Dial in interview and onboarding processes by triggering Delighted surveys for critical candidate feedback via Zapier. Ensure that you’re building an experience that captures the best possible talent.
Every second, 45 people answer a Delighted survey
Delighted powers 300+ million surveys a year
Free to install: The Greenhouse survey integration is available on all Delighted plans.
Capture candidate and new employee feedback at exactly the right time. Trigger surveys immediately for in-progress or rejected candidates, and set a time delay for new employees to evaluate the efficacy of your onboarding process.
For a complete list of data synced from Greenhouse to Delighted, view our documentation.
Candidate added to Greenhouse
Delighted sends survey via Zapier
Get the help you need from our self-serve customer feedback software or reach out to us.
Greenhouse integration setup
Greenhouse integration blog announcement
Greenhouse applicant tracking and recruiting software helps over 4,000 companies attract, hire, and onboard the best talent available. Standardize and refine processes, and amplify your team’s impact to provide a great employee experience for some of the most critical points in the employee lifecycle.