CyberGuy America's Tech Authority 2024-09-13T18:57:49Z WordPress Kurt Knutsson <![CDATA[10 signs your identity has been compromised]]> 2024-09-13T04:09:04Z 2024-09-13T04:00:00Z Identity theft is not a joke. It’s a very real threat that affected more than a million Americans just this year. With the internet becoming more of an everyday necessity, thieves have more ways to steal our information, money, and identities. However, there are a few simple ways you can tell if someone is trying to steal your identity.


1. Unexplained charges on your credit card

This is the first thing I look out for when I suspect my identity has been stolen. While thieves can use your identity to do worse things than maxing your credit card,  the FBI lists it as one of the more common outcomes of identity theft. In fact, there were reportedly about 286,584 cases of credit card fraud back in 2023.

Many credit card companies, banks, and credit unions have alerts to let you know when your card has been used and for what. You’ll have to talk to your credit card provider for specific details on how to sign up, but an extra conversation isn’t that high of a price to pay for some peace of mind.


2. Unauthorized withdrawals from your bank account

Identity theft can really hurt your wallet. In fact, the FBI reports that scammers and identity thieves cost Americans more than $10 billion last year.  You can help mitigate this all by keeping an eye on your bank account.

In many cases, scammers won’t go after large amounts of money from your account. Instead, they’ll take a bit here and there and hope you won’t notice. That’s why it’s so important to stay attentive. If you notice a weird withdrawal, report it to your bank. You may even need to freeze your account.



3. You start receiving debt collection calls

It’s 6 p.m., and you’re having dinner. All of a sudden, your phone goes off. It’s a debt collector looking for you to pay up for a bill you didn’t even know you had. Debt collector calls are terrifying, even when you know they’re coming. So, receiving one out of the blue for an item/service you did not purchase should set off alarm bells in your head.

Minnesota’s state attorney general has some great tips for handling these calls:

  • Be careful about giving your personal information to debt collectors. It may actually be a scammer posing as a debt collector instead
  • Ask for a written notice. Debt collectors are obligated under federal to provide a letter with the amount you owe, the name of the creditor, and other useful information
  • You can also write a letter to the collection company disputing the debt


4. Not receiving mail or receiving someone else’s mail at your address

We all have gotten our neighbor’s mail or mail belonging to a previous tenant. But if you notice a lot of mail addressed to someone else at your address, that could be a sign your identity has been stolen.

Conversely, if you’re not receiving any mail, that could also be a sign of identity theft. Oftentimes, it can mean you’re a victim of change of address fraud. According to the Office of the Inspector General, address fraud is becoming more frequent, and there was a 167% increase in fake address changes just last year.

If you think you might be a victim of address fraud or identity theft involving your mail, you can use this form to notify the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the law enforcement security division of the Postal Service.



5. Receiving statements for credit cards you don’t have

This one is a pretty clear indication that something’s wrong. You should not receive a statement for a card you never signed up for. While you likely won’t find out about a fraudulent card until you receive a bill, you should call the credit card company and explain the account is fraudulent.

Be careful about who you’re giving your personal information to because it could lead to a scammer opening up a credit card in your name.



6. You’ve been told you already filed your taxes

Want to know what’s worse than filing your taxes? Going through countless hours of filing just to be told you already did it. When it comes to tax identity theft, a scammer will use your social security number and other information to file a tax return and hope the IRS processes the refund. You won’t find out until the fake return is filed.

Luckily, Jackson Hewitt, a reputable company that provides tax preparation and filing services, has tips on how to prevent tax identity theft:

  • File your taxes as early as you can
  • The IRS will only communicate with you through a mailed letter, so be careful of any phone calls, texts, or emails that claim they’re from IRS agents
  • The IRS offers an Identity Protection PIN number. You can sign up by filling out and mailing this form

The IRS might even alert you that you’re a victim of tax fraud.


7. Receiving an unexpected medical bill

When it comes to medical identity theft, scammers could be using your identity to illegally get medical services or prescriptions to either use or sell. And you might be the one paying for it.

You should monitor your health records, and if you see anything unusual, alert your healthcare provider. Protecting your insurance card like it’s your credit card would also be a good move here.


8. Police approach you about a crime you did not commit

Criminals will use your identity to protect their own. And instead of facing the law, they make you do it for them instead. It can result in thousands of dollars of fees, a criminal record, and other legal problems.

If you believe you are a victim of criminal identity theft, you need to contact both the arresting agency and your local law enforcement. You may need to take fingerprints or verify your identity to the arresting agency to prove your identity was stolen.

This form of identity theft isn’t all too common. However, it can have some serious consequences.


9. The IRS asks you to verify wages you didn’t earn

Employment identity fraud is when someone uses your identity to obtain employment status for themself. Thieves don’t need much to do this, just your name and social security number.

Their wages would then get reported to the IRS under your name, meaning you’d be on the hook for more taxes and would likely be audited.

Equifax recommends you contact the Federal Trade Commission at or by calling 877-438-4338. They’ll create a recovery plan for you. You should also contact the IRS and Social Security Administration.


10. Noticing unusual activity on your credit report

You can always check your credit score for any unusual or suspicious activity. This will also allow you to find out if a thief is opening accounts under your name and more. Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion all provide a yearly report. You can also go to and request your credit report.


I’ve been scammed. What to do next.

Below are some next steps if you find you or your loved one is a victim of identity theft.

1. If you can regain control of your accounts, change your passwords and inform the account provider.

2. Look through bank statements and checking account transactions to see where outlier activity started.

3. Use a Fraud protection service. Identity Theft companies can monitor personal information like your Social Security Number (SSN), phone number and email address and alert you if it is being sold on the dark web or being used to open an account.  They can also assist you in freezing your bank and credit card accounts to prevent further unauthorized use by criminals.  

If you want a service that will walk you through every step of the reporting and recovery process, one of the best things you can do to protect yourself from this type of fraud is to subscribe to an identity theft service. My top recommendation is Identity Guard.

Identity Guard will monitor personal information like your Home title, Social Security Number (SSN), phone number, and email address and alert you if it is being used to open an account.  They can also assist you in freezing your bank and credit card accounts to prevent further unauthorized use by criminals.

One of the best parts of using Identity Guard includes identity theft insurance of up to 1 million dollars to cover losses and legal fees and a white glove fraud resolution team where a US-based case manager helps you recover any losses.

Special for CyberGuy Readers:  Save up to 52% with my top recommendation is Identity Guard.

See my review for Best identity theft protection services 2024 here.

Best identity theft protection services 2024

4. Report any breaches to official government agencies like the Federal Communications Commission.

5. You may wish to get the professional advice of a lawyer before speaking to law enforcement, especially when you are dealing with criminal identity theft also if being a victim of criminal identity theft leaves you unable to secure employment or housing.

6. Alert all three major credit bureaus and possibly place a fraud alert on your credit report.

7. Run your own background check or request a copy of one if that is how you discovered your information has been used by a criminal.

