Põhisisu juurde

Esiletoodud uudised


Esiletoodud uudised (161)

Tulemused 1 kuni 10
A dose of Imvanex vaccine by Danish vaccine developer Bavarian Nordic used to protect against Monkeypox virus
  • News article

Today, close to 100,000 mpox vaccine doses will arrive in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), making these the first delivery of the vaccine to the country. A second delivery amounting to around 100,000 vaccines is expected to arrive in the coming days.

  • 1 min lugemist
The "#Tartu2024" sign stands on the town hall square of the university city.
  • Artikkel

Tutvuge ELi algatusega, millega tunnustatakse Euroopa kultuuride rikkust ja mitmekesisust, kuulutades igal aastal välja Euroopa kultuuripealinnad.

  • 1 min lugemist