Similar to Server check, let's make a Tiki recovery feature/mode. Like tiki-install.php, this should only be accessible if you have DB password and should auto-lock. In fact, this could just be a mode/page of tiki-install.php rather than a new file (ex.: tiki-recovery.php)
- Tiki Install is to install and upgrade
- Tiki TRIM is for mass deployments
- Tiki Check and Permission Check are to manually check Server Compatibility issues (for a new install or a server migration)
- Tiki Monitoring is to detect issues and send alerts
- Tiki Recovery is to fix a Tiki that was once working, but stopped working for some reason
It should be possible to set any pref
- which can lead to being locked out of Tiki (think Safe Mode)
- which can be used to debug
- Should be possible to set memory_limit, like WordPress (of course, if server lets you)
- PHP error reporting level:
- Add HTML comment at start and end of each Smarty template (TPL).
Recover from a crash
- Some operations can lead to be locked out of Tiki
- Show last 20 prefs that were changed and offer to revert
- Copy to clipboardsession_protected -> {tr}Protect all sessions with HTTPS.{/tr} {tr}Only activate if you have already configured SSL, otherwise, your will lock yourself out of Tiki.{/tr}
- HTTPS login
- Troubleshooting
- Repair MySQL tables
- Empty all cache
- Rebuild Search Index
- Empty tiki_sessions
- Invalid Smarty in module/header/footer/etc.
- Check file integrity
- Debug_Mode_Enabled and Debug_Mode_Disabled