetStaging and ApprovalStatsSurveySyntax highlighter (Codemirror)TRIMTablesorterTagsTaskTell a Friend / Social BookmarkingTemplates (Smarty)Terms and ConditionsTheme: Look & feel, Styles, CSS, Theme Control CenterTikiTestsTimesheetToken AccessToolbars, Quicktags and SmileysToursTracker revampTrackersTransition (of Groups or Categories)UI / UX (User interface and experience)User Administration (Registration, Login & Banning)User FilesUser MenuUser PreferencesUser mentionsVideo (Kaltura, YouTube, etc.)WYSIWTSN What You See Is What (You Want) To See NowWYSIWYCA (What You See is What You Can Access)WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get)Watch (email notifications of changes)Web ServiceWebHelpWebmailWiki (page view, edit, history, rename, etc)Wiki 3DWiki Plugin (extends basic syntax)Wiki Structure (book & table of content)Wiki Syntax (text area, parser, external wiki, etc)Wizards - Admin WizardWizards - Profiles WizardWizards - Upgrade / Changes WizardWizards - User WizardWorkspaceXML RPCXMPP Client (ConverseJS)i18n (Multilingual, l10n, Babelfish)~Backup~Newsreader~Trackers (mirror)~Workflow engine (Galaxia) Resolution Status: NewAcceptedConfirmedDuplicatePartially solvedFix on the WayFixedInvalidNeeds discussionNot enough informationOut of DatePlease retestRejectedRemindWon't FixWorking On ItWorks For Me