8. Invest in personal data removal services: Removing yourself from the internet is an important step in protecting your personal information from scammers and cybercriminals.  By limiting your online presence, you reduce the chances of scammers finding and exploiting your personal details. Additionally, deleting yourself from the internet ensures that scammers cannot access your personal information to call you or make you believe they have some of your credentials, making their scams seem legitimate.

While no service promises to remove all your data from the internet, having a removal service is great if you want to constantly monitor and automate the process of removing your information from hundreds of sites continuously over a longer period of time.

A service like Incogni can help you remove all this personal information from the internet. It has a very clean interface and will scan 190+ websites for your information and remove it and keep it removed.

Special for CyberGuy Readers (60% off):  Incogni offers A 30-day money-back guarantee and then charges a special CyberGuy discount only through the links in this article of $5.99/month for one person (billed annually) or $13.19/month for your family (up to 4 people) on their annual plan and get a fully automated data removal service, including recurring removal from 190+ data brokers. You can add up to 3 emails, 3 home addresses and 3 phone numbers (U.S. citizens only) and have them removed from data-broker databases. I recommend the family plan because it works out to only $4.12 per person per month for year-round coverage. It’s an excellent service, and I highly recommend at least trying it out to see what it’s all about.

Get Incogni here

Get Incogni for your family (up to 4 people) here


If you are a victim of identity theft, the most important thing to do is to take immediate action to mitigate the damage and prevent further harm.


Kurt’s key takeaways

Identity theft is not something to take lightly. It can have long-lasting and devastating consequences for your personal and financial well-being. That’s why it’s important to be vigilant and proactive in safeguarding your identity. Remember, your identity is your most valuable asset. Don’t let anyone take it away from you.

Have you ever experienced identity theft or know someone who has? How did it affect you or them? What steps did you take to resolve the issue and prevent it from happening again? Share your stories and insights with us in the comments section below. 




Copyright 2024  All rights reserved. articles and content may contain affiliate links that earn a commission when purchases are made.

Kurt Knutsson <![CDATA[Robots replace human window washers on skyscrapers]]> 2024-09-13T03:59:35Z 2024-09-13T01:00:00Z Look up, New Yorkers. The city’s skyscrapers are getting a high-tech window washing, one gleaming window at a time. The 45-story office tower at 1133 Avenue of the Americas has just made history as the world’s first high rise to welcome Ozmo, an automated window-cleaning system that’s turning heads and changing the game.


Image of window washing robots

Credit: Skyline Robotics


The window washing robot with a view

Ozmo isn’t your average window washer. This sophisticated system consists of a pair of Kuka robotic arms mounted on a cleaning platform suspended from the building’s roof. Each arm is equipped with a brush head and water supply, ready to tackle even the toughest grime.

But Ozmo’s real magic lies in its brains. The robot uses force sensors to gauge the fragility of each window pane, applying just the right amount of pressure for a perfect clean. LiDAR sensors and AI algorithms help Ozmo navigate its vertical world, maintaining stability even when the wind picks up.

Image of window washing robots

Credit: Skyline Robotics




Humans and robots working together

While Ozmo represents a leap forward in automation, it’s not quite ready to go solo. For now, a human operator controls the system from the building’s roof. This collaboration between human expertise and robotic precision points to a future where dangerous jobs become safer and more efficient. In fact, Skyline Robotics, the company behind Ozmo,  says the robot cleans windows three times faster than traditional human window cleaners.

Image of window washing robot

Credit: Skyline Robotics




Cleaning up the industry

The window cleaning industry, valued at $40 billion annually, has been facing challenges. With 75% of window cleaners in the US over 40 and only 9% between 20 and 30, there’s a growing labor shortage. Ozmo offers a solution that not only fills this gap but also creates new, tech-focused job opportunities.

Image of window washing robot

Credit: Skyline Robotics




The window-washing robot is about to go global

Skyline Robotics isn’t stopping at the Big Apple. Plans are already in motion for deployments in London, with patents secured in Japan and Singapore. This global expansion could transform skylines and job markets worldwide.

Image of window washing robots

Credit: Skyline Robotics


Kurt’s key takeaways

The arrival of Ozmo in New York City marks more than just cleaner windows. It represents a shift in how we approach urban maintenance and workforce safety. As our cities grow taller and more complex, innovations like Ozmo will play a crucial role in keeping them gleaming and functional. While some may worry about job displacement, the reality is more nuanced. Ozmo is creating new roles for tech-savvy operators and maintenance specialists. It’s not about replacing humans but about elevating them to safer, more skilled positions.

Are you in favor of using automated technology like Ozmo for window cleaning in urban environments, or do you believe traditional methods should remain the standard? Let us know in the comments below. 



Kurt Knutsson <![CDATA[What’s behind those ridiculous random ‘hello’ text messages]]> 2024-09-12T23:41:07Z 2024-09-12T03:00:00Z Across the country, people are experiencing a sudden surge of anonymous messages that often begin with a simple “hello” or a similar greeting like “hi.” These unexpected communications can leave you feeling confused and even concerned about their origins. While this phenomenon is particularly prevalent on WhatsApp, it’s important to recognize that similar incidents are occurring with regular text messages as well.

Take Bruce from Lititz, PA, for example. He wrote to us asking,

Why all of a sudden am I receiving anonymous ‘hello’ messages on my WhatsApp?

Let’s explore the possible reasons behind these unsolicited messages, how they may have obtained your number, and what steps you can take to protect yourself from potential scams.




Why is this happening?

One of the primary reasons for these messages is the increasing prevalence of spam and scam attempts. Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics, and a seemingly innocent “hello” could be their latest strategy. Sometimes, it’s as simple as someone mistyping a number. It’s easy for messages to end up in the wrong inbox.

However, more often than not, these messages are the first step in a more elaborate phishing scheme. Scammers often start with a friendly greeting to build trust before attempting to extract personal information.




How did they get your number in the first place?

Receiving unexpected messages from unknown contacts can leave you wondering how they obtained your number. There are several ways this can happen. One common method is through data breaches, where personal information, including phone numbers, is leaked online.

Scammers can also acquire numbers through social media platforms, where users often share their contact details publicly. Additionally, if you’ve ever participated in contests or giveaways, your information may have been sold to third parties without your consent.

Lastly, it’s possible that someone you know inadvertently shared your number, leading to these unsolicited messages. Understanding these avenues can help you take proactive steps to protect your privacy and reduce the likelihood of receiving unwanted communications in the future.




How to protect yourself

With the rise of anonymous messages, it’s essential to take steps to safeguard your personal information and avoid potential scams. Here are six crucial measures you can take:

1) Block and report suspicious contacts

Don’t respond to these text messages, and block and report any suspicious messages. Here’s how to do it on different platforms:

On Android:

Settings may vary depending on your Android phone’s manufacturer 

  • Open the conversation with the suspicious contact
  • Tap the three-dot menu in the upper-right corner
  • Select More or Details
  • Click Block & report scam
  • Tap Ok to confirm your decision

On iPhone:

  • Open the chat with the suspicious contact
  • Tap the contact’s number at the top of the screen
  • Then click the info menu
  • Scroll down and select Block Caller
  • Choose Block Contact 

On WhatsApp:

  • Open the conversation and click the contact name
  • Scroll down and select Block
  • Click Block to confirm


2) Have strong antivirus software

Don’t click on any links within these text messages, as they may contain malicious software. The best way to safeguard yourself from malicious links that install malware, potentially accessing your private information, is to install strong antivirus software on all your devices. This protection can also alert you to phishing emails and ransomware scams, keeping your personal information and digital assets safe.

