The remainder of this page is kept for posterity.
Why Database independence?
Tiki uses a database abstraction layer so it can be used with many databases (PostgreSQL, SQLite) in addition to MYSQL. However, anything but MySQL is no longer officially supported.
We're working on fixing remaining issues of bringing back the alternatives and although default installations are partly working, we can not yet guarantee a stable or bug-free usage of Tiki with databases other than MySQL.
You can expect other databases for later versions though.
Things to note and discuss
- MySQL search vs DB independent search (we're using fulltext-indices which not all DBS support)
- Some code is using MySQL BLOB, whereas PostgreSQLs equivalent is BYTEA.
Now (old statement here) that we have a more flexible/powerful way to handle DB upgrades, we can use simpler SQL commands and put more logic in PHP. This can make DB independence simpler than before.
I will do something about it
If you want to help, please indicate your name below and which DB you would like to work on.
Name | Database | Comment |
Marc Laporte | in general | no coding, but I can supply a test/dev server (ex.: Once Tiki works, I commit to putting at least one "Real World" project to Dogfood . |
sylvieg | postgres | |
luci | postgres | |
soulhunter | PostgreSQL | I can do coding and testing. I definetelly will put a real world project: my own web will run on TikiWiki using PostgreSQL. |
dthacker | postgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle | coding, testing and dog-fooding. Will also test with other databases (Informix, Firebird) |
Kissaki | SQLite, PostgreSQL | I'll do these 2! |
vilam | SQLite | Testing SQLite3 with PDO and tw 4.1 :Dogfood (in French) |
How it works
SQL commands are added to db/tiki.sql
db/convertscripts/ is then run.
It calls PHP executing the following scripts:
- db/convertscripts/mysql_to_pgsql.php MySQL to PosgreSQL
- db/convertscripts/mysql_to_sqlite.php MySQL to SQlite
and those will generate the converted scripts:
- db/tiki-4.0-pgsql.sql PostreSQL install SQL
- db/tiki-4.0-sqlite.sql SQlite install SQL
Contact all developers and people that have reported bugs related to database independence to inform them of the impending deadline.Done 2009-06-08Identify maintainers- Monitor
- Get Tiki to install with various DBs
- Tiki 3.0 won't install with PostgreSQL
- Trunk as of 2009-08-08 (Future 4.0) won't install (with Postgresql 7.4)
- Fix bugs, especially in more important features
- update developer documentation, especially DbAbstractionDev (which dates from 2004! and needs to be moved to so developers don't introduce regressions
- Monitor commits
- Ideally have a script which can detect errors.
- Promote Tiki within the Database's community
- Make upgrade procedure also be DB independant
- Not directly related, but we need to complete the move to PDO (now in the code but not activated by default)
PostgreSQL Wiki Converting from MySQL to PostgreSQL
Drupal was in a similar situation (Ticket from 21. Nov. until 5. Jan. 2009)
Some Differences Between PostgreSQL + MySQL
(taken from an article by Joel Burton on
In general, PostgreSQL makes a strong effort to conform to existing database standards, where MySQL has a mixed background on this. If you're coming from a background using MySQL or Microsoft Access, some of the changes can seem strange (such as not using double quotes to quote string values).
- MySQL uses nonstandard '#' to begin a comment line; PostgreSQL doesn't. Instead, use '--' (double dash), as this is the ANSI standard, and both databases understand it.
- MySQL uses ' or " to quote values (i.e. WHERE name = "John"). This is not the ANSI standard for databases. PostgreSQL uses only single quotes for this (i.e. WHERE name = 'John'). Double quotes are used to quote system identifiers; field names, table names, etc. (i.e. WHERE "last name" = 'Smith').
- MySQL uses ` (accent mark or backtick) to quote system identifiers, which is decidedly non-standard.
- PostgreSQL is case-sensitive for string comparisons. The field "Smith" is not the same as the field "smith". This is a big change for many users from MySQL and other small database systems, like Microsoft Access. In PostgreSQL, you can either:
- Use the correct case in your query. (i.e. WHERE lname='Smith')
- Use a conversion function, like lower() to search. (i.e. WHERE lower(lname)='smith')
- Use a case-insensitive operator, like ILIKE or *~
- Database, table, field and columns names in PostgreSQL are case-independent, unless you created them with double-quotes around their name, in which case they are case-sensitive. In MySQL, table names can be case-sensitive or not, depending on which operating system you are using.
- PostgreSQL and MySQL seem to differ most in handling of dates, and the names of functions that handle dates.
- MySQL uses C-language operators for logic (i.e. 'foo' || 'bar' means 'foo' OR 'bar', 'foo' && 'bar' means 'foo' and 'bar'). This might be marginally helpful for C programmers, but violates database standards and rules in a significant way. PostgreSQL, following the standard, uses || for string concatenation ('foo' || 'bar' = 'foobar').
- There are other differences between the two, such as the names of functions for finding the current user. MySQL has a tool, Crash-Me, which can useful for digging this out. (Ostensibly, Crash-Me is a comparison tool for databases; however, it tends to seriously downplay MySQL's deficiencies, and isn't very objective in what it lists: the entire idea of having procedural languages (a very important feature for many users!) is relegated to a single line on the bottom fifth of the document, while the fact that MySQL allows you to use || for logical-or (definitely non-standard), is listed way before this, as a feature. Be careful about its interpretations.)
Some differences between adodb and pdo
- pdo implements ifnull only for mysql
- pdo does not implement the tiki logs
Automated testing