New idea exchange ideas in Visible Community Visible Community Fri, 13 Sep 2024 11:27:37 GMT Community 2024-09-13T11:27:37Z Visible needs to support ANDROID LTE WATCHES <P>I was absolutely dumbfounded when I found out Visible supports ONLY Apple LTE watches.&nbsp; I guess the next step is for them to support ONLY Apple phones--even though the last I read, Apple has less than 50% of the market.&nbsp; I can only imagine Apple is offering incentives "under the table" so that Visible won't support Android LTE watches.</P> Thu, 12 Sep 2024 00:37:57 GMT gaye8310 2024-09-12T00:37:57Z Block spam text from web <P>I am receiving text messages from email addresses that are spam.</P><P>Please offer us the ability to block text messages originating from the web and email addresses.&nbsp;</P><P>This will help cut down on the amount of spam customers need to deal with and give us time back.</P> Mon, 02 Sep 2024 16:23:44 GMT ConcernedCustom 2024-09-02T16:23:44Z Account PIN <P>Yeah, how about adding an account &nbsp;6 to 10 digit PIN in our accounts for added secutity.</P> Wed, 07 Aug 2024 20:22:57 GMT firefox 2024-08-07T20:22:57Z Improve your 2FA verification system <P>Please improve your verification system. Embedded links on text message or email for verification is very insecure way of verifying users. Please move to a 2fa which sends an SMS or email a six-digit code to enter back in your system to verify a user. Just like what my bank does or Google does. &nbsp;Plus there should be an expiry time for the six-digit code. I myself do not click on links if I can avoid it.</P> Wed, 07 Aug 2024 20:18:19 GMT firefox 2024-08-07T20:18:19Z Add number lock or numberlock <P>We need better security around our phone line. Please add a feature that allows us to lock our phone number to prevent hackers or criminals from trying sim swaps or accidentally moving porting out our number to another sim or carrier. Criminals have a lot of people personal information, so this is necessary today.</P> Sat, 27 Jul 2024 15:05:31 GMT ConcernedCustom 2024-07-27T15:05:31Z Add Passkey support for logins and security <P>Please add passkey security to better protect our accounts and information.</P> Mon, 15 Jul 2024 20:16:22 GMT ConcernedCustom 2024-07-15T20:16:22Z Improve SMS/Text message security <P>Improve SMS/Text message security</P><P><BR />Please improve the security around SMS and text messages to prevent receiving unwanted spam messages. It would also be good to add the ability for customers to choose what sms/text message they want to receive, like for example “BLOCK ALL TEXT MESSAGES FROM WEBSITES”<BR />There needs to be more security features to give customer a more enjoyable experience on Visible.</P> Mon, 15 Jul 2024 18:05:06 GMT ConcernedCustom 2024-07-15T18:05:06Z Live In An Apartment - Major Delivery Issues - PLEASE READ <P>If you live in an apartment, you are likely to order your phone or SIM and not be able to get it delivered because Visible's system (and Verizon, too) won't include your apartment number on the shipping address.&nbsp; It will appear in your profile, but somehow gets excluded from the shipping address when they ship the product.&nbsp; Meanwhile, they put restrictions on the shipment so that you can't adjust or fix the shipping address and they can't fix anything from their end, either.&nbsp; So, your package is basically held up at UPS and you have to pray that it at least gets returned to Visible and processed accordingly so that you might get your money back.&nbsp; Fortunately, I only bought a $200 phone, so the most I'll be out is $212.&nbsp; If I get it back, it will be a miracle but I'm not going to hold my breath and chalk up as a learning experience.&nbsp; I had the exact same thing happen with Verizon a couple years ago when I needed an updated SIM for some reason.&nbsp; Their system did the same exact thing - didn't include my apartment number.&nbsp; Fortunately, you can at least call Verizon and I was able to get the address fixed on their end and they sent me another SIM.&nbsp; I never got the original.&nbsp; If you don't have a house where the shipment can be sent, it is a bad idea to order anything from any Verizon-related company because your chances of getting it are not good since their system leaves off apartment numbers.&nbsp; I'll come back and update if and when things are resolved.&nbsp; I'm expecting to be out $212 with my only forms of retribution being my ability to write a negative Google review and a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.&nbsp; Live and learn, I guess.