Halloween Dress Design Lottery! Drawing Winners

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CrystalSetsuna's avatar

EDIT 10/1: Alright everyone, the entry phase has ended! no more entries, sorry! it's late right now, so i will be picking the winners soon. Unless there is a mass agreement that i announce the winners, it will remain a secret until you get your individual drawing when i finish it!

EDIT 9/28: 2 days left til the lottery entry phase has ended, and i will be picking the winners on the 1st! ALSO 20 entries have been accomplished! Dress themes have been revealed at the bottom of the journal!

EDIT 9/27: 3 days left everyone! 3 days to get your entries in before i pick the randomly chosen characters and start drawing! Also, only 1 more entry and i will reveal what the themes for the dresses are!

Hello everyone! okay so...I did want to wait til it was closer to Halloween, but I just cannot!! I am going to be having a special lottery event! not difficult, fun for all, and free gift art stuff!

So what exactly is the lottery for, I am sure you're wondering. well I tend to have a rather good talent for designing dresses...and I so wanted to try my hand at designing Halloween inspired dresses! And of course, what fun is it to just draw my own characters? I want to draw YOURS! And it's so easy to enter! Who ever does enter will be given a number. And I will use a random number picker online to pick 13 people, and dress their characters in an all original unique design!


The event begins NOW. Entries will be accepted until midnight on September 30th. After that, I will spend all of October drawing the girls in their dresses. Each participant will be given a copy of their character alone, and on October 31st, I will post all of the girls in one large magnificent picture!


And I’m sure you're wondering, “okay, I wanna get my girl drawn! How do I enter?” well the first thing you have to do is fill out this form, and post it in a comment below. One character per entry! And you are allowed to submit a friends character. Otaku characters of any kind are allowed, as long as they are female! They can be from ANY anime! So submit whatever Otaku you want to!

Character name:
Preferred dress style: (aka classical, modern, elegant, revealing, etc.)
Reference: (pictures of your character)
Character's Personality:

Friend's Page:

 ALSO you HAVE to go to one friends page and leave a comment with a link to this journal. Post the link to the friends page below your form in the SAME comment as proof that you did this, and you cannot delete the comment or link, or you will be disqualified. I will be checking!

And that is it! That's ALL it takes to qualify!


1. EnviousNightmare99
2. CodeNameSailorComet
10. MagicalCrystalWings
12. Rodenfanatic
13. TheAnomally
14. SqueakyMcBeal
15. Artist-SRF
16. EternalPrism
17. Musicxxangel
18. Raakone
19. AmethystSadachbia
20. OnePieceForever1
21. UmbraTigris

Dress Themes

Because 20 entries have been accepted, i can reveal what my dress inspirations are going to be! So here we are, the 13 themes for the dresses i will be designing! If you like the possibility of getting a particular theme, put in your entry for a chance now!

Pumpkin Queen
Halloween Queen
Bloody Mary

Journal Layout by poserfan
© 2014 - 2025 CrystalSetsuna
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