fck why did I have to fall in wave 26?
I had such a great time with the rapid shooters :-)
One thing you could do to make it more entertaining even:
besides the option to attach or disamble for health, maybe disamble it to upgrade your current gun.
like if you disamble a weapon of the same type, the equipped gun might get a +2 on damage or something.
like with the rapid gun that it does 7 damage isntead of 5 after "sacrificing" a collected weapon.
or make it a percentage based thing.
sacrifing a different type of weapon gives +10% to damage, same type of weapon gives +20% damage. or something :-)
drop rates arent that high that it would matter anyways.
and one switches weapons every like 3 rounds anyways so getting too overpowered should be unlikely :-)
Recent community posts
how the f do you collect stuff?the miner guy digs bloks up as intended but now I have sand clumps lying around everywhere and the other diots jsut dances on the ladder up and dwn, without anyone collecting that sh....and I cant buy any further upgrades or unlocks either cause I lack the sand that is lying around and DOESNT GET COLLECTED!!!
if only you COULD grind afk.but here, as the description implies, you must make choices ina certain order, each choice only lasting like 20 seconds.so you cant jsut start stuff and sit back for 10 minutes.
and you have to redo shit in the same order each loop, always the same stuff to get the rover ready
concept wise nice game, made it past the second rover discovery in the first try, died in the hour long part after that.
but honestly, seeing that my stats now are like 1.18x and such compared to before I REALLY dont feel like repeatedly do the whole starting part up till the rover over and over again, jsut to increase the stats a bit each time.
like, always the same sequence of hacking this, opening that, not acccidentally forgetting to drink, eat, piss, shit in between cause your focus wandered off.
dont feel like doing that again and again until my stats are "good enough" to make it to the travel part and further than that.
let me kind of "record" the choices I made in the last go through and just repeat them until a desired point.
cause , basically, I would have to record myself doing a go through so I can repeat the same steps in the same order next time.
not feeling up for that.
let alone this game not really being idle at all, despite being in the idle category.
the 0.5-1 minute wait isnt wht I would consider idle
for me the game crashes when I want to enter that one dungeon
in the lower gray area on the map, left of the purple area.
the second I enter the dungeon (the swirling animation plays) game crashes showing this message:
ERROR in action number 1
of Other Event: Room Start for object obj_control:
Variable <unknown_object>.col_space(103783, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_control_Other_4
gml_Object_obj_control_Other_4 (line -1)"
not sure if I pressed k.
but it was definitely that area and one sure is in a panic causeyou cant defeat them with your pistol.
quickly getting used to how to switch to the shotgun and realizing that you can cross the gap wth it, sure hectic stuff there.
might have pressed all kinds of buttons there, dont exactly remember.
yeah, such a button should probably not exist.