My top pick is TotalAV, and you can get a limited-time deal for CyberGuy readers: $19 your first year (80% off) for the TotalAV Antivirus Pro package.  

Get my picks for the best 2024 antivirus protection winners for your Windows, Mac, Android & iOS devices.

Best Antivirus Protection 2024


3) Regularly update your passwords

Ensure your accounts are secure by using strong, unique passwords and updating them regularly. Consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords. This can help protect your information in case of a data breach.


4) Keep your devices updated

Regularly update your smartphone’s operating system and apps. These updates often include crucial security patches that protect against the latest threats.


5) Invest in personal data removal services

While no service promises to remove all your data from the internet, having a removal service is great if you want to constantly monitor and automate the process of removing your information from hundreds of sites continuously over a longer period of time. 

A service like Incogni can help you remove all this personal information from the internet. It has a very clean interface and will scan 195 websites for your information and remove it and keep it removed.

Special for CyberGuy Readers (60% off):  Incogni offers A 30-day money-back guarantee and then charges a special CyberGuy discount only through the links in this article of $5.99/month for one person (billed annually) or $13.19/month for your family (up to 4 people) on their annual plan and get a fully automated data removal service, including recurring removal from 190+ data brokers. You can add up to 3 emails, 3 home addresses and 3 phone numbers (U.S. citizens only) and have them removed from data-broker databases. I recommend the family plan because it works out to only $4.12 per person per month for year-round coverage. It’s an excellent service, and I highly recommend at least trying it out to see what it’s all about.

Get Incogni here

Get Incogni for your family (up to 4 people) here


6) Be cautious with personal information

Refrain from posting your phone number on public forums, social media platforms, or websites lacking robust privacy measures. Scammers often scour these platforms for personal information to target potential victims.

Also, only provide your contact information to reputable organizations and trusted individuals. Before entering your phone number on any website, ensure it is legitimate and secure. Look for signs such as HTTPS in the URL and read reviews or feedback from other users.




Kurt’s key takeaways

The rise of anonymous messages can feel unsettling. While a simple “hello” might seem harmless, it often signals the start of more insidious tactics from scammers. By understanding how these messages arise and taking proactive steps to protect your personal information, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to scams.

Have you experienced receiving anonymous messages like these? Share your story with us and let us know how you handled it in the comments below.



Kurt Knutsson <![CDATA[Is your baby monitor safe? How to secure it from hackers]]> 2024-09-11T22:52:59Z 2024-09-11T22:00:00Z Did you know that baby monitors have been around since the 1930s? Parents have long relied on these devices to keep a watchful eye on their little ones and ensure their safety. Over the years, baby monitors have come a long way, evolving with technology to offer even more features.

However, with these advancements come new challenges—namely, the risk of hacking. Different types of baby monitors come with varying levels of security, which means some are more vulnerable than others. Here are some practical tips to help you keep your baby monitor safe from hackers so you can have peace of mind while your baby sleeps.


screen of mobile phone with sleeping baby


Yes, baby monitors can be hacked

Like most technological devices, baby monitors can be hacked. Several factors, however, determine the susceptibility to hacking, such as overall network security, device security features, and type of monitor.


Network security

First, let’s talk about your home Wi-Fi network. You know how you wouldn’t leave your front door wide open, right? Well, an unsecured Wi-Fi network is kinda like that, but for all your online stuff. Think about it – your baby monitor, your phones, your laptops, even your smart fridge – they’re all hanging out on this network. If it’s not locked down tight with a strong password and solid encryption, it’s like inviting the whole neighborhood to peek through your windows.


Device security

Alright, now let’s chat about your actual baby monitor. You’d think all baby monitors would come with top-notch security, right? Well, sadly, that’s not always the case. Some baby monitors are like fortresses – they encrypt every bit of data they send out. That means all those adorable coos and gurgles (and occasional 3 AM screaming sessions) are scrambled up so only you can understand them.

But here’s the catch – not all baby monitors do this. Some of them are broadcasting your baby’s greatest hits for anyone with the right equipment to tune in. It’s like they’re running their own little radio station, and you definitely don’t want random people tuning in.

So, what’s a parent to do? When you’re shopping for a baby monitor, look for words like “encrypted” or “secure transmission” in the product description. If you can’t find that info, reach out to the manufacturer and ask. Your baby’s privacy is worth the extra effort.

security camera by speakers in blue and pink neon light



Best baby monitors for safety and security in 2024



Understanding baby monitor security

While most types of baby monitors can be hacked, the likelihood and type of hacking varies based on the type of device.

Analog baby monitors: While these operate on older technology, hackers in proximity might be able to intercept their frequency.

Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) baby monitors: While these are also analog, their technology switches frequencies quickly, making it much harder to intercept the signal. Of the three different types of baby monitors, these are considered the safest or hardest for hackers to infiltrate.

Internet-enabled baby monitors: These are more modern baby monitors that can be connected to the internet via a wired or wireless connection. These are the easiest to hack because they can be accessed through the internet networks they are connected to, as well as security measures specific to the device, which can be compromised.


Anonymous hacker with on laptop in white room




How to find out if hackers have compromised your baby monitor

Now that you know baby monitors can be hacked, below are signs that your baby monitor might be hacked.

1) Changes in behavior: If the camera, audio, or functions of the baby monitor change suddenly, it can mean someone else has access to your device.

2) Unrecognizable devices on your network: If you’re using an internet-enabled baby monitor and notice any unrecognizable devices connected to your internet network, it could mean that hackers have gained access to your network and that your baby monitor is in jeopardy.

3) Strange audio: If you hear unrecognizable voices or noises coming from your monitor that supports 2-way communications, it may mean your baby monitor was hacked.

4) Increase in your data usage: Most monitors use data when being actively viewed or used, so if you notice an increase in data usage, it can mean hackers are accessing it.

5) Security setting changes: Changes to the security settings of your baby monitor, such as password changes or reset requests, can be a red flag. Especially if the password has been changed to access your device, it could mean that hackers have compromised your baby monitor.




How to secure your baby monitor

While the level of security will be determined by the type of baby monitor and its individual features, below are some ways to increase the security of your baby monitor:

1) Limit remote access: If possible, disable or limit remote features of the baby monitor when not needed. This reduces potential access points for hackers.

2) Use a strong, unique alphanumeric password: Some users use the default password provided by the manufacturer, which leaves those devices as primary targets of hackers. Changing the password to be strong, complex and unique will make it less likely a target of hackers. We’re talking a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols. And please, for the love of sleepless nights, don’t use “baby123” or your kid’s birthday. Hackers love that stuff. Also, consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords. 

