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Postpaid as foreigner



Hello. Is it possible to get a postpaid service with a phone even tho I don't live in Austria? I live about 10 kms to Kittsee so roaming wouldn't be issue as I can go to Austria almost daily, but the main reason is that it's cheaper there if I take a phone, so is it possible even tho I have nothing in Austria?

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Hello @darvasstefan 👋,  you can only order a contract with a cell phone or a SIM-only tariff with an Austrian address.

There is still the possibility to take a prepaid card from us
(https://www.magenta.at/handytarife/wertkarte). You can then only use the free units in Austria. Use outside of Austria is not possible, as this requires a domestic connection to Austria.
Unless you have a long-term employment contract.
Please take a look at our FAQ - https://www.magenta.at/faq/entry/~magenta-klax~mobile-klax~roaming/~Voraussetzung_Nutzung_EU~master
and to the point: Nachweis des dauerhaften Inlandsbezug

The best way to get advice is to call 0676 2000 or visit a Magenta Shop (https://www.magenta.at/shopfinder/). Best regards Karo

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