In Review – Winter 2019

By Citizens for Public Justice

CPJ in the Community

On September 27, CPJ staff joined the Climate Strike in downtown Ottawa. Canada-wide the strike brought out nearly 700,000 people. CPJ members were also out on the streets in Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Waterloo, Toronto, and Halifax.

CPJ’s Edmonton chapter co-hosted an inter-faith climate vigil in September on the steps of the Alberta Legislature. Hundreds of Edmontonians of all ages gathered with music, prayer and reflection.

Natalie Appleyard, CPJ’s socio-economic policy analyst, and Deirdre Pike, the Social Justice and Outreach Consultant for the Anglican Diocese of Niagara, spoke at the Reimagine Conference in Hamilton. Together, they presented on “Advocacy As Public Witness,” exploring how people of faith can speak out in the political arena.

On November 2, Stephen Kaduuli, CPJ’s refugee rights policy analyst, joined Ida Kaastra-Mutoigo and Rebecca Walker of World Renew at the CRC Day of Encouragement in Edmonton. Stephen presented CPJ’s report A Half Welcome, which looks at several barriers to refugee sponsorship in Canada.

Prayers for Creation

In September, to mark the Season of Creation and support Global Climate Action Week, CPJ hosted a week-long national prayer chain, Prayers for Creation. Across Canada, CPJ members joined together in prayer to pause, reflect, and contemplate our relationship with the created world.

Chew on This! 2019

CPJ and Canada Without Poverty once again organized Chew on This!, through Dignity for All, the largest anti-poverty campaign in Canada. Over 16,000 postcards were distributed at events in every province and territory. The postcards are addressed to the prime minister, calling on him to show his commitment to ending poverty in Canada within the first 90 days of taking office.

CPJ Podcasts

CPJ has entered the podcasting world! In July, we launched The Intern Exchange, hosted by our public justice intern, Serisha Iyar. Episodes include conversations among CPJ’s interns on a range of issues including intersectionality, representation, and confronting white privilege in advocacy work.

CPJ’s new public justice intern, Keira Kang, took over hosting duties in November. Listen at

Staff Updates

CPJ expanded our policy team in April, bringing on Stephen Kaduuli as our refugee rights policy analyst. In July, Natalie Appleyard returned to CPJ to take on the role of socio-economic policy analyst. And in September Brad Wassink, our communications coordinator, returned from a one-year parental leave.

CPJ welcomed three new interns this fall. Keira Kang joined us for her year-long public justice internship, with a focus on climate justice.

From Carleton University’s social work program, Halima Abdille spent the fall with us conducting research on refugee integration into Canada. Dalen Ewald from Trinity Western University’s Laurentian Leadership Centre worked at CPJ this fall also assisting us in our climate justice work.

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