</P> Sat, 29 Jun 2024 19:02:05 GMT gymcoach97 2024-06-29T19:02:05Z Don't buy a phone from Visible (w/an update) <P>Don't buy a phone from<SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN><A href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@Visible</A>! This is going to be a long post so bear with me.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>It all started May 8th when my husband needed a new phone because his old one gave him the black screen of death. We decided to purchase a phone from Visible using Affirm. The new phone was set to be delivered in 2 days (May 10th).</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Mistake #1: they used UPS. Because of this, somehow the phone was sent to a location 8 hours away from us when it was in our city to begin with. Ok no problem. I'm a patient person so no worries. It's past its delivery date. Fast forward to almost a week from the purchase date. We go to the local UPS, and they don't have it. Ok. Now we have to file a claim. UPS is doing all they can to get it together. Visible on the other hand, not so much. It's pretty much a tennis match with UPS vs. Visible with me as the tennis ball. I'm being told call UPS then being told call Visible. It's almost 2 weeks of this. And then with Visible they're saying "says here your package is in your city waiting to be delivered". THAT'S FALSE because UPS already told me they can't find it.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>So...yeah. Anyway, the last straw was when UPS acknowledged their mess up and made a claim to Visible that they are indeed responsible for losing the package therefore they will pay to replace. One rep from Visible told me that the claim is in review to be approved for a replacement phone. The next rep told me I'm not getting a replacement and that there was never going to be a replacement (Gaslighting?). At this point, I demanded a refund. I was supposed to get the refund on 5/29. No refund. It was allegedly processed on 5/20 and this would take an additional 10 "business days". Ok so I wait. And wait. And wait. Visible's advocacy team contacts me on 06/04 asking if I received my refund. Ladies and gentlemen if you guessed the answer is no, then you're absolutely correct! They tell me that it's only Day 7, and by Friday if I still haven't received my refund, then to set up a callback time with them. Friday comes and goes. No refund. So I scheduled the callback not realizing they won't call me until 1 to 2 days later. Ok.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>So at this point I've probably already talked to up to 30 customer reps and at least 10 supervisors in the past month and have been through 4 investigations (the 4th is currently happening via Affirm). They are now saying they gave me my refund and that I need to call my bank to verify there isn't a hold or something. I do in fact call them, and you know what they said? There isn't. Visible is good phone company, but when it comes to troubleshooting ANY kind of problem, they are the worst. They have screwed me 6 ways to Sunday. It's unbelievable. And remember when I said earlier that I used Affirm to get the phone? Yeah I'm responsible for the loan on a product I never got. Visible is taking their sweet time giving me my money back as well as cancelling this loan (fingers crossed that Affirm will take care of it due to said investigation).</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>So...please use Amazon/EBAY to get a phone. Or walk into a phone store. Because this could happen to you. They say they'll call you and they say they'll resolve the issue, but they haven't. It's been a little over a month since I purchased said phone. Never again I tell you. It's not worth the headache or the mental abuse they inflict on you via gaslighting. Visible brings out the worst in you. I have never had these kinds of issues with ANY other service provider. Only this one. It's sad, and they need to do better.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>If you've reached the end of this post, you are definitely a champion. I hope this post helps. Stay awesome.&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Update: I had to jump through hoops! Because I opened a dispute with Affirm, Visible wouldn't cancel the loan nor refund the money. So in order for them to do so, I had to drop my dispute with Affirm. After thinking it over, I decided to give them one last chance (which they didn't deserve). After a couple more days (which included me being blamed for opening a dispute), my loan is now officially cancelled. After, almost a month of talking to 20 supervisors and 50 customer service representatives, I can say that it's finally over.