Constitution 101 Resources

15.3 Activity Guide: 27 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution


This activity is part of Module 15: Article V and the 27 Amendments from the Constitution 101 Curriculum. 

Throughout American history, “We the People” have amended our Constitution 27 times—transforming it in important ways. Through the Article V amendment process, we often make it a “more perfect” document. In this activity, you will learn more about key periods of constitutional change and explore the 27 amendments to the Constitution.

In this activity, you will explore all 27 amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

For each amendment, do the following:

  • Read the amendment on the Interactive Constitution. 
  • Summarize the amendment in your own words.
  • List three to five key words or terms associated with this amendment? 
  • List some factors that led to this amendment being added to the Constitution?

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