Idris Zainal Abidin

215 Tutorials
micro:bit with external motor driver - MD13S

micro:bit with external motor driver - MD13S

If you use a micro:bit and want to control a bigger motor, you can use external motor driver with higher specification. In this tutorial, I'm using MD13S together with REKA:BIT.....
Bluetooth HC-05 Master-Slave Configuration with CircuitPython

Bluetooth HC-05 Master-Slave Configuration with CircuitPython

To allow 2x Bluetooth modules to communicate with each other, we need to set the module to master and slave modes. In this tutorial I will show how to do the setup using CircuitPython.....
WiFi Neopixel RGB LED using CircuitPython

WiFi Neopixel RGB LED using CircuitPython

I plan to add a light source to my video or live and this light can change colors. I have a NeoPixel 8x32 LED Panel, flexible type. For microcontrollers, I haven't decided yet, but it definitely suppo..
Build an RGB Color Detector with CircuitPython on Pico

Build an RGB Color Detector with CircuitPython on Pico

This tutorial I would like to share how to interface the color sensor (TCS3200) using CircuitPython on Raspberry Pi Pico.....
Bidirectional Visitor Counter using CircuitPython on Maker Nano RP2040

Bidirectional Visitor Counter using CircuitPython on Maker Nano RP2040

In this video I would like to share about a bidirectional visitor counter project that is programmed using CircuitPython on Maker Nano RP2040.....
Program Otto DIY Robot for Basic Movements with CircuitPython

Program Otto DIY Robot for Basic Movements with CircuitPython

After assemble the Otto robot, next we will try to program it using CircuitPython. Basically we need to know how to control 4 servo motors to create the robot movement.....
Otto DIY robot head for Maker Nano RP2040

Otto DIY robot head for Maker Nano RP2040

I would like to try building the Otto DIY robot using Maker Nano RP2040 and program it using CircuitPython. But the STL file provided cannot fit the board. So how?....
Talking Photo? Program using CircuitPython on Maker Pi Pico

Talking Photo? Program using CircuitPython on Maker Pi Pico

In this tutorial I will share how to build a "talking photo" project using Maker Pi Pico and CircuitPython.....
Program Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W without OS

Program Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W without OS

A few days ago, CircuitPython released a stable version - 7.2.0. There are improvements for the Raspberry Pi board, based on the Broadcom chip. For this tutorial I will share how to program a Raspberr..
Hungry Robot, powered by Maker Pi RP2040 and CircuitPython

Hungry Robot, powered by Maker Pi RP2040 and CircuitPython

Before this I have built a Hungry Robot using REKA:BIT. This time I want to try with Maker Pi RP2040 and program it using CircuitPython.....
Control DC motor using Maker Drive and CircuitPython on RP2040

Control DC motor using Maker Drive and CircuitPython on RP2040

In this tutorial I will share how to control a DC motor using Maker Drive and program it using CircuitPython on the Maker Nano RP2040.....
Telegram IoT Signboard using CircuitPython on Maker Pi Pico

Telegram IoT Signboard using CircuitPython on Maker Pi Pico

This tutorial I use the same hardware setup as the internet clock tutorial. Just, this time I want to display a Telegram message on the dot matrix.....
Drink water reminder with CircuitPython and Maker Nano RP2040

Drink water reminder with CircuitPython and Maker Nano RP2040

Getting enough water every day is important for our health. But sometimes we are too busy and forgot about it. This tutorial will share how to build a simple yet interesting device to remind us to dri..
Interface RFID RC522 with Maker Pi Pico Using CircuitPython

Interface RFID RC522 with Maker Pi Pico Using CircuitPython

In this tutorial I want to share how to interface RC522 RFid readers using Maker Pi Pico and CircuitPython.....
Internet Clock using Maker Pi Pico and CircuitPython

Internet Clock using Maker Pi Pico and CircuitPython

Hi and Happy New Year for 2022. For this tutorial I use the same hardware setup as the bitcoin price display tutorial, only this time I want to program it to be an internet clock.....
Controlling Relay via Telegram using Maker Pi Pico and CircuitPython

Controlling Relay via Telegram using Maker Pi Pico and CircuitPython

This is the last tutorial for 2021, and I want to share about how to control the relay via the Telegram app using Maker Pi Pico and CircuitPython.....
Display Images on Graphic LCD with Maker Nano RP2040

Display Images on Graphic LCD with Maker Nano RP2040

Display Image on the graphic LCD using Maker Nano RP2040 and CircuitPython..
Display BTC price on dot matrix using Maker Pi Pico

Display BTC price on dot matrix using Maker Pi Pico

In this tutorial, I will share how to display text on dot matrix MAX7219 using Maker Pi Pico, and I program it using CircuitPython. Before that, what text we want to display? It's ok, I will grab the ..
Remote (SSH) Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W using VS Code

