Test. Automate. Accelerate.

With Cypress, you can easily create tests for your modern web applications, debug them visually, and automatically run them in your continuous integration builds.

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describe('Auth', () => {
  it('user should be able to log in', () => {

    // open the login modal

    // fill in the form
    cy.get('input[type="email"]').type('[email protected]')

    // submit the form

Introducing the Cypress App

Write, run, and debug like a pro

Test modern apps directly in the browser

Watch your end-to-end and component tests run in real time as you develop your applications. Cypress’s simple, yet powerful API runs as fast as your browser can render content.

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Write your first passing test in minutes

Installing Cypress and writing your first passing test is a breeze. There are no servers, drivers, or other dependencies to install or configure.

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it('user should be able to log in', () => {

  // fill in the form
  cy.get('input[type="email"]').type('[email protected]')

  // submit the form
  cy.get('button').contains('Sign in').click()
  cy.contains('button', 'Logout').should('be.visible')
}) // @cy-startTyping

Debug failures directly in the browser

Because Cypress runs directly in the browser, you can debug failed tests using the in-browser developer tools you already know and love.

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Eliminate flaky tests with ease

Cypress deterministically interacts with your application the same way as your users so you can discover intermittent bugs before your users do.

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Auth Login Owner Role
Auth Login Owner Role
Circle CIGithub ActionsGitlab CIAtlassian BitbucketJenkinsTravis CI

Integrate Cypress with any CI provider

Easily integrate Cypress with your current CI provider. Run Cypress in CI and you will know as soon as there is a failure. We make it simple to run in CI. Use our Docker images or bring your own.

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Introducing Cypress Cloud

Increase your productivity and confidence

Optimize your runs for a faster feedback loop

Run Cypress in your existing CI pipeline and use test parallelization, load balancing, spec prioritization, and more to be as efficient as possible with your available CI resources.

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Machine 1
Machine 2
Machine 3
Machine 4

Review and debug failures visually

Reach new levels of visibility into why your tests failed in CI. Go back in time with Test Replay to directly inspect the DOM, network events, and console logs of your application from your tests exactly as they ran in CI.

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Test replay demo animation

Gain actionable insights into your test suite

Monitor your test suite’s health with in-depth analytics. Cypress surfaces failing and flaky test result trends and config changes that affect your test suite’s performance.

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A bar graph showing the historical run duration of Cypress E2E testing.

Integrate seamlessly into your workflow

Plug Cypress into any CI pipeline and you can manage test results as a team thanks to native integrations with Slack, Teams, GitHub, GitLab, JIRA, and more.

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Screenshot of an instant messaging system like slack or team notifying of a cypress run

Extend the value of every test

Improve app quality with instant insights

Identify testing gaps with UI Coverage

Easily track, monitor, and visualize the test coverage of your UI to prevent regressions by ensuring critical flows of your app are tested. Save CI resources by removing redundant tests and improve your team's productivity with a visual overview of UI coverage across every page and component.

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screenshot of Cypress UI Coverage

Automated accessibility checks on every test

Instantly visualize, triage, and fix accessibility violations without any additional code or configuration. Dive deep into each violation with live, fully-rendered DOM snapshots of your application as it appeared during your tests. Track your team’s progress over time with historical scores to monitor improvements and identify regressions.

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screenshot of Cypress Accessibility

Loved by OSS, trusted by Enterprise

Cypress is proud to support developers all around the world by making it easier to build and test modern applications.

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Cypress makes me feel about 10x as confident in my work. Just look at those tests go 🥰
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Tobias Struckmeier
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Every day I learn something awesome new about @Cypress_io.

Its extensibility just makes it the super tool for new approaches and integrates in most environments. Especially when I compare it with other tools, it always feels easier and more stable to me.

Hey @Cypress_io just wanted to give you a big 👏👏👏 for the quality of your documentation. Thank you for the good work.
I've been meaning to express my gratitude to the incredibly talented people who built and maintain the docs @Cypress_io. From start to finish, it's such an incredible platform and so much of that is due to how easy it is to get into it via the top notch documentation! Thank you!
Overall, settings up @Cypress_io's dashboard service and using GitHub actions to run all my Cypress tests in parallel has been a big win.

Recommended 👍
Cypress makes it possible to have the best of both worlds: a streamlined and stable testing infrastructure.
@Cypress_io is by far the best DX tool I have encountered.
@Cypress_io is an amazing tool. And the documentation is pure joy. It's like reading a great book...the more you read it, the more you love it. Thank you, @Cypress_io!
Twitter Avatar of IrinaTheNerd
Irina the nerd 🤓
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I need a relaxing morning.

I'll write some @Cypress_io tests.

Twitter Avatar of lyrixx
Gregoire Pineau
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I spend the last two days working with @Cypress_io: "A complete end-to-end testing experience"

I'm **really** impressed by this project. We feel the DX is super important for them... And it just works© 👏👏👏
I'm awestruck with the power of @Cypress_io. It makes the development and automation experience so awesome that you'll fall in love with it. With the updates more frequent than your sprint review, cypress is totally disrupting the market and is here to knock your socks off.
Twitter Avatar of franckgrenier
Franck Grenier 🇪🇺🇺🇦
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Cypress is a real game changer in e2e testing. It runs inside 2 containers on our stack. The setup was almost easy and its adoption by the team was immediate. Now our test coverage is growing fast.

Also mention the amazing test runner tool. @Cypress_io beats them all !
Explaining to my 4 year old what I do for work & what automation is. So I showed him an automated @Cypress_io test & how its clicking and typing.

Me: I made the computer do the work while my hands are not touching it

My son: Oh so you can play with me while computer do work

Twitter Avatar of s_chwastek
Sebastian Chwastek
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@Cypress_io docs must be one of the best! 🤯 Well done.

It has it all: learning course, real world examples, best practices, even FAQ is impressive (it has questions I didn't even know I wanted to ask).

All open source too.
Opened a pretty big PR to our project in Hyperjump but our comprehensive @Cypress_io tests make me confident it won't break anything. So proud of my team 👏