Sell more on WooCommerce with modern user profiles, user activities, content restriction, groups, memberships, and social e-commerce. Create WooCommerce User Profiles with the shopping cart, purchases, current orders, past orders, billing address, shipping address, purchase count, total spent, and social activities to take customer focus to the next level. Build customer loyalty and brand value by creating WooCommerce membership levels and integrating with other WooCommerce integrations through our Premium extensions.
Členství a uživatelské profily pro WooCommerce – Integrace WooCommerce ProfileGrid aktuálně podporuje následující platformy elektronického obchodování:
- WooCommerce
- EDD (to be available soon)
Tento plugin vyžaduje instalaci ProfileGrid Core Plugin & aktivováno.
Obrovské možnosti růstu vašeho e-shopu s uživatelskými profily, členstvím a sociálním obchodem:
- Retain your customers and reduce your churn rate.
- Have your customer spend more after joining a membership program.
- Turn your customers into elite members and brand ambassadors.
- Sell more through network effect, word of mouth and social proof.
- And, a lot more below.
Free Features – User Profiles & Memberships for eCommerce
- Show all the purchases the user has made using the Purchases tab.
- Display and edit the Shipping Address and Billing address in the User Profiles.
- Display the total count of products purchased by the customer.
- Show the Total Spent by a customer on the User Profile page.
- WooCommerce Product Reviews tab displays product reviews submitted by customers.
- WooCommerce Orders displays order history and order status.
- The Purchase and Spent visibility can be set for:
- Public
- Only Group Membership Leader
- Only Group Membership Members
- Pouze přátele
- Soukromé
Free features through the core plugin
- User Profiles elements include Cover Image, User Avatar, Username, User Group, Group Badge, Profile Navigation Menu, and About area. If required, the following optional social commerce elements are available: Messaging area, Friends area, and Notifications area
- User directory displays all customers or registered users; if required, simple and advanced search options are available.
- User Profile Templates are available; you can choose one of eight prebuilt templates.
- Custom User Profile design is possible through page builders. We have created shortcodes for each user profile element; you can use these shortcodes in page builders and design the profile as per your needs.
- User Profile Tabs are available for easy navigation; you can change the labels and order of these tabs as required.
- Public or private user profile options are available on the site, group, or user levels.
- Admin can selectively turn on or off the elements of user profiles.
- Group/Membership elements include Membership Title, Membership Description, Membership Icon/ Badge, Registration button, and option to make membership open or closed.
- Hide or Show group/membership details on the front end.
- Set the members limit for the group membership.
- Display a message when a customer is assigned a specific membership group.
- The All Groups/Memberships page displays the membership levels on your site. Clicking on the membership group will take the user to members in that group. Use the All Group page to display membership levels or allow customers to sign up for a specific membership group.
- Send emails to users when the following events trigger: membership request, membership acceptance or denial, membership termination, and more.
- With a simple shortcode, allow the customer or registered user to submit or publish store blog posts, product-in-action images, and product experience blog posts.
- Permit Private Messaging between customers as required. WordPress admin can turn the messaging system on or off.
Features through ProfileGrid free extensions
- Control how the customer name will display in the account area.
- Showcase customers in the hero banner and place it anywhere in the store as social proof.
- Integrate with bbPress, MailPoet, RegistrationMagic forms, and EventPrime events.
Premium features through ProfileGrid & WooCommerce integration
Integrace produktu WooCommerce automaticky přidá uživatele do konkrétní členské skupiny, když si zákazník zakoupí konkrétní produkt.
Předplatné WooCommerce automaticky přidá zákazníka do členské skupiny, když si zákazník zakoupí předplatné WooCommerce. Zákazník je automaticky odebrán z členství ve skupině, jakmile vyprší platnost předplatného.
Členská sleva WooCommerce automaticky přidá vlastní slevu na produkty WooCommerce na základě úrovně členství zákazníka.
Integrace WooCommerce seznam přání přidá produkty WooCommerce do vašeho seznamu přání zákazníků. Seznam přání k produktu je k dispozici na stránce uživatelského profilu.
WooCommerce Produktové doporučení zobrazuje návrhy na uživatelské profily na základě historie nákupů zákazníků.
Karta produktu WooCommerce umožňuje přidat vlastní kartu na stránku produktu WooCommerce. Pomocí této funkce můžete mimo jiné zobrazovat data specifická pro zákazníky, slevy nebo sociální důkazy.
WooCommerce Extensions Integration propojuje uživatelské profily a členství v pluginu ProfileGrid s WooCommerce zdarma & placená rozšíření. V současné době je podporováno pouze několik rozšíření.
Premium features through ProfileGrid extensions
User Profile Tabs: Add custom tabs to user profiles with data fetched from different plugins that use shortcodes. Ultimate tool for plugging in content from different plugins enhancing functionality of user.
Menu Restriction: Hide or show menu items on your site only to specific customers based on their membership group(s). Combine it with ProfileGrid’s core content restriction system to build a compelling e-commerce membership site.
Widget Privacy: Adds additional visibility options to all ProfileGrid widgets. Restrict information to intended customers. Create new instances of a widget to deliver different information to different customers.
Online Customers: Displays a list of currently online customers with their profile images and display names.
Customer Geolocation Map: Generate maps showing the location of all customers or customers of specific membership/groups.
Customer Activity: Display various activities by different customers inside a beautiful widget as social proof to build trust.
Recent Customers: Display a pre-defined number of recent customers with profile images. Add a custom link to the display as required.
Social/Group Wall: Add a new communication layer to leverage value from loyal customers.
Vyzkoušejte všechny bezplatné funkce a budete mít úžasné a jedinečné nástroje pro růst vašeho e-commerce podnikání. Nebo Získejte ProfileGrid pro WooCommerce.
Download the plugin
Go to your Dashboard and locate Plugins tab. Click on Upload Plugin and specify the path of downloaded plugin in the text box.
Click on Activate Plugin
Memberships and User Profiles for WooCommerce – ProfileGrid WooCommerce Integration je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciZajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
- Fix for compatibility issues with HPOS.
- UI improvements.
- Usability improvements.
- UI improvements.
- Multiple fixes and improvements
- Initial WordPress.org Release