3) Enable additional security features: If your device supports features like two-factor authentication or biometric login, enable them. These add extra layers of security, making it harder for unauthorized users to access your system.

4) Secure your internet network: Make sure the internet network the baby monitor is connecting to is behind a strong password. Consider creating a separate guest network for your baby monitor. Check your router settings via the router’s IP address (often located on the back or underside of the physical router) or through your router’s admin interface. Look for WPA3 encryption – it’s the latest and greatest in keeping your network safe. If that’s not an option, WPA2 is still pretty good. Just steer clear of WEP – it’s about as secure as a paper lock on a bank vault. Check out our “Top Routers for Best Security 2024”.

5) Update your device’s software and firmware: Some baby monitors get firmware and software upgrades to keep up with changing security issues. Keep your device updated so that any known vulnerabilities can’t be exploited by hackers.

6) Turn off the monitor when not in use: This simple step can significantly reduce the window of opportunity for potential hackers.



Best baby monitors for safety and security in 2024




Kurt’s key takeaways

As with any other piece of technology, where hackers can find a vulnerability, they will exploit it. Unfortunately, baby monitors, depending on their type and features, can be as susceptible as any other type of consumer technology. The more connected it is to a network that can be compromised, the more vulnerable it is to hackers. But just like other consumer electronics, key security measures such as strong, complex passwords and 2-step authentication can go a long way in dissuading hackers from compromising your baby monitor.

Have you used a baby monitor before? Have you noticed any unusual activity with the use of your baby monitor? What security measures have you taken to make sure your baby monitor is safe from hackers? Let us know in the comments below.


Kurt Knutsson <![CDATA[Nearly 1 million Medicare beneficiaries face data breach]]> 2024-09-13T18:57:49Z 2024-09-11T22:00:00Z Nearly one million Medicare beneficiaries have recently learned that their personal information may have been compromised in a data breach last year. This incident comes on the heels of another incident …. and highlights the ongoing challenges in protecting sensitive healthcare data and the importance of staying vigilant about your personal information.




image of doctor's devices


The breach: What happened?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is notifying 946,801 Medicare beneficiaries that their personal data may have been exposed due to a security vulnerability in the MOVEit file transfer software used by Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corp., a CMS contractor.

On July 8, 2024, Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corp. (WPS) informed the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) about a cybersecurity incident involving MOVEit, a file transfer software. This incident compromised files containing protected health information, including Medicare claims data and other personally identifiable information.

The vulnerability in the MOVEit software allowed unauthorized access to personal information between May 27 and May 31, 2023. Progress Software, the developer of MOVEit, discovered and publicly disclosed this vulnerability on May 31, 2023, promptly releasing a software patch to address the issue.

WPS immediately applied the patch and conducted an initial investigation, which did not reveal any evidence of unauthorized file access at that time. However, in May 2024, new information prompted WPS to conduct a more thorough review with the assistance of a third-party cybersecurity firm. This review confirmed that while the vulnerability was successfully patched in early June 2023, an unauthorized third party had copied files from WPS’s MOVEit system before the patch was applied.

In coordination with law enforcement, WPS evaluated the impacted files. Initially, the examined portion did not contain personal information. However, on July 8, 2024, WPS discovered that some files in a different portion did contain personal information, leading to the immediate notification of CMS.

As of now, CMS and WPS are not aware of any reports of identity fraud or misuse of personal information resulting directly from this incident. Nevertheless, they are taking proactive measures to notify potentially affected individuals and provide resources to help protect their personal information.

It’s important to note that this incident does not affect current Medicare benefits or coverage.

Image of an elderly person's hands


Timeline of events

  • May 27-31, 2023: Vulnerability in MOVEit software exploited
  • May 31, 2023: Progress Software discovers and discloses the vulnerability
  • Early June 2023: WPS patches the MOVEit vulnerability
  • May 2024: WPS conducts an additional review
  • July 8, 2024: WPS informs CMS about the breach
  • September 11, 2024: CMS notifies affected individuals

The delay in notification was primarily due to the time required for a thorough investigation and confirmation of the breach’s extent.


What information was exposed?

The compromised data potentially includes:

  • Names
  • Addresses
  • Birth dates
  • Social Security numbers
  • Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBIs)
  • Hospital account numbers
  • Dates of services


Steps being taken by CMS

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corp. are taking comprehensive measures to address the data breach and protect affected beneficiaries. They have initiated a process of mailing written notifications to all individuals whose information may have been compromised. These notifications provide detailed information about the breach and offer guidance on protective steps.

In addition to the notifications, CMS and its contractor are offering affected beneficiaries complimentary credit monitoring services for a period of 12 months. This service will help individuals monitor their credit reports for any suspicious activity that could indicate identity theft or fraud.

Furthermore, CMS is taking the proactive step of issuing new Medicare cards to beneficiaries whose Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBIs) were potentially exposed in the breach. These new cards will contain updated MBIs, effectively invalidating the compromised numbers and adding an extra layer of security to beneficiaries’ accounts.

To ensure transparency and provide clear guidance, WPS has prepared a comprehensive letter that is being sent to all potentially affected individuals. This letter outlines the nature of the breach, the specific information that may have been compromised, and detailed instructions on how to utilize the offered protection services. It also includes contact information for further assistance and answers to frequently asked questions, helping beneficiaries navigate this challenging situation with as much support as possible.

We reached out to CMS for a comment on this article, and a rep provided this statement,

We take the privacy and security of your Medicare information very seriously. CMS and WPS apologize for the inconvenience this incident might have caused you.

image of elderly hands




What you should do

If you’re a Medicare beneficiary, here are some steps you can take to protect yourself:

1) Watch for official communication: CMS will send letters to affected individuals. Be cautious of unsolicited calls or emails claiming to be from Medicare.

2) Monitor your credit: Take advantage of the free credit monitoring services offered if you receive a notification letter.

3) Review your Medicare summary notices: Check for any unfamiliar charges or services.

4) Be alert for scams: Beware of anyone contacting you about needing a new Medicare card. This is likely a scam.

5) Contact Medicare directly: If you’re concerned, call 1-800-MEDICARE to ask if your account was involved in any data breaches.

6) Report suspicious activity: If you suspect fraud, contact your state’s Senior Medicare Patrol for guidance.

7) Be cautious with digital communications: Don’t click on any links or download attachments in unsolicited emails, texts, or social media messages claiming to be from Medicare or related to the data breach. These could be phishing attempts to gather more of your personal information. The best way to protect yourself from clicking malicious links is to have antivirus protection installed on all your devices. This can also alert you of any phishing emails or ransomware scams. 

My top pick is TotalAV, and you can get a limited-time deal for CyberGuy readers: $19 your first year (80% off) for the TotalAV Antivirus Pro package.  

Get my picks for the best 2024 antivirus protection winners for your Windows, Mac, Android & iOS devices.