&nbsp;It has been a serious nightmare. Moral of the story: DON'T BUY A PHONE FROM VISIBLE!&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> Wed, 19 Jun 2024 23:51:06 GMT jazzy_jayy12 2024-06-19T23:51:06Z Suggestion that may increase the premium package... <P>I think it would be a great selling point for Visible if the premium package included a printable monthly call/txt/data use on the user account.&nbsp; I don't need to call every phone but having my call logs would be a time saver.</P> Thu, 06 Jun 2024 19:15:30 GMT Windbite 2024-06-06T19:15:30Z Dedicated hotspot <P>Yes, I know this is a recurring topic. That is because it makes sense to offer the ability to use a dedicated hotspot such as the Nighthawk M1.&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Like many others I have a need for just a little data in a semi remote location ( an RV in a RV lot) for security cameras and sometimes when I go there to work. Not a lot of speed required, just a little data, for a few background devices.&nbsp;&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>I would appreciate the Visible plan for this, but I cannot see a way to SIM to a dedicated hotspot</P> Thu, 06 Jun 2024 15:43:22 GMT curtgibson 2024-06-06T15:43:22Z make all plan features work and fix accessibility issues! <P>so the unlimited hotspot still doesn't work&nbsp; on more than one device on my best friends account.&nbsp; More over in looking at other companies I decided to<BR />see are other companies as bad as Visible with accessibility?&nbsp; &nbsp;could I successfully and quickly chat with a human?&nbsp; why yes I could.&nbsp; Could I choose my<BR />reason for chatting in?&nbsp; Why yes I could.&nbsp; Can I get a sound to play because&nbsp; &nbsp;being totally blind you aren't going to see the flashy thing that pops up.&nbsp;<BR />Yep see another companies statement on accessibility.&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR /><A href="" target="_blank"></A></P><P>Oh and BTW to turn&nbsp; on the chat sound you simply go into chat settings.&nbsp; it says "play sound off" you just press enter.&nbsp; All messages are automatically<BR />read by a screen reader when both sent and received.&nbsp; And they actually have "accessibility experts and an email to contact them should you find something<BR />they missed.&nbsp; If only Visible had this level of commitment to accessibility for all they would be 10 stars!&nbsp; Note this is being posted after more than<BR />a year of complaining numerous times about Visibles accessibility.&nbsp; When you can't pick the reason you want to chat in its a problem!&nbsp; When you can't independently<BR />upgrade your plan even though you have an iPhone which has the best accessibility for a blind person because it isn't accessible because Visible failed<BR />to follow the WCAG guidelines and make it fully accessible with Voiceover its a problem!!&nbsp; When you can't successfully shop in the app because it is&nbsp; not accessible with Voiceover its a problem!&nbsp; These are major issues!&nbsp; Visible has shown through their actions it is not a priority for them to fix these problems!!!&nbsp; My Visible Patience is very very very very thin!!!!!</P> Mon, 27 May 2024 20:14:33 GMT phoneman2021 2024-05-27T20:14:33Z Inform customers watch number needs cancellation <P class=""><SPAN class="">In general, I’m very happy with my Visible service, but I was never informed that I would need to cancel my Verizon Apple Watch phone number separately. As a result, I have been paying for Apple Watch cellular service for the last nine months.</SPAN></P><P class="">&nbsp;</P><P class=""><SPAN class="">With Verizon, the Apple Watch is assigned a different phone number that is separate from the phone cell number. With visible the phone number is shared between both devices. I am guessing this is Why. My Apple Watch cell number was not automatically canceled when I ported my number.</SPAN></P><P class="">&nbsp;</P><P class=""><SPAN class="">Now I will have to call Verizon and try to get a backdated refund. If I am unsuccessful with that, I will have paid for nine months of Apple Watch cellular service for no good reason.</SPAN></P><P class="">&nbsp;</P><P class=""><SPAN class="">I joined Visible to save money and I feel let down by this lack of information. Please do better with your customer onboarding in the future! Thank you.