Product/Market Fit survey: Get your PMF score fast

From survey customization and delivery to getting your first set of user responses, Delighted’s Product/Market Fit template is the fastest and easiest way to measure product/market fit.

Now you can learn valuable insights about the people in your market, what they want, and the key areas your business can work on for growth.


Every second, 45 people answer a Delighted survey


Delighted powers 300+ million surveys a year

Product market fit survey example

Create your Product/Market Fit survey in Delighted – no design resources necessary

Ask the right product/market fit questions, like how disappointed users would be if they could no longer use your product.

  • Customize your Product/Market Fit survey with your brand and logo.
  • Localize your survey in 30+ languages to contact respondents in their native language.
  • Find out more about your target audience and their preferences by adding up to 10 Additional Questions after the initial Product/Market Fit survey question.
  • Tailor your Product/Market Fit survey completion thank you message based on how they answer the initial PMF question. Provide next steps or prime users for follow-up requests.

Choose the distribution channel that works best for you

Users answer the survey directly within the channel, leading to high response rates without compromising your user experience.


Surveys are delivered to email addresses you provide. Customers respond directly in the email. No external links!


Automatically gather feedback directly on your website. We ensure a steady stream of feedback with Adaptive Sampling.


Create seamless in-app surveys for mobile. Use a simple development kit adaptable to fit your team’s requirements.


Share your survey link URL in chats, email signatures, receipts, and more. Customers respond on your branded survey page.

Automate survey delivery for actionable feedback

Trigger web/in-app surveys based on usage criteria, schedule email surveys in Delighted or via one of our pre-built integrations, or hook into the free Delighted REST API for more custom configurations.

Prevent over-surveying with built-in throttling

If you’re surveying via multiple channels, survey throttling powered by Delighted AI evenly spaces your surveys. No one gets surveyed too often, and you get a constant stream of new feedback.

Understand at a glance if your PMF score passes the test

When 40% of users respond “Very disappointed,” it means you have strong product/market fit. Delighted’s reporting features keep that number front and center.


See feedback as it comes in

Drill down into trends with your real-time feedback dashboard. Tag themes, filter by commonly used keywords, and monitor your PMF over time.

pmf survey feedback dashboard

No spreadsheets required

Slip our pre-built reports directly into your team presentation, and slice and dice your feedback with a built-in pivot table.

pmf survey reporting dashboard

AI-driven text analysis

Trained on the most important feedback themes monitored by our customers, Smart Trends scales feedback analysis by surfacing insights from free response comments.

product market fit survey smart trends dashboard

Simple data segmentation

Import customer meta-data into Delighted so you can analyze feedback by customer cohort: demographic, plan size, location, feature used – the sky’s the limit.

pmf survey data segmentation dashboard

Involve your entire team in reaching product/market fit

Promote transparency, collaboration, and alignment. Delighted PMF software makes it easy to share and act on your user feedback so you can grow faster, better.

  • Add team members as Delighted users so they can investigate the feedback themselves.
  • Pipe feedback into your collaboration and product tools such as Slack and LogRocket to guide quick customer support action.
  • Set up weekly email digests with feedback tailored to your product and marketing teams.
product market fit survey slack integration example

Join 75,000+ of the world's most beloved brands

Launch products knowing that you’re satisfying user needs

No matter what stage your company is in, Delighted Product/Market Fit surveys get you the real-time customer insights you need to scale with confidence. With PMF survey feedback, you’ll be able to:

Prioritize your product roadmap

Invest your time in understanding the product lines and feature sets that your most valued users want.

Know whether it’s safe to scale

Discover how your minimum viable product (MVP) should be refined before expanding operations.

Prepare for funding rounds

Show investors you’ve achieved success with product/market fit and are ready to do more.

Refine your value proposition

Align marketing to exact user needs for improved audience targeting and good brand differentiation.

Seamlessly integrate

Discuss feedback in Slack, trigger surveys from Stripe, sync feedback to Salesforce, store all your feedback in a data warehouse, and more.

Send your Delighted feedback into Slack channels.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Follow up with customers who've received Delighted surveys.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Send a web request to your server for feedback and unsubscribe events.
Sync responses with ClientSuccess.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Heap account.
Trigger Delighted surveys and sync feedback to Pipedrive via Zapier.
Trigger Delighted eNPS surveys from BambooHR via Zapier.
Automatically send to customers for one time payments or subscriptions.
Automatically trigger Delighted surveys based on actions in Blueshift.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Stitch account.
Sync feedback to Gladly. Auto-assign sentiment-driven tasks.
Sync CSAT feedback to MaestroQA for coaching and analysis.
Send your Delighted feedback into Slack channels.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Follow up with customers who've received Delighted surveys.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Send a web request to your server for feedback and unsubscribe events.
Sync responses with ClientSuccess.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Heap account.
Trigger Delighted surveys and sync feedback to Pipedrive via Zapier.

Check out these best practice guides for more guidance on improving your product experience using our PMF tool

What is product market fit?
Best product survey questions to ask
How to use NPS to improve your product

You don’t have to take our word for it

Delighted helps some of the world’s most coveted brands gather actionable feedback from their customers.

“Everyone at Bonobos needs a direct line to customers for feedback. I know that due to Delighted, we avoided disaster.”
“Every time we open up Delighted we find a new way to improve, which at the end of the day is why we are doing this.”
“You need users’ thoughtful, raw feedback to correct and improve experiences for all customers in the future.”