Best Antivirus Protection 2024


8) Use an identity theft protection service: Identity Theft companies can monitor personal information like your Social Security Number (SSN), phone number, and email address and alert you if it is being sold on the dark web or being used to open an account.  They can also assist you in freezing your bank and credit card accounts to prevent further unauthorized use by criminals.

My top recommendation is Identity Guard. One of the best parts of using Identity Guard is that they might include identity theft insurance of up to 1 million dollars to cover losses and legal fees and a white glove fraud resolution team where a US-based case manager helps you recover any losses.

CyberGuy’s Exclusive Offer (Save 52%): Get the Identity Guard Ultra protection to protect your identity and credit for as little as $9.99/mo (lowest offered anywhere) for the first year. 

See my tips and best picks on how to protect yourself from identity theft.

Best identity theft protection services 2024


9) Consider using a data removal service: Given that Medicare beneficiary information may be exposed online due to data breaches, consider using a reputable data removal service. These services can help reduce your digital footprint by removing your personal information from various online databases and people-search websites. This can make it more difficult for scammers to find and misuse your information. However, be cautious when selecting such a service and ensure it’s legitimate, as some scammers may pose as data removal services to collect more of your personal information.

A service like Incogni can help you remove all this personal information from the internet. It has a very clean interface and will scan websites for your information and remove it and keep it removed.

Special for CyberGuy Readers (60% off):  Incogni offers A 30-day money-back guarantee and then charges a special CyberGuy discount only through the links in this article of $5.99/month for one person (billed annually) or $13.19/month for your family (up to 4 people) on their annual plan and get a fully automated data removal service, including recurring removal from 190+ data brokers. You can add up to 3 emails, 3 home addresses and 3 phone numbers (U.S. citizens only) and have them removed from data-broker databases. I recommend the family plan because it works out to only $4.12 per person per month for year-round coverage. It’s an excellent service, and I highly recommend at least trying it out to see what it’s all about.

Get Incogni here

Get Incogni for your family (up to 4 people) here


Protecting your Medicare information

To safeguard your Medicare data in the future. Never share your Medicare number with unsolicited callers or emailers. Be cautious about giving personal information over the phone or online. Regularly review your Medicare statements for any unusual activity. Keep your Medicare card in a safe place, just like you would a credit card.


Tell Kurt: See how your opinion stacks up


Kurt’s key takeaways

While data breaches are unfortunately becoming more common, staying informed and taking proactive steps can help mitigate potential risks. Remember, Medicare will never call you unsolicited to ask for personal information or to issue a new card. If you’re ever in doubt, hang up and call Medicare directly using the official number on your card or the Medicare website. By staying vigilant and following these guidelines, you can help protect your personal and healthcare information from potential misuse.

Given the increasing frequency and scale of data breaches in the healthcare sector, what additional measures do you think Medicare and its affiliated organizations should implement to better protect beneficiaries’ personal information and prevent future security incidents? Let us know in the comments below. 




Copyright 2024  All rights reserved. articles and content may contain affiliate links that earn a commission when purchases are made.

Kurt Knutsson <![CDATA[Robots get a feel for human touch, no artificial skin required]]> 2024-09-11T22:27:59Z 2024-09-11T15:00:00Z In a groundbreaking development, scientists have found a way to give robots a sense of touch without relying on expensive artificial skin. This innovation, spearheaded by a team from the German Aerospace Centre, could revolutionize human-robot interactions and make robots more adaptable and intuitive to use.



The power of AI and internal sensors

Instead of using costly biometric skins and sensors, the researchers harnessed the power of artificial intelligence to interpret signals from a robot’s existing internal sensors. This clever approach allows robots to accurately detect external force and pressure, mimicking the human sense of touch.

Credit: German Aerospace Centre

The team’s concept includes virtual buttons, switches, and slider bars that can be placed anywhere on the robot’s structure. This flexibility opens up new possibilities for human-robot interaction.

Credit: German Aerospace Centre




Impressive accuracy

The machine learning algorithms developed by the team are so accurate that the robot can even detect numbers traced on its surface. This capability could lead to entirely new ways for humans to communicate with robots.

Credit: German Aerospace Centre




Implications for human-robot interaction

The researchers believe this technology will enable a shift towards more adaptable, flexible, and intuitive handling of robots. As they wrote in their study, “This opens up unexplored opportunities in terms of intuitive and flexible interaction between humans and robots.” The study, titled ‘Intrinsic sense of touch for intuitive physical human-robot interaction,’ was published in the journal Science Robotics.

Credit: German Aerospace Centre




Kurt’s key takeaways

By eliminating the need for expensive and complex external sensors, this technology could make advanced robots more accessible and practical for a wide range of applications. The ability to interact with robots through touch, just as we do with other humans, could transform fields ranging from healthcare to manufacturing, opening up exciting new possibilities for collaboration between humans and machines.

How do you feel about the idea of robots being able to “feel” and interact with us more naturally?  Let us know in the comments below. 


Kurt Knutsson <![CDATA[Find the Fake: Clever Cats]]> 2024-09-11T18:23:30Z 2024-09-11T13:00:37Z Think you’ve got a keen eye for detail? Put your skills to the test with our latest challenge! Race the clock to examine these two cat images and see if you can spot which one is real and which is AI-generated. Ready to play? Take a look, and scroll down to submit your answer.

Try it out, check out your time, and tell me how you did in the comments. If you liked playing this game, check out all of our games here. 

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Jenna Roach <![CDATA[Top 8 new movies and shows to stream this week (September 10 – September 17)]]> 2024-09-11T03:31:21Z 2024-09-10T13:00:00Z Have you been patiently waiting for new seasons of your favorite crime shows like Tulsa King and The Old Man to com back? Well, you’re in luck. Here’s everything coming to your streaming platforms this week.



Robot Dreams 

YouTube player

Robot Dreams will be available to buy or rent on Prime beginning September 10. This animated film tells the story of Dog, who lives in Manhattan and is tired of being alone. He decides to build a robot companion, however, he is forced to abandon it when its parts rust on the beach, leaving Dog to wonder if he will ever reunite with his friend again.

Watch Robot Dreams


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Amazon Prime Video – 30 days trial


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Students: get 6 months of Amazon Prime free

If you’re a student, you can click this link to get 6 months free of Amazon Prime for students.  Students will need to verify by providing their .edu email address. Sign up here.


Medicaid or EBT: Cheaper Amazon Prime

If you’ve got a Medicaid or EBT card, you can sign up for an Amazon Prime membership for $6.99 – almost half the cost of a typical membership. Sign up here.

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Boy Kills World 

YouTube player

Boy Kills World will be available to stream on Hulu beginning September 13. It tells the story of a man whose family was murdered by the bloodthirsty Hilda Van Der Koy. He is then trained by a mysterious shaman to become a dealy assassin and avenge his family. The film stars Bill Skarsgård, Jessica Rothe, and Famke Janssen.

