Response 363022653

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Legal aid has the user voice at its centre

The Review recommends the voice and interest of the user be at the centre of the legal aid system. Do you agree?

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Please give reasons for your answer.
The consultation notes that the current statutory framework appears to concentrate the focus of the system on the legal profession. This does not mean the users of the system are necessarily excluded, the legal profession will not only be representing their own interests but those of their clients and will be articulate in doing so. However, as noted, there is little direct contact with users and a lack of engagement with those who are not engaging with the legal profession and legal systems.

How desirable are each of the following ways of embedding the user voice and experience into the design and delivery of a legal aid service, on a scale of 1 – 5 (1 being very undesirable and 5 being very desirable).

1. Direct engagement through enhanced approaches to quality assurance 1 Radio button: Not checked 1 1. Direct engagement through enhanced approaches to quality assurance 2 Radio button: Not checked 2 1. Direct engagement through enhanced approaches to quality assurance 3 Radio button: Not checked 3 1. Direct engagement through enhanced approaches to quality assurance 4 Radio button: Not checked 4 1. Direct engagement through enhanced approaches to quality assurance 5 Radio button: Checked 5
2. Indirect engagement through consumer panels 1 Radio button: Not checked 1 2. Indirect engagement through consumer panels 2 Radio button: Not checked 2 2. Indirect engagement through consumer panels 3 Radio button: Not checked 3 2. Indirect engagement through consumer panels 4 Radio button: Checked 4 2. Indirect engagement through consumer panels 5 Radio button: Not checked 5
3. Collaborative engagement by connectivity across the publicly funded legal assistance landscape. 1 Radio button: Not checked 1 3. Collaborative engagement by connectivity across the publicly funded legal assistance landscape. 2 Radio button: Not checked 2 3. Collaborative engagement by connectivity across the publicly funded legal assistance landscape. 3 Radio button: Checked 3 3. Collaborative engagement by connectivity across the publicly funded legal assistance landscape. 4 Radio button: Not checked 4 3. Collaborative engagement by connectivity across the publicly funded legal assistance landscape. 5 Radio button: Not checked 5
Please give reasons for your answer.
SPSO would support a system which includes all three methods of engagement as they will all provide useful feedback for the system. We have rated them to reflect their effectiveness at reflecting the user voice and experience. We would regard an analysis of complaints received and learning from them to be a key component of any system of QA that is looking at user experience.

Legal aid as a public service

As currently structured and delivered, do you consider legal aid a public service?

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Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please give reasons for your choice.
Legal aid is publicly-funded and delivered through a statutory scheme. In some circumstances, it is essential to ensure individual rights are respected. While only a minority of the public may access the service, that is the case for other services and should not be a reason to exclude legal aid from the requirements of meeting the standards of all public services.

Improving access and targeted interventions

Do you think there would be benefits to having a telephone triage service that provided basic advice and referral assistance?

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Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Unsure
Please give reasons for your answer.
The public is often nervous and unsure about how and when to engage with legal services. In particular, they often struggle to work out how to identify an appropriate solicitor or other provider. A telephone triage service would allow people to quickly and easily access advice and support.

About you

Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

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Scottish Public Services Ombudsman