Pages categorized as developer documentation
- 3 Regras
- 3 Rules
- Activities
- Activity Streams
- Bootstrap
- Character encoding
- Code Howto Create a Wiki Plugin
- Code Howto: Add a preference to an admin panel
- Code Howto: Add translatable text elements to the User Interface
- Code Howto: Create a new permission
- Code Howto: Dialogs
- Code Howto: Splitting a Smarty template into smaller chunks
- Code Maps and Howtos
- Commit Code
- Commit Tags
- Continuous Integration
- Convert a site installed via FTP to now use Git
- Copy a change from one branch to another
- Create a new preference
- Creating or maintaining translations
- CSRF Protection
- Data Channels
- Database Access
- Database Schema Upgrade
- Debugger Console
- DevTips
- Eclipse
- Endangered features
- Events
- Experimental Branches
- Extension Points
- External Libraries
- Filtering Best Practices
- Framework
- Get code
- Hello World
- How to figure out which commit causes a bug
- How to manage string localization in JS files
- How to Submit a Merge Request
- HowToDev
- HTTPS on a Local Mac Server
- I know this is all wrong, but fear it might be right - Alain Désilets
- Including JavaScript
- Login documentation
- Mac Development System With Homebrew
- Markdown
- Mass spelling correction
- Mysql5 left_join
- Naming Convention
- Overview
- PHP Code Sniffer
- Plugin
- Plugins Dev
- Preferences
- Preferences report
- Quality Team
- Releasing
- RoadMap
- SCM Mailing List
- Security
- Security overview
- Semi-automatic merging period
- Setup a Development Environment
- Signals and Slots
- Simple Backend Login to Tiki
- Special punctuation handling
- Strings Format Convention
- Templates Best Practices
- Tiki Unit Testing
- Tiki16
- Tiki20
- Tiki21
- Tiki22
- Tiki6
- Tiki7
- Tiki9
- TikiDevNewbie
- To Mods Or Not To Mods
- Tools for Merge Request reviewers
- Tracker Query
- Unified Index
- Version lifecycle
- WebCodingStandards
- What is parsed?
- When to branch
- Where to commit
- Where to report bugs
- XAMPP-Aptana
- Xdebug etc
- Zend Framework
- 업데이트
- 코드 구하기