Terms and Conditions

This Agreement is made between you being the user of DB Transport (“this Application”) and Discovery Bay Transit Services Limited (collectively “Our Company”) being the owner of this Application. Your first use of this Application shall deem to be your agreement to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should stop using this Application immediately. These terms and conditions may be modified from time to time without prior notice. By continuing to use this Application upon such changes, you agree to comply with and be bound by such modifications.


This Application is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We do not guarantee that the App is compatible with your mobile device or that the App [?] and our website are free of errors, defects, malware and viruses or that the App and our website and the contents thereof are correct, up-to-date and accurate.

All information contained in this Application and its database are for reference only. All schedule and times of our services are subject to change from time to time without prior notice. This Application is perceived to provide customer services. Our Company makes absolutely no warranty whatsoever, whether expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, thoroughness, adequacy, quality, validity, suitability and completeness of the information therein. In addition, our Company disclaims any and all liability for any disruption and/or non-availability and/or suspension and/or discontinuance of this Application or its service resulting from any factors or failures whatsoever.

Any confirmed booking or arrival times are best estimations only and we shall have no liability if a confirmed booking or arrival time is inconsistent with any estimate given or otherwise should fall short of your expectation for whatever reason nor shall we have any other liability to you in connection with the time at which you and/or the luggage accompanying to be transported reach or fail to reach the destination. 

The use of Hire Car Services is at your own risk. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from or in connection with the use or inability to use Hire Car Services (including any consequential, indirect, incidental damage or any loss of profit or damage to your mobile device).

Limitation of liability

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, our Company disclaims any and all liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising out of and/or in connection with the use of this Application and/or the reliance on any information/data contained therein. Please be aware that your use of this Application and reliance on its contents are at your own risk.

Accuracy of data

Our Company would make every attempt to update the database to ensure the information contained in the Application is accurate. Our Company also reserves the right to make changes and/or corrections and/or improvements and/or modifications to the Application/ its database from time to time without notice. However, our Company makes no warranty or representation that this Application will meet anyone’s requirements, fit for any particular purpose, or be compatible with all systems and/or software and/or firmware. Our Company disclaims any and all liability for loss or damage suffered directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions or discrepancies arising out of and/or in connection with the use of this Application, its system or services.

Intellectual property rights

Our Company retains all intellectual property rights (including copyright, trademark and patent) in all contents, displays, data compilation, underlying code and software etc of this Application. It is strictly prohibited to copy the information herein and/or modify and/or reuse the text and/or graphics and/or design of this Application in any way without the prior written approval of our Company. It is also strictly prohibited to use any of the said materials for commercial purposes. By continuing to use this Application, you acknowledge that all materials are protected by applicable Hong Kong and international laws on intellectual property and in general.

Personal Data

In relation to our services offered, it is essential for the user to provide us with personal information and data in connection with obtaining or continuing to use the services. If you fails or are unwilling to provide such correct data or information, the Company has the absolute discretion to discontinue or refuse to provide such services.

All transaction data created, in relation to all services provided, are the properties of the Company.

You agree that all the data and information provided to the Company and data relating to the use of services may be used by the Company for:

·         processing an application for the services of the Company;

·         the management, operation and maintenance of all operating systems, including audit purposes;

·         creating new or improving current services provided by the Company, HKR International Limited and their group of companies or business partners;

·         communication with you;

·         processing or investigation of enquiry, complaints, suspected doubtful transactions and research for service improvement;

·         prevention or detection of crime;

·         disclosure as required by law;

·         a source of information and data for transport and other services in general; and

·         any other related purposes.

The data and information you provided to the Company will be kept as confidential information.  And you agrees that these data and information and data relating to the use of services, may be transferred or disclosed to the following parties:

·         any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides system development and integration, data processing, administrative, telecommunication, payment or other services to the Company in relation to the design, development, implementation and operation of any services for the Company under a duty of confidentiality to the Company;

·         any other person and organization under a duty of confidentiality to the Company including HKR International Limited and its subsidiaries or the business partners of the Company; and

·         any person and organization to whom the Company is obliged to provide or disclose such information under the requirement of any statutory requirements.

You has the right to:

·         check if the Company keeps any personal information and data about you, and access to the data;

·         request us to correct any personal information and data relating to you which is outdated or inaccurate;

·         ascertain our policies and practices in relation to personal data and to be informed of the kind of personal data held by the Company; and

·         request the Company not to use the personal data of you for direct marketing purposes (if any), in which case the Company will cease to do so at no cost to you.

The Company reserves the right to charge you a reasonable service fee for processing any request to access or update the personal information and data of you, and to disclose any transaction data relating to services provided to you.


Without prejudice to any other rights of our Company, our Company reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate your access to and/or use of this Application or any services in relation thereto if you have committed any breach of these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”). Our Company and you hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts. If there is any conflict and/or difference between the English version and the Chinese version of this Application and/or Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.


本協定由閣下為 愉景灣交通應用程式 (“本應用程式”) 之使用方及 愉景灣交通服務有限公司 (統稱“本公司”/“我們”) 為本應用程式之擁有方所訂明。閣下開始使用本應用程式代表閣下同意遵守並受本使用條款之約束。倘若閣下不同意受本使用條款之約束,閣下應立刻停止使用本應用程式。本使用條款將被不時修改而不作另行通知。如在修訂後繼續使用本應用程式,即代表閣下同意受此等修訂之約束。


本應用程式是基於 “現有狀況” 及 “現可提供” 的原則提供。我們不保證:本應用程式與閣下的流動裝置相容;或本應用程式(的內容)和我們的網站沒有錯誤、缺陷、惡意軟件和病毒;或本應用程式和我們的網站為正確、最新及準確的。
















·         處理本公司服務的申請;

·         營運系統的管理、運作和維修,包括審計;

·         推出新服務或改善現有服務,包括本公司、香港興業國際集團有限公司及其集團成員公司或合作公司提供的服務;

·         與閣下聯絡;

·         調查或處理查詢、投訴、懷疑問題交易,以及改善服務的研究;

·         防止或偵測罪行;

·         法例要求的披露;

·         交通和其他服務的一般資料來源;以及

·         任何其他相關目的。


·         任何就服務的設計、發展、執行和運作向本公司提供系統發展及融合、數據處理、行政、電訊、付款或其他服務並對本公司有保密責任的代理、承辦商或第三方服務供應者;

·         任何其他對本公司有保密責任的人士和機構,包括香港興業國際集團有限公司及其附屬公司或合作公司;

·         本公司在法例規定下須向之提供或披露該等資料的任何人士和機構。



·         查明本公司是否保存其任何個人資料並查看該等資料;

·         要求本公司更正任何過時或不準確的個人資料;

·         查證本公司關於個人資料的政策和常規並獲悉本公司持有何等個人資料:

·         要求本公司不要將其個人資料用作直銷目的(如有的話)--如接獲此要求,本公司會停止而不會向乘客收費。