Watch Boy Kills World




The Old Man – Season 2

YouTube player

The Old Man is back for a second season which will premiere on FX on September 12, with episodes available to stream on Hulu beginning September 13. This season will follow former CIA operative Dan Chase as he teams up with FBI higher-up Harold Harper to try to find the kidnapped protege Angela Adams, uncovering some huge secrets. The show stars Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow, and Alia Shawkat.

Watch The Old Man – Season 2


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Civil War 

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Civil War will be available to stream on Max beginning September 13. The film was a big hit in theaters and tells the story of a dystopian future America where a team of journalists race to Washington D.C. before rebel factions descend upon the White House. The film stars Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons, Cailee Spaeny, Jefferson White, Nick Offerman, and Stephen McKinley Henderson.

Watch Civil War 




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Tulsa King – Season 2

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Tulsa King is back for a second season, which will premiere on Paramount+ on September 15. This season will continue to follow Dwight “The General” Manfredi, a mafia man who was released from prison after 25 years and exiled to Oklahoma. He is now growing a new empire in Tulsa as outside threats loom. The show stars Sylvester Stallone.

Watch Tulsa King – Season 2


Paramount+ with SHOWTIME – $11.99/month

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YouTube player

Uglies is a new film coming to Netflix on September 13. It follows a futuristic dystopian world with enforced beauty standards and one teen awaiting mandatory cosmetic surgery who embarks on a journey to find her missing friend. The film stars Joey King, Chase Stokes, Keith Powers, and Laverne Cox.

Watch Uglies



The Circle – Season 7 

YouTube player

The Circle is back for a seventh season, which will premiere on Netflix on September 11. This season of the social reality competition show will feature a fresh cast of players who will flirt, befriend, and catfish their way toward $100,000.

Watch The Circle – Season 7




Emily in Paris – Season 4, Part 2 

YouTube player

Part 2 of the fourth season of Emily in Paris will premiere on Netflix on September 12. This final part of the season will include 5 episodes and follow Emily as she throws herself into her work after getting frustrated with her boyfriend Gabriel, who is dealing with being the father of his ex’s baby. Little does everyone know that his ex has already miscarried and still pretending to be pregnant.

Watch Emily in Paris – Season 4, Part 2




Amazon Prime Video – 30 days trial


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Students: get 6 months of Amazon Prime free

If you’re a student, you can click this link to get 6 months free of Amazon Prime for students.  Students will need to verify by providing their .edu email address. Sign up here.


Medicaid or EBT: Cheaper Amazon Prime

If you’ve got a Medicaid or EBT card, you can sign up for an Amazon Prime membership for $6.99 – almost half the cost of a typical membership. Sign up here.

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AppleTV+ – 7 days free, then $9.99/month

7 days free, then $9.99/month

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Hulu  – Get free month

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Paramount+ with SHOWTIME – $11.99/month

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Sign up for Max, the one to watch, starting at $9.99/mo.

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Kurt’s key takeaways

From heartwarming animated films like Robot Dreams to nail-biting action films like Civil War, there is something for everyone to enjoy this week. Comment below and let us know which one is your favorite.



Kurt Knutsson <![CDATA[What exactly is a data breach and why should I care?]]> 2024-09-10T16:50:45Z 2024-09-10T03:45:00Z Data breaches have become common, and if you’ve actively used online services in the past year, you might have been affected by them. For example, the massive 2.7 billion records that were leaked in this massive US data breach, the Advance Auto Parts breach exposed more than 2.3 million users’ personal information, while a recent AT&T incident allowed hackers to access around six months of customer call and text interactions. But what do bad actors do with all this data?

John from Jackson, Mississippi, asked a similar question that I want to highlight and address because it helps all of us:

What do you mean when you say a company has exposed 2.3 million or whatever in a data breach? This happens often but there is never any follow up. It’s like throwing address labels in a trash can and then they are carried to the landfill. So? What really happens with a data breach?

I get what you’re saying, John. Data breaches make headlines, but you rarely hear about the fallout. It’s tough to link a specific breach to a specific problem later on. Below is a detailed look at what a data breach actually means.




Data breach explained

A data breach occurs when an unauthorized person gains access to information that is meant to be confidential, private, protected, or sensitive. Think of it this way: You have personal information that you trusted a friend with, but while sharing it, someone who wasn’t supposed to know it overheard it.

A real-life example is the AT&T data breach mentioned earlier. Your call logs and text interactions that were meant to be private and which you trusted AT&T to protect ended up in the hands of hackers. These details can now be used by the bad actors to scam you.

Data breaches can happen in a few ways. Hackers might target specific organizations or launch broad attacks hoping to steal certain kinds of data. They can also use targeted cyberattacks to go after specific individuals.

Sometimes, data breaches occur due to honest mistakes or oversights by employees. Weaknesses in an organization’s systems and infrastructure can also leave them vulnerable to data breaches.

A person typing on a laptop.




Anatomy of a deliberate data breach

Here’s what typically happens in a data breach that’s deliberately caused:

Research: Cybercriminals often begin by identifying a target, such as a large corporation like AT&T, focusing on the type of data they want, which could include personal customer information. They search for weaknesses in the company’s security, which might involve exploiting system flaws or targeting network infrastructure.

Attack: The attackers make their initial move using either a network or social attack. Common methods include phishing attacks, where individuals are tricked into revealing personal information; malware attacks that can steal or encrypt data; and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks that disrupt services. These tactics can compromise the personal information of customers, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and even payment information.

Exfiltration: Once inside the company’s systems, cybercriminals tunnel their way to confidential data. For individuals, this means that their personal information can be extracted and sold on the dark web, used for identity theft, or for other malicious purposes. The impact on individuals can be severe, including financial loss, damage to credit scores, and the emotional stress of having personal information exposed and misused.


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A person typing on a laptop.




What happens once the hackers have the data?

Once the hackers obtain protected and confidential data, they have various ways to profit from it. They can use compromised data for illegal activities, including identity theft, financial fraud, spamming, or even extortion. Information such as email addresses and phone numbers can be used in phishing scams.

Sometimes, this data is also posted on dark web forums for sale. It can be purchased by other criminals, who may use it for various illicit activities. Just as you don’t hear about every burglary, homicide, or battery, you don’t hear about each instance of these criminal activities.

They only make headlines when something significant occurs, such as the incident where hackers scammed a Colorado woman out of $25,000 or when a man was arrested for scamming a Kalispell woman of $150,000.

Data breaches impact not only customers but also the companies involved. These companies may face government fines or lawsuits. For example, AT&T is currently dealing with a class-action lawsuit due to a security breach in 2022 that exposed months’ worth of data from nearly all its customers. Similarly, T-Mobile is facing a lawsuit related to a data breach that affected millions of people.




How to protect yourself from data breaches?

It’s primarily the responsibility of companies or online services to keep your data safe, but if it gets exposed, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1) Change your passwords

If hackers have recorded your passwords, they could access your online accounts and steal your data or money. ON ANOTHER DEVICE (i.e., your laptop or desktop), you should change your passwords for all your important accounts, such as email, banking, social media, etc. You want to do this on another device so the hacker isn’t recording you setting up your new password on your hacked device. And you should also use strong and unique passwords that are hard to guess or crack. You can also use a password manager to generate and store your passwords securely.