</SPAN></P> Sat, 25 May 2024 22:52:35 GMT Flanders256 2024-05-25T22:52:35Z Improve your customer service!! <DIV class=""><DIV class=""><DIV class=""><P><SPAN>I used to really like Visible, and what's not to appreciate about straightforward pricing as low as $25 per month. Until I had to deal (multiple times) with customer service. It is all done through text. If you think you have a simple issue, expect it to take at least 2 hours to resolve. Between agents not actually paying attention to what you wrote as the issue (they clearly scan the messages and see key phrases or words and assume), and thus, having to re-write and re-phrase multiple times, plus waiting for replies whilst they, presumably, multi-task with other customers, you'll waste a good chunk of your time and energy. Unfortunately, most cheap phone companies I've compared online w/re to customer service all have the same type of rating - very poor. I guess it's true that you "get what you pay for." I feel like Visible knows they're cheap and uses that to sit back and relax about not losing customers. It's total disrespect, as if us (assumed) "poor people" don't deserve the best. Classic mentality in our capitalistic country. </SPAN><BR /><BR /><SPAN>Also, I recently moved to another large, metropolitan area where I get virtually no service with Visible - like it's one bar, all the time. When I contacted them about this (twice), I received no explanation or apology. Instead, they ran me through all sorts of iPhone settings and blamed my state of the line device. Wow. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV class=""><DIV><P class=""><SPAN class="">This review is looking <STRONG>pretty epic</STRONG>! Nice!</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV> Sun, 17 Mar 2024 00:25:22 GMT LilySauvage 2024-03-17T00:25:22Z Don't blame new customers of theft <P>Visible attempted to ship my phone but it never arrived. FedEx claims it was signed for but neither FedEx or Visible will show me proof of signature. I've been working with Visible since January 30th, 2024 on this issue. I have opened a FedEx claim per Visible but it was denied because I'm not the shipper. Visible just now denied my claim after all this time of working with them almost daily and still have no proof of signature. I have also opened a police report but again Visible is not sharing what they claim is a signature so beware.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Beware!</P> Thu, 15 Feb 2024 20:35:42 GMT User123 2024-02-15T20:35:42Z Phone-to-phone eSIM transfer <P>Feature request</P><P>If anybody from Visible is reading this…why don’t we have the ability to transfer eSIMS from phone to phone? Android and iOS both offer the ability to do this. But Visible as a carrier does not support it. So each time you switch devices you have to request a new eSIM through the Visible app. It would be nice to be able to convert a physical SIM to an eSIM in your cellular settings. I can do this with AT&amp;T. But again Visible does not support that feature.</P> Sun, 28 Jan 2024 04:33:30 GMT jmaz103 2024-01-28T04:33:30Z Add Support for Apartment Addresses (the Ability to Use "Apt" or "Apartment" in the Address) <P>When I try to use either "Apt" or "Apartment" in the address, it automatically changes it to "Unit." I have no way of overriding this word change and making it say "Apt." This causes Fedex to think the address is wrong, and SIM cards are returned to sender. I've tried using both the website and app, using a "Private" window, and so on. I also tried to add my address on Google Maps, which didn't have any effect on Visible.</P> Thu, 25 Jan 2024 04:24:15 GMT odysseyofnoises 2024-01-25T04:24:15Z Set time delay before voicemail <P><U><STRONG>PROBLEM</STRONG></U></P><P>My building uses cellphone for intercom to admit delivery people and other visitors. When my phone rings, it often cuts to voicemail before I can get to the phone to admit delivery person. I miss about 75% of deliveries due to this problem.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><U><STRONG>SOLUTION</STRONG></U></P><P>Let customer select time delay before voicemail answers. Many other carriers have this feature.</P> Fri, 08 Dec 2023 19:22:14 GMT fredric100 2023-12-08T19:22:14Z Adding tablet to VISABLE plan <P>I think my tablet should be eligible for the V*I*S*A*B*L*E&nbsp; plan. My tablet is a Verizon Tablet A that I got at the same time I got my new Verizon Cell Phone.</P> Mon, 06 Nov 2023 23:12:48 GMT Barrymbench 2023-11-06T23:12:48Z Add Android watch data plans! <P>I just ordered a Pixel Watch 2 LTE and would really like a data plan for the watch. When will you be adding support for Android watches? I don't want to have to find another carrier. I really like Visible.</P> Fri, 06 Oct 2023 23:40:02 GMT nchill4x4 2023-10-06T23:40:02Z