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Public procurement and non-EU participation

Guidance providing practical advice to public buyers in EU countries on how to deal with bidders from outside the EU.

Guidance on non-EU participation in the EU procurement market

The guidance aims to promote the principle that not only price, but also high European standards are taken into account in public procurement procedures. This will help public buyers ensure that all bidders, regardless of their origin, are treated equally and play by the same rules.

The guidance also helps public buyers in EU countries to identify which non-EU bidders have secured access to the EU procurement market. The guidance should raise awareness among contracting authorities of the different instruments in the EU public procurement toolbox. This includes measures that may be taken in case of abnormally low-priced offers, as well as measures to ensure that non-EU bidders respect the same quality as EU bidders in areas such as security, labour and environmental standards.


  • 18 NOVEMBER 2019
Guidance on the participation of third country bidders and goods in the EU procurement market