2) Enable two-factor authentication

Activate two-factor authentication (2FA) for an extra layer of security on all your important accounts, including email, banking, and social media. 2FA requires you to provide a second piece of information, such as a code sent to your phone, in addition to your password when logging in. This makes it significantly harder for hackers to access your accounts, even if they have your password. Enabling 2FA can greatly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and protect your sensitive data.


3) Monitor your accounts and transactions

You should check your online accounts and transactions regularly for any suspicious or unauthorized activity. If you notice anything unusual, immediately report it to the service provider or authorities. You should also review your credit reports and scores to see if there are any signs of identity theft or fraud.


4) Contact your bank and credit card companies

If hackers have obtained your bank or credit card information, they could use it to make purchases or withdrawals without your consent. You should inform your bank and credit card companies of the situation. They can help you freeze or cancel your cards, dispute any fraudulent charges, and issue new cards for you.

You should also contact one of the three major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion) and request a fraud alert to be placed on your credit file. This will make it more difficult for identity thieves to open new accounts in your name without verification. You can even freeze your credit if need be.


5) Use personal data removal services

Consider investing in personal data removal services that specialize in continuously monitoring and removing your personal information from various online databases and websites. These services employ advanced tools and techniques to identify and eliminate your data from people-search sites, data brokers, and other platforms where your information might be exposed. By using a data removal service, you can minimize the risk of identity theft and fraud, especially after a data breach. Additionally, these services often provide ongoing monitoring and alerts, keeping you informed of any new instances of your data appearing online and taking immediate action to remove it.

A service like Incogni can help you remove all this personal information from the internet. It has a very clean interface and will scan 195 websites for your information and remove it and keep it removed.

Special for CyberGuy Readers (60% off):  Incogni offers A 30-day money-back guarantee and then charges a special CyberGuy discount only through the links in this article of $5.99/month for one person (billed annually) or $13.19/month for your family (up to 4 people) on their annual plan and get a fully automated data removal service, including recurring removal from 190+ data brokers.  You can add up to 3 emails, 3 home addresses and 3 phone numbers (U.S. citizens only) and have them removed from data-broker databases.  I recommend the family plan because it works out to only $4.12 per person per month for year-round coverage. It’s an excellent service, and I highly recommend at least trying it out to see what it’s all about.

Get Incogni here

Get Incogni for your family (up to 4 people) here


6) Sign-up for identity theft protection

Identity Theft protection companies can monitor personal information like your home title, Social Security Number (SSN), phone number, and email address and alert you if it is being used to open an account.  They can also assist you in freezing your bank and credit card accounts to prevent further unauthorized use by criminals.

One of the best parts of using Identity Guard includes identity theft insurance of up to 1 million dollars to cover losses and legal fees and a white glove fraud resolution team where a US-based case manager helps you recover any losses.

Special for CyberGuy Readers:  Save up to 52% with my top recommendation is Identity Guard.

See my tips and best picks on how to protect yourself from identity theft.

Best identity theft protection services 2024


7) Alert your contacts

If hackers have accessed your email or social media accounts, they could use them to send spam or phishing messages to your contacts. They could also impersonate you and ask for money or personal information. You should alert your contacts and warn them not to open or respond to any messages from you that seem suspicious or unusual.


8) Recognizing and reporting a Social Security scam

If there is a problem with a person’s Social Security number or record, Social Security will typically mail a letter. You can learn more about recognizing Social Security-related scams, including how to report a scam quickly and easily online to Social Security’s Office of the Inspector General, by reading more at


Kurt’s key takeaway

The impact of a data breach may not be immediate, but once your data is on the internet, it can be misused by bad actors. They can steal your hard-earned money, cause emotional and mental harm, or affect your loved ones. So, even if you don’t see the immediate impact of a data breach, take action. Ensure your devices are protected, and keep a close eye on your bank accounts.

Have you ever noticed unusual activity in your accounts after a data breach was reported? Let us know in the comments below.



Copyright 2024  All rights reserved. articles and content may contain affiliate links that earn a commission when purchases are made.

Kurt Knutsson <![CDATA[Apple’s bold move into AI: New iPhone 16, AirPods and watches]]> 2024-09-12T19:17:39Z 2024-09-10T03:38:28Z Apple Inc. held its most significant event of the year today, where the tech giant unveiled its latest iPhone 16, Apple Watch 10, and AirPods lineup and previewed its new artificial intelligence platform, Apple Intelligence. This early September 9 launch comes just ahead of other major global events, allowing Apple to seize the spotlight before the U.S. presidential debate and an important decision from the European Commission about a $14 billion tax dispute with Ireland.


Image of Apple logo

Credit: Apple


The iPhone 16 lineup

I’ve been at and reported on nearly every Apple launch since the iPod, and this is something entirely new in direction. The iPhone 16 series was the star of the show, featuring four new models: the iPhone 16, 16 Plus, 16 Pro, and 16 Pro Max. While the standard models will see minor upgrades in processor speed and memory, the Pro models promise more significant improvements.

Image of new iPhone 16


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iPhone gets a bigger screen, thinner bezels, and new cameras

With slightly larger, slimmer bezels and a new camera system, these devices are designed to attract both casual and professional users alike.

Notably, Apple is introducing a new touch-sensitive button on the Pro models for capturing photos and video, mimicking a DSLR camera’s shutter. This feature is expected to become a standout selling point for the Pro devices, alongside their enhanced AI capabilities, supported by 8 GB of memory and a faster neural engine optimized for Apple Intelligence.

Image of iPhone 16

Credit: Apple



Apple Intelligence: The AI push

At the heart of Monday’s event was Apple’s growing AI strategy. Apple Intelligence, which will power updates across devices, is poised to transform how users interact with their gadgets. While it’s still early days for this platform, its initial focus will be on streamlining notifications and summarizing messages. However, many features won’t fully launch until next year, highlighting the ongoing development of this AI ecosystem.

The “It’s Glowtime” theme for the event hints at a major redesign of Siri, which will be central to Apple’s AI experience. Despite its slow start, Apple Intelligence is a pivotal step in the company’s efforts to keep pace with competitors in the artificial intelligence race.

Image of Apple AI

Credit: Apple


The iPhone 16 and its features

The launch of the iPhone 16 integrates advanced features like Apple Intelligence, which is designed to enhance user experience while prioritizing privacy.

Performance: With its A18 chip, the iPhone 16 delivers remarkable performance, offering up to 60% faster processing compared to its predecessor, the A16 Bionic. This chip not only improves speed but also enhances battery life, allowing for up to 27 hours of video playback on the iPhone 16 Plus.

Camera innovations: The camera system has also received a substantial upgrade, featuring a 48MP Fusion camera capable of capturing stunning images with improved low-light performance. The new ultra-wide camera allows for expansive shots and intricate macro photography, making it easier than ever to capture every detail.