Remote (SSH) Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W using VS Code

In this tutorial, I will share how to connect to a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W remotely via SSH using Visual Studio Code.....
Getting Started with Blynk IoT platform using Maker UNO

Getting Started with Blynk IoT platform using Maker UNO

The Blynk app is a very popular IoT platform. About mid-year, Blynk introduced a new Blynk platform, and for this tutorial we will try to explore it.....
Maker HAT Base, combine HAT and modules on Raspberry Pi 4

Maker HAT Base, combine HAT and modules on Raspberry Pi 4

Since the Maker HAT Base has a standard connection for 40-pin GPIO, it also can be used with other raspberry pi boards like raspberry pi 4. For this tutorial, I try to read the temperature and humidit..
Maker HAT Base, allows you to easily access the Raspberry Pi 400 GPIO pins

Maker HAT Base, allows you to easily access the Raspberry Pi 400 GPIO pins

It is a bit difficult to access the GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi 400. By using Maker HAT Base, we can easily make the wiring connections. For this video I will try to do a simple testing, controlling ..
Control and Monitor Using Blynk IoT App and micro:bit

Control and Monitor Using Blynk IoT App and micro:bit

In the previous video we have managed to display the internet time on micro:bit. This time we will try to use the Blynk IoT app to control and monitor.....
Display Internet Time (NTP) on micro:bit

Display Internet Time (NTP) on micro:bit

Grove WiFi 8266 module is designed to enable your micro:bit (and other controllers too) to send/receive data over the internet through the Wi-Fi network. It is based on the Ai-Thinker’s ESP-12F modu....
TinyML on Arduino using Edge Impulse

TinyML on Arduino using Edge Impulse

Edge Impulse is a platform that allows us to build projects related to machine learning on microcontrollers. This tutorial will be divided into a few parts, and we will update accordingly.....
Metronome Maker Pi Pico, programmed with CircuitPython

Metronome Maker Pi Pico, programmed with CircuitPython

A metronome can help you keep a consistent tempo so that you don't inadvertently speed up or slow down. It provides a steady click marking a musical interval. Let's built our own metronome!....
Display Covid-19 Data Using Maker Pi Pico and CircuitPython

Display Covid-19 Data Using Maker Pi Pico and CircuitPython

Let's try to build a device to display Covid-19 data in Malaysia.....
Build an Automatic Plant Watering System with REKA:BIT and micro:bit

Build an Automatic Plant Watering System with REKA:BIT and micro:bit

Let's learn and build a simple automatic watering plant system using REKA:BIT. ? Press button A to get the sensor reading.....
DIY USB Keyboard Mouse Using Maker Pi Pico

DIY USB Keyboard Mouse Using Maker Pi Pico

Make a custom combination key from keyboard and mouse using Maker Pi Pico.....
Automatic Dustbin Using REKA:BIT

Automatic Dustbin Using REKA:BIT

Maybe this is the first tutorial using REKA:BIT. ? So I decide to build a simple automatic dustbin. When the sensor detects an object distance of less than 10cm, the servo motor will open the cover fo..
Object Sense With Servo Using Maker Pi RP2040

Object Sense With Servo Using Maker Pi RP2040

This tutorial shares how to move the sensor using a servo motor to detect objects. When the object distance is less than 200mm, a buzzer will sound.....
IoT on Raspberry Pi Pico using CircuitPython and Adafruit IO

IoT on Raspberry Pi Pico using CircuitPython and Adafruit IO

IoT application on Raspberry Pi Pico using CircuitPython and Adafruit IO...
ESP32 as WiFi co-processor for Raspberry Pi Pico

ESP32 as WiFi co-processor for Raspberry Pi Pico

Adding ESP32 as a WiFi co-processor for the Raspberry Pi Pico and program using CircuitPython...
With Raspberry Pi Imager, you can write Raspberry Pi OS and remote SSH easier

With Raspberry Pi Imager, you can write Raspberry Pi OS and remote SSH easier

With Raspberry Pi Imager, you can write Raspberry Pi OS and remote SSH easier..
How to use MAKERDISK M.2 SSD on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

How to use MAKERDISK M.2 SSD on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

The MAKERDISK is made specifically for Raspberry Pi computers and comes preloaded with the Raspberry Pi OS...
Program Maker Pi Pico and ESP01 with Blynk IoT App using Arduino IDE

Program Maker Pi Pico and ESP01 with Blynk IoT App using Arduino IDE

Besides MicroPython or CircuitPython, you can program Raspberry Pi Pico using Arduino IDE too!..
Read and Display Environment Sensor Data Using Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython

Read and Display Environment Sensor Data Using Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython

Read environment sensor data and display it to OLED using Maker Pi Pico and CircuitPython...
Making A Lucky Draw Device Using Raspberry Pi Pico

Making A Lucky Draw Device Using Raspberry Pi Pico

To decide the winner of lucky draw contest, we made a device using Raspberry Pi Pico...