Action Button: The introduction of the Action button provides users with quick access to their favorite features, streamlining everyday tasks.

Focus on user privacy: Apple ensures that personal data is processed on-device, safeguarding user information from unauthorized access.

Availability and pricing: The iPhone 16 is available in five vibrant colors, starting at $799, and will be available for pre-order on September 13, with official release on September 20.




Image of iPhone 16

Credit: Apple


Key features of the iPhone 16 Pro

The iPhone 16 Pro is designed to also integrate seamlessly with Apple Intelligence. Here are some of the standout features:

Design and display: The iPhone 16 Pro features a Grade 5 titanium design, available in four colors: Black Titanium, White Titanium, Natural Titanium, and the new Desert Titanium. It features the thinnest borders yet, providing a larger 6.3-inch Super Retina XDR display that enhances visual engagement.

Camera innovations: Equipped with a new 48MP Ultra Wide camera and advanced Camera Control, users can capture stunning photos and videos, including 4K 120 fps Dolby Vision. The phone’s four studio-quality microphones and innovative audio features elevate recording quality, making it ideal for content creators.

Performance: Powered by the A18 Pro chip, the iPhone 16 Pro delivers unparalleled performance with a faster Neural Engine and improved graphics capabilities, allowing for enhanced gaming experiences and efficient multitasking.

Battery life: The device offers a significant increase in battery life, with up to 33 hours of video playback on the Pro Max model, thanks to optimized internal design and energy-efficient processing.

Privacy and accessibility: Apple Intelligence emphasizes user privacy through on-device processing and Private Cloud Compute, ensuring that personal data remains secure. New accessibility features, such as Eye Tracking and Music Haptics, make the iPhone 16 Pro more inclusive than ever.

Pre-order and availability: Pre-orders for the iPhone 16 Pro begin on September 13, with availability starting September 20, starting at a price of $999 or $41.62 per month for 24 months.

Image of iPhone 16 Pro

Credit: Apple


Is it time to upgrade to a new iPhone?

If having access to the latest Apple AI later when it rolls out, you’ll need to have the latest iPhone 16 or iPhone 15 Pro on hand.  If AI is important to you – and for me it is – I recommend you jump to the latest and greatest.  Read more about our tips to help guide you in this article.


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Expires on:

Get iPhone 16 Pro on us with trade-in & select Unlimited plan.  Starts Friday, September 13, 2024. Ends September 30, 2024.

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AirPods new enhanced audio and hearing health innovations

Apple has unveiled significant updates to its AirPods lineup, introducing new models and innovative features. Apple introduced two new AirPods 4 models, both featuring a refined open-ear design: AirPods 4 (standard model), Priced at $129, and AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), Priced at $179.

These new models represent Apple’s most advanced and comfortable open-ear design to date. Powered by the H2 chip, they offer improved sound quality and new features like Adaptive Audio and Conversation Awareness.

Apple also introduced the AirPods Max, which received a refresh with five new colors, including midnight, starlight, blue, purple, and orange. The refresh also included USB-C charging capability for increased convenience.

The new AirPods 4 and updated AirPods Max are available for pre-order starting today, with in-store availability beginning September 20, 2024.

Image of new AirPods

Credit: Apple


Revolutionary hearing health features for AirPods Pro 2

Apple announced groundbreaking hearing health capabilities coming to AirPods Pro 2 this fall. It includes hearing protection, which actively reduces loud, intermittent noises to prevent hearing damage. A hearing test which is a scientifically validated test conducted through AirPods Pro 2.  Also, the AirPods Pro 2 is upgraded with clinical-grade, over-the-counter hearing aid functionality for mild to moderate hearing loss. These features will be available as a free software update in over 100 countries and regions, marking a significant step in Apple’s commitment to hearing health.

It’s important to note that the AirPods Pro 2 mentioned above is the same model as the current AirPods Pro 2 available on the market. As mentioned, the new features, including the hearing aid function, will be introduced through a software update this fall. So, if you own or purchase the current AirPods Pro 2 now, you will be able to access the hearing aid function once the update is released.

Image of a woman wearing the Apple AirPods Pro 2




Apple Watch Series 10 marks a decade of wearable innovation

For the first time in two years, all Apple Watch models will receive updates, including a new entry-level Apple Watch SE, the flagship Series 10, and the Ultra 2.

The Apple Watch Series 10, available for pre-order starting September 20 at a price of $399, introduces several innovative features and enhancements. It is the thinnest model yet, boasting the largest display in the Apple Watch lineup, with a wide-angle OLED screen that is brighter and easier to read from different angles.

Key health features include new sleep apnea notifications, advanced heart rate monitoring, and the ability to track various fitness activities with precision. The watch also includes new sensors for water temperature and depth, making it suitable for aquatic activities. Fast charging capabilities allow for 80% battery in just 30 minutes.

The Series 10 is available in various finishes, including Jet Black aluminum and polished titanium options, and is designed with sustainability in mind, utilizing recycled materials. It also offers enhanced connectivity features, allowing you to stay connected without needing your iPhone nearby.

Image of Apple Watch 10 Series

Credit: Apple


The new Apple Watch Ultra 2

Meanwhile, the new Apple Watch Ultra 2 features a sleek black titanium case. The 49mm black titanium case is designed to withstand the harshest environments and is certified to the EN13319 standard for diving accessories. With a display brightness of 3000 nits, it boasts the brightest Apple display ever, along with WR100 water resistance and IP6X dust resistance. The customizable Action button offers precise control over your workouts, allowing you to start a session, mark a segment, or move to the next interval with ease.

No matter where you are, the Ultra 2 ensures you won’t have to worry about battery life. It’s built to perform at peak conditions for longer, supporting up to 36 hours of normal use, 72 hours in Low Power Mode, and up to 17 hours of outdoor workouts in Low Power Mode.

Image of Apple Watch Ultra 2

Credit: Apple


More to come in October and beyond

Though the spotlight was on the iPhone, AirPods, and Apple Watch, other products are in the pipeline. Apple is working on transitioning its Mac lineup to M4 chips, with updates to the MacBook Pro, Mac mini, and iMac likely scheduled for a later event this fall. A new version of the iPhone SE, an upgraded AirTag, and refreshed iPads are also in development, with their own launches expected next year.

Image of future Apple tech

Credit: Apple


Kurt’s key takeaways

This event comes at a crucial time for Apple, as the company seeks to rebound from its longest sales slump in decades. With roughly 60% of Apple’s revenue tied to its device ecosystem, this latest lineup of products will not only drive sales but also encourage more spending on services—a key growth area for the company.

By introducing new AI-driven features and updates across its flagship products, Apple is positioning itself for the next era of tech innovation. The question remains whether Apple Intelligence will live up to the hype and how quickly the company can deliver on its promises. For now, all eyes are on Cupertino as Apple takes another step into the future of artificial intelligence.

Which product or feature from Apple are you most curious about, and what questions do you have regarding its functionality? Let us know in the comments below. 




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